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The Rolling Stones – Dead Flowers Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm addicted to this song!!!!!! My ex-boyfriend sang it to me. Hi Baby! XOXO

The Rolling Stones – Love Is Strong Lyrics 14 years ago
I understand what you are saying because I was stalked recently. It was creepy in many ways. But, I'll always wish he would have stuck me in a non consensual sex dungeon IN REALITY.

If he is out there o-0 watching me..... Happy V-day, baby. You know I love you in my way.

Joe Jackson – Real Men Lyrics 14 years ago
"fuck hate" is a waay better motto than think peace. some ad person get some bumper stickers made pronto!

this song is kind of sad to me! but, i DO know some real men. they have blown my mind. they DO exist. and they love their women.

i'm okay with loving a not so "real" man and many, many completely real men. it's all goood. :-)

The Queers – Gay Boy Lyrics 14 years ago
no wonder there are no comments on this song CUZ it is MEAANN!!! seriously, FUCK HATE. my kid turned to me the other day (after reading something in the newspaper) and said, "oh i am SO sick of people judging gay people? why can't they get married? i mean being gay is like dwarfism. you can't help it."

so true. and i can't help my gay friend w/his kink. only a boy/man/ or wrestler can!

Louis XIV – Stalker Lyrics 14 years ago
and not merle haggard's "real" sister. if he has one. i am sure she is a very kind person and would never stalk a soul.

adios from fat jesus. or da beatnik jesus. for now.....

Louis XIV – Stalker Lyrics 14 years ago
oooowie. i meant cap'n kangaroo's "twin" and merle haggard's sister. i had to clarify that! no need to drag the real merle and captain into this mess!

thanks alot, gay boys! have a lovely day stalking yer asses off!

Louis XIV – Stalker Lyrics 14 years ago
yeah well this jesus was stalked "cyber-style" by her gay pal whose eyes used to be glued to her in reality. (ahaha! it was highlarious! i kep asking HEY are you tryin to fuck on me?) i guess he led me here to show me what a kooky non-conformist he is (in every sense of the word! he is so DIFFERENT!). he made me "dance" with him on the internet to tell me that he never wanted to dance with me. and why? cuz he is a wild and bizarre sexual deviate. (the rest of us just like our sex boring, pally.) even though i never saw any evidence of this in "reality" - but maybe some people simply like to discuss their sexcapades on the computer... so he and merle haggard and cap'n kangaroo like to go camping with the boy scouts. thanks for bringing me here to tell me.

My idol, Lezlie Chow, what does he say? thanks alot, bitches!

Mindless Self Indulgence – Never Wanted to Dance Lyrics 14 years ago
" A sexual kink that this person can't perform.." and how do you know that? Perhaps because you understand this guy because HE IS GAY and is not coming to terms with this issue. And MIND GAMES? Haha! Men who devour women with their eyes OVER and OVER and OVER again are fucking tiresome. It's HAPPENED to me. Then you CONFRONT them and say, "Let's Go!" and they can't keep up their end of the bargain. (THAT part has ONLY happened to me ONCE. Thankfully. That guy has always mystified me until recently when I found out that in fact, HE IS GAY).

So, SHE is the whore. SHE is the fucking bitch. Always.

I've never played wacked out mind games OR fucked up computer games until my gay friend entered my life! Holy fuck you piss me off.

Grateful Dead – Me & Bobby McGee Lyrics 14 years ago
For Christ's sake his name is not Booby. It is BOBBY.

As much as I love Janis, I love Bobby waaayyyy more. ;-)

Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 14 years ago
This song could be about an epiphany or a "Come to Jesus" moment when we realize that not everyone is created equal. when we see that most of our friends are mostly good and trying their hardest and we see that there are a few who are mostly evil and trying to be evil. some people are into love and music and anything they do in their life with regard to either would never be looked upon as a regret. some people are more into money (the root of all evil) and cruelty to their old friends. who knows if they have regrets.

but you above me? Scatologist? if you are like lots of these techno-geeks you might "babysit" your comment to see if anyone has responded to you. Well, know that you have a friend in Jesus. And Jesus has many musician friends AND Jesus even has a friend at The Center for Democracy and Technology. Beat Jesus is insatiably curious (you knew THAT) and mostly loving, forgiving and kind. Phhheeewwww...

moral of the story is live your long life and don't fuck with the jesus anymore. spread LOVE!!!!!!!!!

Maxïmo Park – Apply Some Pressure Lyrics 14 years ago
sheeyit you above me. take care of yourself. of course you should die a natural death. every life should have it's natural course.

this song reminds me of my old friend who is gay, which is fine, because my motto is FUCK HATE. (i love everybody!) so my gay pal and non- gay beatnik jesus fall in love. way back when. it was difficult for both of them. Beat Jeez went her own way. gay boy couldn't come to terms with his feelings in any positive way. (i mean, wth? in LOVE with a woman? Weeeeird and wrong!) so after much pain for both, his way of "applying pressure" was to invite BJ somewhere and try to hurt her. And OF COURSE BeatJeez went! Why? cuz she loved (and of course loves) her friend! she would have done almost anything for him! So he and his buddies shouted "Let's rough up Beatnik Jesus! Let's play FUCK THE DOWNTRODDEN JESUS GAME!" Which was fine and fun because BJ is resilient, forgiving, loving, happy and dandy. MOST of the time. Every now and then The Jeez gets ticked off and beneath her very calm exterior is a seething cauldron of rage. NOT OFTEN THOUGH. Phew. And luckily the anger isn't directed at anyone in particular. In fact, instead of dealing with an unproductive beast like anger, BJ channels her feelings. She lives by another motto of hers: when life gives you lemons, make lemonaids. Or something. so all she chooses to do is vent a weeee bit on a web site she loves. she does this in order to move forward in a positive manner with her mostly hilarious and festive life. she is grateful for the web site, because she knows she has cyber friends who will read what she writes and that helps her with her teensy bouts of madness. she feels since she was "invited" here, that the least the people who hang here can do is hear her out. The Holy Christ ventured here for your pleasure! She died for your sins. Treat her with the kindness, respect and fairness she deserves!

A few things BJ wants you to remember. don't be evil. learn from your mistakes. don't get down on yourselves for your rotten actions. you have a friend in jesus.

and more. remember that jesus has friends in high places. (jesus has high friends in places, too! ahahah!) jesus is here to forgive. just do BeatJesus a favor. know that you are lucky that you chose to fuck with hippie, beatnik jesus. And that a life or two could be entirely different is she wasn't such a loving and forgiving person. (not a threat. just reality.)

what drew the gay-friend to Beat Jesus is EXACTLY what is giving him his life. And I hope he enjoys it to the fullest.

Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here Lyrics 14 years ago
just had my iphone when i posted that comment above and i have HUGE fingers, so it sucks to type on that winkydinky device. what i wanted to add is that marriage is a choice, eh? it is alot like heaven for most of us. being gay (i've heard) is mostly not a choice. most are "hard-wired" for that. no pun intended :-) the choice there is do u live your life "openly" as a gay man and a gay woman? or do you pose as a heterosexual couple? that part is probably hellish. i don't know. i am not gay and my partner sure as hell ain't either. so i feel sympathy for those who choose to live in some tormented state of keeping their sexual orientation in the dark. but that is a choice. just like posting shit on this web site is a choice. no one is forcing me to do it. no one can make me stop either.
falling in love with someone is not a choice. it happens. maybe it felt like heaven when you were together a lot and started out and then at the end it became hellish. Yknow why? choice again, my friend. ending the love was a choice. falling in love wasn't.
you don't choose to be born. you CAN choose to die. right? and i'd never make that choice.

Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here Lyrics 14 years ago
the deal with this song is that it's about choices. maybe you are married. or not. maybe you are gay or you aren't. your life seemed perfect to you or it didn't. maybe your husband is like Jack Kerouac er however u spellit. kind, loving, sympathetic, cerebral, big drinker and verryyy imperfect. but trying to work on the innerness.... so there's alla that. so then maybe u meet someone and u experience a bonding situation that is beyond your control. it is like physically, emotionally and out of body - ally the two of you fuckin adhered to each other. it is like you kinda became this one being when u were together in reality and u felt elated when u were together. when u had to part it felt like 1/2 of your heart or soul or self was ripped from your "being". it felt like death. I've dealt with that just once in my life. not pleasant but hey. the main part now that's hard to get past is that WE WERE FRIENDS. I get that we can't be together and live happily ever after. I know. but now we can't be friends and I know I'll never feel whlole again because of it. that is the wish u were here part. i'm not normally sentimental much but this friend took a toll on me.

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