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Eminem – We Made You Lyrics 13 years ago
I think it's mostly to do with celebrity culture. 'We made you' refers to the fans, the people who generate hype and support their favourite idols. We live in a hypercommercialised pop society where fame is near equivalent to worship. This is how Eminem is being seen "you're the one they adore" and "who can really blame you? We're the ones who made you". He's almost mocking the situation, trvialising his blasé behaviour and almost arrogant demeanour by saying that his fans - the ones who worship him - made him into this. After all, who can blame celebrities for their raucous behaviour when we celebrate it as often as we condemn it?

Tunng – Bullets Lyrics 14 years ago
I believe the song is about accepting a difficult situation and facing it head on. Not running away. 'Catching bullets in your teeth' is a very difficult - impossible, in fact - thing to accomplish, but the very fact they 'taste so sweet' indicates that there is some joy to be found in overcoming the impossible. The entire song is very surreal so most of what is said is metaphorical and hyperbolic; but look past that. It's all about uncertainty and taking that little step forward to face the music. The whole spin on religion is basically saying that looking for an 'easy way out' (asking God for help and praying) will not help you; the secret you sought so hard to find has been lost again. Angels cover your eyelids. The world is dark again. The point of the song as said before is to soldier on through the hard times and embrace them rather than look for an easy alternative.

The Killers – When You Were Young Lyrics 14 years ago
I actually have a more cynical view to this song. Rather than a boy 'saving' a girl through love or redemption or whatever, the girl is instead a bit of a compulsive self-sabotager; manipulating people and their feelings, whether she means to or not.

"Waiting on some beautiful boy
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness"

It's like she's waiting for the next victim. The next pawn in her little game, but she wants out. She doesn't want to keep breaking up with these lovers and actually try to find something special in them. She takes their forgiveness and throws it asunder, quickly returning to her promiscuous or unfaithful behaviour.
"Watch it now, here he comes" reinforces this; she's like a predator on the prowl for her next victim, ready to pounce.

"Can we climb this mountain? I don't know
Higher now than ever before" simply relates to her asking herself if she can overcome this behaviour, if he can actually help to change her.

The reference to a hurricane from "when you were young" simply means, in my eyes, from the time she started to behave this way and send herself on a downward spiral of misusing the trust of those who gave love to her. The constant reference to "when you were young" is a time of innocense, when you're a child or young teenager and dream of having the perfect life / house / job / lover someday, as opposed to now when you are who are you and you see the world for the darker place that it really is - full of vice and smoke and mirrors.

"They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet
You don't have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while" This is simply referring to the fact that playing the fast lane lifestyle of "doing what you want, when you want" may not be all it's cracked up to be; such people still suffer. It also shows the narrator's(?) temptation. You don't have to go nuts, but it's 'okay' to indulge once in a while. Perhaps flirt, perhaps tell a white lie. Which can spiral out of control -> leading back to the hurricane idea.

The reference to "not looking a thing like Jesus" suggests that it will only end the same as it always does anyway. The boy looks like the gentleman she imagined, but in the end, will still end up with a broken heart, because only the boy who does look like 'Jesus' will be able to remove the Devil's temptation and make her no longer self destructive. This is all metaphorically speaking of course; i read no religious context into this, nor am i religious myself.

A long-winded explanation, but that's how i view the song. I love it too. It's also my favourite song to play on Guitar Hero 3.

Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated Lyrics 14 years ago
Sounds almost like a song based around insomnia or being hyperactive. Or just plain boredom and restlessness.

Awesome song. The Ramones kick the shit out of most bands out there today!!

Christmas Songs – Carol of the Bells Lyrics 14 years ago
If you continue to remain neutral and passive, people will not see that as an invitation to speak to you and try to get you to open up. They see it as disinterest and will simply overlook you. Neutrality is the bitch that breeds contempt, as they say. Try to be more expressive, rather than frustrated. Instead of expecting them to know, simply let them know.

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