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Tool – H. Lyrics 14 years ago
Maynard was definitely a sick mofo back in the day....but I dunno if I agree that I think he was thinking about beating his 1 year old son so much that he made a song about it....just my opinion, (He has a son named Devo H. Keenan (born 1995), Aenima released in 1996)

August Burns Red – Composure Lyrics 14 years ago
Well this is the beauty of music at its finest......honestly everyone takes a song differently as music is all about perception, sometimes in life you will listen to a song at a certain age and love it because you think it means one thing, and then later on in life you listen to it again and think you yourself were horribly wrong the first time you heard it and now you think it means something else altogether, still love it, maybe even more than the first time, and thats what makes music awesome, the fact that perspective is the key, when you can relate to the music, and attribute it to a part of your life, thats what makes you truly love a song more than others and makes it stand out in your mind...
some people say its about hating emo's and they like that about it because maybe they themselves hate emo's....maybe you're right, and if thats what makes you like the song thats fine....
Tool is one of the best bands for this because the lead singer RARELY tells the world what made him write most of his songs and leaves everything open to perspective and he openly admits this because thats what he believes to be what makes music truly beautiful....
August Burns Red is a band who likes to put positive messages in their music....thats why they make music and they have said so I do highly doubt they are bashing ANYONE, "emos", "cutters" whatever, IMO if anything they are trying to HELP those people, but in no way bash them....

Anyways just wanted to say regards to the song meaning and my interpretation....personally I agree with some of the people here about how it has to do with drug addiction specifically maybe one of the writer's friends maybe on the brink of another relapse....this is why...

"Shake it off. Pick yourself up, they say" - "They" is probably referring to the same "They" in "They've always been there to brace your fall", which would be the people who care about you, they always tells you things like "Shake it off" or "Pick yourself up" or "Its not that bad", "It could be worse" cliches to make you feel better. Or of course it could be religion as well.

"Your life fell apart in your hands, and you've got the scars to prove it. It's not the first time, and they're getting deeper." - You're destroying yourself with your own hands (imo he is referring to drug addiction specifically here and if I were to get more specific I'd guess heroin considering you use your hands to shoot yourself up and the needle leaves "scars" or "trackmarks"), of course it could all be metaphorical for anything like emotional scars (which most drugs cause too) - "Its not the first time, and they're getting deeper", - I think is referring to the fact that most severe cases of drug addiction include many, many relapses, so its not the first time they're trying to get clean and the scars never fade and every time you relapse they get worse and worse and deeper and deeper.

"Pull it together. Button up your shirt. Roll down those sleeves. Don't let them see how you've coped" - I think this is the "they", the people close to you, telling you to not give up, dont fall apart like "quicksand", do whatever it takes to stay strong and upright, button up your shirt look clean cut, roll down those sleeves, cover the scars, no one needs to know unless you want them to.

"More and more your demeanor looks like quicksand" - IMO this is talking about falling apart, if your demeanor (the way you present yourself to others) looks like quicksand, it means you look like you're slowly falling apart, since quicksand doesnt move very fast its a gradual falling apart, but falling apart nonetheless.

"It seems like your giving up on everything you worked for. It's pulling you under. It's gripping around your throat" - Maybe the person had a lot of time clean off drugs and for an addict clean time is a LOT of work so they have to work hard for it, and now the quicksand (urges to do the drug) is breaking them down and pulling them under, choking them, its becoming unbearable, the person feels like they are going to die (choke) without it, they need it no matter what.

"Life can be overwhelming, but don't turn your back on the strongest crutch you've ever. They have always been there to brace your fall. Wave goodbye to the past. You've got your whole life to lead. It's time to gain some ground." - Life can be hard, but no matter what you have people (and religion) here who want to help you, if you want help, and don't turn your back on them. They have and always will be there to take some of the slack and alleviate some of life's constant pressures. Leave that life behind, come with us, you've got your whole life ahead of you...and you have some work to do to gain some ground on the time lost.

Sorry know it was long, but I'm a very detailed person, and like I said whatever you think the song is about, is good and right in its own way, so long as it makes you feel good

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