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Anathallo – John J. Audubon Lyrics 13 years ago

he was an artist, did anyone say that yet?

Sufjan Stevens – Impossible Soul Lyrics 13 years ago
hey thats cool, your the only other person i know who looks at this song as multiple songs. i mean: he could have just as wehl made like 4 new songs, but he chose to make one big song, and its effing sweet!

Sufjan Stevens – Impossible Soul Lyrics 13 years ago
i don't know about the recordding, but St. Vincent sings with him live, though i'm sure there are other artist as well.

Sufjan Stevens – Come On! Feel the Illinoise! (Part 1: The World's Columbian Exposition; Part 2: Carl Sandburg Visits Me in a Dream) Lyrics 13 years ago
you should probably save that for the immpossible soul page, but still- i'm pretty sure there is no direct conection, not even referancing. Sufjan is just Sufjan-y and it carries through all of his music.

also, i think Sufjan is the stupid man in the window. but i could be wrong. i haven't read the comments on that song yet, but unless i am mistaken, the song is about a man wanting a women (an allagory i think?) and so i think he would be the stupid man in the windo, wanting this women or something.. .

Sufjan Stevens – Come On! Feel the Illinoise! (Part 1: The World's Columbian Exposition; Part 2: Carl Sandburg Visits Me in a Dream) Lyrics 13 years ago
cool conection

Sufjan Stevens – Come On! Feel the Illinoise! (Part 1: The World's Columbian Exposition; Part 2: Carl Sandburg Visits Me in a Dream) Lyrics 13 years ago
don't be a tool; let people say what they will. your being hipocrtical just in posting that demand.

Sufjan Stevens – Come On! Feel the Illinoise! (Part 1: The World's Columbian Exposition; Part 2: Carl Sandburg Visits Me in a Dream) Lyrics 13 years ago
thit is the stupidest post i have yet read on this song.

so, what your saying is you base your appreciation of music and artists on their religious bias? on your religious bias? that's childish, and unfair.
though it is odd that you should feel unjust in "making an exception for Sufjan" you should like it because it is good; becasue you like it! the religious aspect is a very important part of it, and it never degrades any of his music. also, i don't think you realize the spiritual complexities of Sufjan Stevens; he isn't just some dumb preachers brat, he has a lot to say: so much of his thoughts to share. there is not very much blatent "religion" thoughout his music, mostly spirituality. this does not depreciate his music, rather, it adds to it. and you are very foolish to be so unreakistic and superficial.

Sufjan Stevens – From the Mouth of Gabriel Lyrics 13 years ago
it's actually "don't be SO sure of what..."
the "so" would be key here.
thanks for posting these, by the way, it's really very nice!

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