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Amie Miriello – I Came Around Lyrics 13 years ago
I think this song is about regret for one's personal shortcomings, which have been largely overcome. The song takes responsibility for the shortcomings, that were the reason that the individual who is the audience overlooked that person, but things have changed, and even though it's too late, the record is being set straight: I came around.

There is a tremendous need to recognize how much pain there is in coping with reality, but the romantic aspect is that if it were possible to go back, that would be the desire. The song opens with the most emphatic wish to go back and do things differently, and I think that the target for these regretful feelings is learning just how much he/she meant, as though they have no idea that a thought was ever given, through the years…it's a plea to the importance of the relationship, and the desire to simply seek recognition for that.

Great songwriting and singing. Amie's style is unique, and her songs make me want to understand them.

Evanescence – My Immortal Lyrics 13 years ago
Wow, Rebel, that's it exactly. A hole in your life…a hole in your heart. Well said. Thank you.

Dido – White Flag Lyrics 13 years ago
This song is about coping with abandonment. It is a courageous account of someone who was discarded, but not with a distinct act of termination. There is unfinished business between the two of them, but because so much time has passed, it is an admission that it's over…but it's not. The love is still there, but it's unreturned. To admit this takes bravery, and probably proclaiming all of this is therapeutic, because it seems as though the writer has finally arrived at the reality that the unreturned love isn't ever going to be returned. However, the door is not closed completely, but the writer is not willing to reveal the truth outside of this song–that she will be in love forever.

I think that it's also a testament to the damage that one individual can do to another by way of neglect. Perhaps the unreturned love was deemed by the abandoner as a means to avoid a painful breakup, but the real pain is in not really knowing what happened, or why. That pain will haunt the writer forever, because the investment was made and thoughtfully placed in what was believed to be a haven, but that trust was betrayed. Neglect is a stealth betrayal.

Sarah McLachlan – Do What You Have To Do Lyrics 13 years ago
Agreed. There is a depth that only emerges with a careful listen.

Sarah McLachlan – Do What You Have To Do Lyrics 13 years ago
I agree....there is a grieving that is taking place. The loss could be death, or perhaps not, but it's certain either way.

Sarah McLachlan – Do What You Have To Do Lyrics 13 years ago
I have read several comments and respect them. I think this song is about lost love, and the vulnerability of admitting to the loved one that there has been a betrayal of neglect, which hurts so much, because it is foreign to the essence of pure love. Sarah is singing about the travails of recognizing that the loved one has neglected and harmed the subject, and doesn't seem to care. However, it's important for the subject to communicate the depth of the damage. The subject is ambushed by the neglect, and doesn't know how to cope with it, yet feels it's important to convey the pain. Moving on is not ideal, but also a recognition that the love interest of the subject has already done so, but failed to consider the feelings or damage of the subject, by neglecting to share.

This is a very sad song, brilliantly written and sung to express the heartbreak that is the theme.

The Pretenders – I'll Stand By You Lyrics 13 years ago
I will add that if you are able to come to the aid of another this way, to demonstrate your integrity as it is spoken in the lyrics, you will bring your relationship to a new level, BUT you'd better be genuine in doing so! It would be unsavory and betraying to speak it, without upholding it in truth.

This song has touched me deeply, for it resonates within me.

The Pretenders – I'll Stand By You Lyrics 13 years ago
Very true, Fireangel. Once you identify yourself as the person who is either singing or sung to, it takes on an incredible meaning that is meant to be shared between the two. It's amazing how a song can be that meaningful, that telling unto the collective soul of two.

The Pretenders – I'll Stand By You Lyrics 13 years ago
This song is simply the most beautiful means of conveying unconditional love to another human. It's so beautifully written and sung…Chrissie's voice is the appeal to a hurting soul. It's unselfish, it's inviting, and it's believable! I have a friend with whom I shared this song in time of need…because it was an honest offering and it's an eloquent message that cannot be spoken or written to comprehend the depth of sentiment extended. If someone offers this song to you to convey how heartfelt their invitation is to protect their wellbeing, you have a true friend, indeed. I find it to be a song that takes me places, and hearing it softens my heart to the needs of another.

I think the best part about how the message is conveyed in the song is that it's genderless…it's not dependent upon a contextual relationship, but instead can unify two humans of any background, history, or context, to display the rarest and most wonderful human emotion, which is unconditional love.

The Beatles – Let It Be Lyrics 14 years ago
This song strikes me every time I hear it. I lost my mother on a crystal clear sky illuminated by a full moon. And when it's full, every month I think of her, and "And when the night is cloudy, there is a light that shines on me, shine until tomorrow, let it be…" I miss her so, but in my hour of darkness, she is standing right in front of me. This is an incredibly powerful song…the writing is simply amazing. Paul McCartney wrote it…inspired by the loss of his mother to cancer (that's what took my momma). I thank God for this beautiful song, for the ability to visit my mother with it.

Indigo Girls – Last Tears Lyrics 14 years ago
Interesting how one side of love can find its way to hopelessness, even though not forgetting how they got there. I like how this is written, because it is honest to the scenario of love unreturned. My favorite verse is below. It's difficult to get here, because it's only in the realization that the relationship couldn't be saved.

I'm gonna dip into your memory
and take a good stiff drink
And when I'm drunk on the last drop of sadness about how we went wrong
I'm gonna play this song

Sarah McLachlan – Loving You Is Easy Lyrics 14 years ago
I believe this song is about loving someone who is familiar, who is a friend, and not originally seen with romance, but rather a pure love. The love is easy because it is not labored, and not even completely realized until it's quite obvious. It's sung with reflection on the past where there was pain and lack of true love, and this love eclipses all else, all previously apparent love.

As pure love, it's not specifically dependent upon anything, but the recall of a smile is the question that begs to be answered!

Sarah continues to entertain with a wonderful blend of songwriting, music and singing. She does so well at writing with enough ambiguity to allow the audience into the song for interpretation.

Sarah McLachlan – Loving You Is Easy Lyrics 14 years ago
I believe this song is about loving someone who is familiar, who is a friend, and not originally seen with romance, but rather a pure love. The love is easy because it is not labored, and not even completely realized until it's quite obvious. It's sung with reflection on the past where there was pain and lack of true love, and this love eclipses all else, all previously apparent love.

As pure love, it's not specifically dependent upon anything, but the recall of a smile is the question that begs to be answered!

Sarah continues to entertain with a wonderful blend of songwriting, music and singing. She does so well at writing with enough ambiguity to allow the audience into the song for interpretation.

Sarah McLachlan – Adia Lyrics 14 years ago
Here's my interpretation....

Adia is about a man and a woman (Adia) who were long childhood friends, and as they entered their adult lives, they became separated and lost touch. After many years, they encountered one another, and even though they had developed separate lives, they were able to learn things about one another that they couldn't see when they were younger. Once they made those discoveries, they realized that they meant so much to each other, yet they weren't able to find a meaningful way to convey that cherished state into their current situations, so there was a falling out, in lieu of a disruption to their current lives. There were hurt feelings and even though it was the purest form of love, it wasn't seen the same way by both, and Adia pulled away, feeling that the situation wasn't morally right. However, Adia's friend saw it differently, but he couldn't find a way to have it fit Adia's purpose in life, and she abandoned him.

Adia and her friend opened up to one another after many years about their feelings, and even though they were both trying to respect each other’s feelings and convictions, Adia felt compromised. No matter how Adia’s friend tried to help her reconcile this, he eventually was scorned, and she dismissed his desire to seek a way for them to be involved in some manner, even though their conversations had crossed some lines on occasion. Those instances left her feeling that there was no way to make it right on earth, so she abandoned him, and left him in a state of grief and sadness, because he felt tremendous value in finding a way to righteously thrive in any kind of means that they could, if they could only accept together that what was past, was past, and to look to a present and future that could allow the simplest warmth in their hearts.

Surfacing is a serious album. I listen to it when I'm in a reflective state, and while it's not a particularly comforting collection, I find it to be a tremendous collection of meaningful music. I also firmly believe that Sarah likes to write with enough ambiguity to allow anyone to find meaning in her work. This could be one of her greatest assets, besides having an incredible voice and musical gift.

Elvis Costello – Lipstick Vogue Lyrics 14 years ago
It's you, not just another mouth in the lipstick vogue = you, (with sarcasm) who participate like others who find it fashionable to grow tired of and take for granted one who was thought to be cherished.

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