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Sufjan Stevens – The Seer's Tower Lyrics 13 years ago
Some of the comments here are already good; I'll try to summarize the best ones and add my own.

Obviously the song is about Revelation. Great find about the author being known as the "seer", which further clinches it. The title is clearly a play on "The Sears Tower", the most well-known landmark in "illinoise".

In the tower above the earth
There is a view that reaches far
Where we see the universe
I see the fire, I see the end

The tower above the earth is probably heaven, where this vision comes of Revelation from. Seeing the fire & the end is obviously the apocalyptic vision of Revelation.

Seven miles above the earth
There is Emmanuel of mothers
With his sword, with his robe
He comes dividing man from brothers

Clearly references the many points in the bible that say that Christ came to divide, not to unite. I'm not sure if "mothers" might mean the churches, which are often referred to as women in the bible, with its parishioners being the children.

In the tower above the earth, we built it for Emmanuel
In the powers of the earth, we wait until it RESURRECTS
In the tower above the earth, we built it for Emmanuel
Oh, my mother, she betrayed us, but my father loved and bathed us

They were building up God's kingdom for Christ's return. There will be a "new earth" in the end. There could be so many levels to the last line:
-His personal mom betrayed them, but father took care of them
-"Mother" earth & its material promises were all a lie, but Yahweh/God rescued him
-The churches were filled with wickedness and led many astray, but he knows to listen to God instead

Still I go to the deepest grave
Where I go to sleep alone

I take this as him still being haunted by his terrible past, which is referenced in much of his music.

Sufjan Stevens – Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois Lyrics 13 years ago
I will give this a crack as I think people are dancing around the subject. To understand this, you have to combine his full "occult" background with his current Christianity, and of course relating these two states to the wondrous event of the song. I posted on "Vesuvius" and "I Want to be Well" to go into much greater detail on these other topics.

It's a beautiful song, but it has a bit of creepy tone, not a sound of true excitement. Given his upbringing, he was brought up in the belief that he was of alien lineage, something taught to illuminati children (sadistic worshipers of Lucifer).

When the revenant came down
We couldn't imagine what it was

The "revenant" is not a description of Christ, as its of an evil nature. Some posters are correct in saying that "the second coming" is not Christian-specific. The end times have been prophesied about from the Old Testament and heavily in Revelation, but it has been copied by many other religions, including Islam (reversing the roles of the characters to make the antichrist out to be the Messiah).

The illuminati believe in the (re)incarnation of Lucifer to lead the New World Order, while Christians believe this will be the coming antichrist. Some illuminati also belief in space travel, and experience it possibly through demon possession, unless their experiences can be believed as real. Some believe that the illuminati will bring this creature from another universe, but Christians believe he will really come from the earth, according to Revelation.

In the spirit of three stars
The alien thing that took its form

the antichrist or Lucifer-incarnate makes his presence known

Then to Lebanon, oh God
The flashing at night, the sirens grow and grow
Oh, history involved itself

..prophecies come true

Mysterious shade that took its form
Or what it was, incarnation, three stars
Delivering signs and dusting from their eyes

Like the holy trinity of the Bible, the Luciferians believe in the coming of an "unholy trinity". According to Revelation, this antichrist will perform wondrous miracles and bring world peace and essentially unite the world, and the world will (incorrectly) look to him as the Messiah.

The amazing end times scenarios predicted in Revelation and the Old Testament have been playing out just as prophesied. Take a closer look and try to ignore the line you are being fed by today's media.

Sufjan Stevens – Bad Communication Lyrics 13 years ago
"The oneness someone" doesnt sound right. How about "Though I'm missing(?) one of, wish you'd notice me.."

Sufjan Stevens – I Want to Be Well Lyrics 13 years ago

I think Sufjan's world is upside-down from what the ordinary world considers "reality". He realizes this and can't give away too much without being labeled "insane", so he keeps people guessing with his lyrics just enough to mask his reality (which is a much "truer" reality).

You must separate his "Christianity" to some extent from his actual religious upbringing to investigate this and to understand what he is likely suffering from as a result of this. His reality is not like "normal Christians" but of an "occultist-turned-Christian". I've written about this under "Vesuvius", but you can take pretty much any song, like John Wayne Gacy, and figure out what he's talking about it if you understand this perspective.

People that have left the occult often suffer from what is labeled as "schizophrenia" and "multiple personality" disorders, but its very much related to demon possession. Google "Cisco Wheeler", "ritual abuse", "Svali speaks", etc for some better perspective on what is going on outside of the comfort of what we think is "normal".

I believe Sufjan understands the spiritual world far more than "normal Christians" (myself included), because he has experienced and participated in "true" evil, which is why he is also racked with guilt, and no doubt suffering or recalls suffering at the hands of actual demons.

I wont try too hard to interpret this song as its not a favorite of mine, but I'll put the first things that come to mind from this perspective:

To think that I would die this time
Isolated in the room where the bed rises
Photographic ordinary people are everywhere
Extraordinary histories, ordinary histories, ordinary histories

If Sufjan is/was illuminati, then this stanza is pretty straightforward. The very young are sadistically (sexually through sodomy, shock, isolation/depravation and other forms) abused and tortured while adults sometimes stand around laughing to create a feeling of loneliness and to push the child to seek help from a demon, thus bringing on demon possession and fracturing their minds into multiple personalities & dissociation.

They are taught that this is all "normal" and that people act one way in the day, but that the real "normal" is at night, when all this sadistic stuff occurs. On many occasions, they will bring the child to a state of death and resuscitate them. One of the things they teach is photographic memory, where you will be required to remember everything or be tortured, until you can quickly do so.

To figure that it was my fault
Or so I've come to realize life is not about
Love with someone (ordinary people are everywhere)
Extraordinary people are, ordinary people are, ordinary people are

These children are forced to commit heinous acts (under severe penalty of resistance) and then blamed for it. They become trapped in their own minds and unable to escape once they are "programmed". The entire family will also suffer from these same symptoms as they are all going through the same things throughout many generations.

Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn
Illness is watching, waiting its turn

This is part of the sadistic training. They will constantly set you up for failure & then abuse you until you are completely under their mind control. This happens their entire lifetimes and never ends.

Did I go at it wrong?
Did I go intentionally to destroy me?
I'm suffering in noise I'm suffering in (touching ordinary body)
The burning from within the burning from with (ordinary hysteria)
I could not be at rest, I could not be at peace (extraordinary hysteria)

So do yourself a good, or do yourself a death from ordinary causes
Or do yourself a favor, or do yourself a death from ordinary causes

Kind of straightforward here. The only thing that stands out is that I'm "intentionally destroying me". Illuminati program you to kill yourself (if you know someone with MPD/DID, you might understand how this works), rather than attempt to escape. Ordinary people have the luxury of dying from ordinary causes.

Illness likes to prey upon the lonely, prey upon the lonely
Wave goodbye, oh, I would rather be, but I would rather be fine
I want to be well, I want to be well
I want to be well, I want to be well

Again, pretty clear. This demon-possession occurs because its your last refuge and you are completely along and vulnerable. He is now rejecting this relationship and wants to get well.

And I forgive you even
As you choke me that way
With the pill or demon

These children are made to feel love for their trainers, who are usually their parents. Also, the trauma and training encourages homosexual relations, but this is not the song to discuss that issue. Pills and demons are the biggest tools of these trainers, along with sodomy. They are highly sophisticated in their use of drugs to bring about the proper "programming".

And the shrouded shalom
Under conversation
In tremendous weight of
A crowd of ages outside
Dressed for murder

These secret societies have secret greetings (shrouded "shalom") that mask a much darker reality. The crowd of ages refers to this being the cult that goes to the beginning of recorded history: the "mysteries of Babylon" spoken of in Revelation. Sacrificial murder is a core part of their worship... Baal, druids/stonehenge, aztecs, and today's Illuminati.

Apparitions gone awry
They surround me, all sides
But from within I see an unholy change

Visions from demons, demon possession, etc. His body is now filled with this evil.

I could do without the swearing, but its probably not Christians he is trying to reach. It's an unfortunate distraction, and something he could have expressed in other ways.

These secrets were foretold in Revelation. Search the Bible (and Biblical interpretations) for the truth and take a closer look at the evil present in today's world. Challenge your own thinking.

Sufjan Stevens – Vesuvius Lyrics 13 years ago
While I'm at it and talking to myself, let me throw out that the final chorus is missing from the song lyrics and I'm not sure I can make it out, but this is what it sounds like:

"It's in your fingers
It's in your fingers
It's in your fingers"

could mean the "choice is yours" or "salvation is up to you"?

Sufjan Stevens – Vesuvius Lyrics 13 years ago
one last supporting bit. The song is done in a haunting, robotic, measured tone.. to me that suggests a state of mind control or of this continuous call from an unhealthy source.. either the devil or a suggestion of illuminati mind control.

That changes at the very end of the song... either panic sets in or it means a new voice is talking.

Sufjan Stevens – Vesuvius Lyrics 13 years ago
one more on "symbols of light". Baal was the original false religion and it has passed down to many religions of today, though in different forms, several of which are related to Christianity (sneaky, huh?). These people that knew both Yahweh and Lucifer CHOSE to ignore Yahweh and worship Lucifer instead, as represented by the sun & moon. Yahweh was more than a bit upset. Most ancient religions (that have since morphed) have some rudimentary history of this and of the triune God.

Sufjan Stevens – Vesuvius Lyrics 13 years ago
As a Christian and someone that is "too aware" of the illuminati (relatives), this album concerns me and I pray for Sufjan. He is one of my favorite artists, but I see illuminati signs in his music now (the pyramids on screen during this song in his concerts, the "eye" tshirts, and his relationship with Arcade Fire) like so many other artists today, and they almost all sing about the apocolypse, which Sufjan has admitted about this album and song.

Here is my darker interpretation so far (I hope I'm wrong); only can get bits & pieces, but maybe we can start here..

Vesuvius - I'm guessing Lucifer, the "God" of freemasonry / Illuminati / Baal / gnostics. We Christians believe he is Satan, but others consider him "God" (primarily in secret). Lucifer was a fallen angel according to Christianity, and was gifted in song. Old "fables" of being able to sell your soul to the devil for success as a musician goes back a ways. Artists today openly display their illuminati ties (Beyonce, JayZ, Arcade Fire, Madonna, Britney Spears, Xtina Aguilera, etc) and seem to be singing A LOT about the illuminati, apocalypse and the coming of the antichrist.

Fire of fire - to me the volcano is evil as it destroys. "Fire of fire" is depicted as a red triangle in the occult (also, Aries in astrology) and represents swift violence, as expected during the arrival of the antichrist. Keep in mind Sufjan's occult upbringing.

I dont know why this would be all he has or why he would rather be burned in death (eternal death), but it seems he is tempted to follow the tempting/murderous ghost and give himself over to Lucifer. Perhaps he owes the debt of his success to selling his soul somehow?

The symbols of light also remind me of Lucifer ("light bearer"). The triangle, all-seeing-eye on the back of the US dollar is his most recognized symbol.

I think the song goes "and the weapons of WAR". Earth, like Fire, is another of the key pagan elements, though I dont know what he is inferring here.

The tragic oath to me are the pledges being made to Lucifer (generally through illuminati & freemasonry). Basically, you are kind of tricked into selling your soul. It's tragic because with all the money & power the illuminati possess, they are able to create an elegant scheme to harvest souls for Lucifer.

I think it's "Oracle I've found them at last, but they were the feast of a permanent blast". He's seen the dead bodies of those who sold their souls? Also, one of the big illuminati traditions is the "Feast of the Beast", the antithesis of the Lord's Supper, but supposedly is attended by Lucifer incarnate.

Sufjan following the path to imminent death, I'm guessing, is the call to hell from the ghost.

Folllowing your heart and following the flame seems to me about giving into the carnal desires, and that is what the devil is asking.

Or fall on the floor.. that makes me think of the antichrist again. Supposedly he will come with power and miracles and we will be required to worship him or be killed (think fundamental Islam gone global).

Sufjan cannot ignore the call of this murdering ghost.

I also think he is ending the song with "FALL ON ME NOW".. not "Follow me now". Lucifer (or if you interpret this to be God) wouldnt be doing any following. A part of him is hoping for death to escape this inner conflict.

The real answers to these mysteries lie in Revelation. Satan has marvelously flipped this book around to be used by every occult, including Islam, to usher in the coming of the antichrist as a positive thing. But the signs of the end times are clear, as recognized by all religions (false offshoots of the true religion of Yahweh & Yashua/Jesus). Its interesting pop culture is suddenly consumed with this. Pray for Sufjan..

Brand New – Me vs. Maradona vs. Elvis Lyrics 13 years ago
I think most of these are pretty close, but I sense a little twist that I dont see here.

First off, it is obvious that "fall for every empty word I say" sets the tone of the song, up til the ending chorus. He is whispering sweet nothings to us as if he were smooth talking his victim. We get his softest, melodic voice and it puts us in a trance and thinking this is such a great guy, without us ever really paying attention to what is going on. You could listen to this song a half dozen times and come away thinking "that Jesse is such a nice guy". Then after about the 10th listen, you actually pay attention, and realize this guy is a complete jerk (too late!)... not unlike the bar scene.

So rather than sing to us his sweet nothings, he replaces it with his real thoughts and "justifications". I think the "justifications" part is where I differ from most others here. I dont know that we are getting a real perspective on the woman, but possibly we are getting his justification of doing this to her, since we are inside his head at this point.

The title "Me vs Maradona vs Elvis".. disagree with those saying its him claiming to be as big as them. He is just choosing recognizable figures to compare to. Both were abusers that gave into their addictions (sex, drugs, & alcohol). I dont think the fame part is necessarily relevant, unless your perspective is that he sees himself as the industry's victim (I could see that way as well).

"With one or two I get used to the room". That is easy. Anyone that doesnt feel comfortable with the scene or is burdened by guilt or self-image needs to get their buzz going first (I can relate to that one and this scene, having "played" it many times). Takes the edge off and removes conscience from the picture.

"We go slow when we first make our moves". Set the trap; dont want to come across as a jerk or floozy.

"Out of cash and IOUs". I still havent seen a take on this that makes complete sense. But if you take the Elvis and Maradona examples, these guys crashed hard and maybe the guy here has used up his credibility and money and is now this pathetic creature, no doubt adding to his desperate feelings.

"I got desperate desires and unadmirable plans". He knows that he is just looking to score (feed that addiction temporarily).

"A sober straight face gets you out of your clothes
And they're scared, that we know
All the crimes they'll commit
Who they'll kiss before they get home"
OK, this is where the music industry could be a nice fit as well. The sober straight face could be that he knew what he was getting into (its not beer goggles), and it could also be the "real" face of the music industry. Suddenly we are talking about the crimes "they" commit (as opposed to "you" in the previous line), which would fit the industry better. In the context of hooking up, it could be the girls not wanting to appear as sluts and it could be the guys taking advantage of them.

"I almost feel sorry for what I'm gonna do". I'm surprised that people think this represents a guilty conscience. I think its the opposite. He knows this is going to end badly before he begins. It is all about coldness and cunning from here. Anyone who follows the rest of the song would have sympathy for the broken girl, but he says he "almost" does (aka, he doesnt). He has no remorse, but feels just a bit uneasy about that, because others would.

"And your hair smells of smoke
Who will cast the first stone?
You can sin or spend the night all alone"
There are no angels here. You went out looking for trouble and you got it. He's justifying his actions. You think any of these other barflies will call him out either? He knows your options are to cling to rescue for one night from loneliness or to wallow in it. He is aware of your pathetic options and is preying on it.

"Brass buttons on your coat hold the cold
In the shape of a heart that they cut out of stone"
- used & abused past

"You're using all your looks that you've thrown from the start
If you let me have my way I swear I'll tear you apart"
- about to be used & abused again (along with some justification)

"'cause it's all you can be, you're a drunk, and you're scared
It's ladies night, all the girls drink for free"
- he sees her as this pathetic creature, prey to his game

"I will lie awake
And lie for fun and fake the way I hold you
Let you fall for every empty word I say"
- he's kind of laughing at her patheticness, while admiring his own cunning a bit. He no longer needs to bother with the sweet talk. Time to wrap it up and move onto the next..

Brand New – The Archers Bows Have Broken Lyrics 14 years ago
i was about to post this, liz.. the first time I heard this song, the phrases about not beating people over the head with your religion stood out the most.. so at first blush I was thinking its about hypocritical Christians or Christians trying so hard to get their message across, that they sacrifice their cole Christian values in the process. But I am pretty sure it’s about the devil trying to convince him that he is a hypocrite using these worldly themes.

After reading through 6 pages of posts, I was suprised not to see anyone else with the devil angle, but on the last recent post by liz, I see it posted.

The title of the album also mentions the devil "raging inside". That is how I took this song after a few listens, and I came here to see if others agreed.

In the Bible several characters are tempted clearly and directly by the devil, while many other references are to the internal struggle for your soul against sin and the devil.

The devil of course used a lot of trickery to tempt Christ with. The devil will make you ashamed of the things you've done and make you question the good things you are trying to accomplish. The devil will tell you that you're no longer good enough to lead others, or maybe you are so talented that you are better than everyone and don’t need religion.
Who do you carry that torch for, my young man?
Do you believe in anything?
Or do you carry it around just to burn things down?

The opening refrain reads to me like the temptation of Christ; maybe the devil inside is asking him why is he is carrying the torch for Christianity. Maybe Christianity is destructive, maybe it caused Bush to attack Iraq to borrow that phrase from here. “My young man” kind of puts him in his place as someone that needs to learn from my wisdom, while at the same time is an enticing, friendly voice of reason.

Meet me tonight on the turnpike my darling,
where we believe in everything.
If we sweat all these debts then we're sure to drown,
so let's strap ourselves up to this engine now
with our God who we found laying under the back seat.

The first stanza is: join me; stop worrying; take the easy road (turnpike), not the difficult, narrow path of Christianity. The luring overtones of the devil (join me my darling). Quit fighting these sins (don’t sweat all the debts) you enjoy so much, just strap yourself to the engine (just enjoy life!). Here’s a new religion for ya (the god in the back seat is not necessarily even a religion, but maybe something like money that takes his existing religion away)! We don’t need to believe in Christianity, whatever we want (where we believe in everything), goes!

What did you learn tonight?
while shouting so loud, you barely joyous, broken thing.
You are a voice that never sings, is what i say.
You are freezing over hell
You are bringing on that end you do so well

and you can only blame yourself, is what is say.The second refrain is the devil rebuking him for being preachy about Christianity and making him question himself. Why not use your beautiful voice to trumpet these popular causes and have a lot more fun in the process? I (the devil) think you’re wasting your talent.

Oh, order your daughters to ignore me
think that will sort me?
and sweep me under the rug?
while you're beating with a book
everyone that book tells you to love.

The second stanza, even when I heard it even the first time, I thought it was the devil taunting him. It reminded me immediately of the Stones “Sympathy for the Devil”. You must be an idiot if you think telling your daughters to ignore the temptations of the devil can possibly hold me back.

The devil points out “well isn’t the Bible about love?” It’s the biggest argument used against Christianity today and he’s forced to wrestle with the question. The devil makes him question himself using the Bible as a weapon (“you think that can stop me? well how do you answer THIS”).. consistent with the temptation of Christ and using the Bible against Christ.

There is an ember in the heart of this kiln
and it's burning hot with love.
Burning out my center till there's nothing but dust
then rolling me with care into your cigarette
cause the God i believe in never worked on a campaign trail.

I have a hard time following the last stanza as others have. Maybe he’s found his own voice as a response, instead of the voice of his devil above. It could go either way I suppose.

If it’s the devil’s perspective, maybe the devil is saying that he is the one that loves, not God. The kiln could represent the embodiment of fire and still refer to the devil. Stop trying to grind me into dust, there is a speck of (worldly) love in here. You’re only going to ingest me once again (as a cigarette or other form of my vices), because you don’t need this kind of religion anyways.

If he’s found his own voice, maybe he’s describing recognition of the devil. There is a Christian love still left inside of me. Then he accuses the devil re-packaging that love and using it against him, soothingly and with care, because God wouldn’t be trying to convince him like this (like a salesman or politician does).

Finally, in the muted chorus, it has to be “fear of the silver tongue”. Silver sun doesn’t even make sense regardless. Again, Christian origins: “the tongue of the righteous is silver”. It’s often used in conjunction with the devil (silver tongued devil), and used to describe politicians and salespeople. These arguments, like the arguments of the devil himself in tempting Christ, have some Christian basis, but are used to undermine the truth.

Brand New – The Archers Bows Have Broken Lyrics 14 years ago
i was about to post this, liz.. the first time I heard this song, the phrases about not beating people over the head with your religion stood out the most.. so at first blush I was thinking its about hypocritical Christians or Christians trying so hard to get their message across, that they sacrifice their cole Christian values in the process. But I am pretty sure it’s about the devil trying to convince him that he is a hypocrite using these worldly themes.
After reading through 6 pages of posts, I was suprised not to see anyone else with the devil angle, but on the last recent post by liz, I see it posted.
The title of the album also mentions the devil "raging inside". That is how I took this song after a few listens, and I came here to see if others agreed.
In the Bible several characters are tempted clearly and directly by the devil, while many other references are to the internal struggle for your soul against sin and the devil.
The devil of course used a lot of trickery to tempt Christ with. The devil will make you ashamed of the things you've done and make you question the good things you are trying to accomplish. The devil will tell you that you're no longer good enough to lead others, or maybe you are so talented that you are better than everyone and don’t need religion.
Who do you carry that torch for, my young man?
Do you believe in anything?
Or do you carry it around just to burn things down?
The opening refrain reads to me like the temptation of Christ; maybe the devil inside is asking him why is he is carrying the torch for Christianity. Maybe Christianity is destructive, maybe it caused Bush to attack Iraq to borrow that phrase from here. “My young man” kind of puts him in his place as someone that needs to learn from my wisdom, while at the same time is an enticing, friendly voice of reason.
Meet me tonight on the turnpike my darling,
where we believe in everything.
If we sweat all these debts then we're sure to drown,
so let's strap ourselves up to this engine now
with our God who we found laying under the back seat.
The first stanza is: join me; stop worrying; take the easy road (turnpike), not the difficult, narrow path of Christianity. The luring overtones of the devil (join me my darling). Quit fighting these sins (don’t sweat all the debts) you enjoy so much, just strap yourself to the engine (just enjoy life!). Here’s a new religion for ya (the god in the back seat is not necessarily even a religion, but maybe something like money that takes his existing religion away)! We don’t need to believe in Christianity, whatever we want (where we believe in everything), goes!
What did you learn tonight?
while shouting so loud, you barely joyous, broken thing.
You are a voice that never sings, is what i say.
You are freezing over hell
You are bringing on that end you do so well
and you can only blame yourself, is what is say.The second refrain is the devil rebuking him for being preachy about Christianity and making him question himself. Why not use your beautiful voice to trumpet these popular causes and have a lot more fun in the process? I (the devil) think you’re wasting your talent.
Oh, order your daughters to ignore me
think that will sort me?
and sweep me under the rug?
while you're beating with a book
everyone that book tells you to love.
The second stanza, even when I heard it even the first time, I thought it was the devil taunting him. It reminded me immediately of the Stones “Sympathy for the Devil”. You must be an idiot if you think telling your daughters to ignore the temptations of the devil can possibly hold me back.
The devil points out “well isn’t the Bible about love?” It’s the biggest argument used against Christianity today and he’s forced to wrestle with the question. The devil makes him question himself using the Bible as a weapon (“you think that can stop me? well how do you answer THIS”).. consistent with the temptation of Christ and using the Bible against Christ.
There is an ember in the heart of this kiln
and it's burning hot with love.
Burning out my center till there's nothing but dust
then rolling me with care into your cigarette
cause the God i believe in never worked on a campaign trail.
I have a hard time following the last stanza as others have. Maybe he’s found his own voice as a response, instead of the voice of his devil above. It could go either way I suppose.
If it’s the devil’s perspective, maybe the devil is saying that he is the one that loves, not God. The kiln could represent the embodiment of fire and still refer to the devil. Stop trying to grind me into dust, there is a speck of (worldly) love in here. You’re only going to ingest me once again (as a cigarette or other form of my vices), because you don’t need this kind of religion anyways.
If he’s found his own voice, maybe he’s describing recognition of the devil. There is a Christian love still left inside of me. Then he accuses the devil re-packaging that love and using it against him, soothingly and with care, because God wouldn’t be trying to convince him like this (like a salesman or politician does).
Finally, in the muted chorus, it has to be “fear of the silver tongue”. Silver sun doesn’t even make sense regardless. Again, Christian origins: “the tongue of the righteous is silver”. It’s often used in conjunction with the devil (silver tongued devil), and used to describe politicians and salespeople. These arguments, like the arguments of the devil himself in tempting Christ, have some Christian basis, but are used to undermine the truth.

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