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Between the Buried and Me – Desert of Song Lyrics 14 years ago
Never thought of this until today when I was driving home and I had my iPod on shuffle...This song coincidentally came on right after Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel. Has anyone ever considered that this song may be a response to Sound of Silence?? Maybe I'm just reading too much into it because I heard the songs back to back.

Brand New – Jesus Christ Lyrics 14 years ago
I feel that when he says "I know you'll come in the night like a theif" he's actually refering to the second coming of Jesus. Think about it, they always say that the second coming (or the rapture) could come at any moment. I think that is what he means becuase he goes on to say:

"I know you think that I'm someone you can trust (You're wrong)
But I'm scared I'll get scared and I swear I'll try to nail you back up"

refering to putting Jesus back on the cross becuase he is afraid to face the things he has done in life in eternity, or, just like he said earlier in the song he's "...not scared to die" but he's "...a little bit scared of what comes after" so scared in fact that he would be willing to commit such a horrible act as to re-crucify Jesus just to save himself from having to face "what comes after"

Then he asks:

"Do you think that we could work out a sign?
So I'll know it's you and that it's over so I won't even try"

Perhaps pleading for Jesus to give him a heads up so that he will just submit to his fate rather than struggling.

Someone a little more versed in the Bible's depiction of the end times, please correct me if I'm wrong about this next part

"I know you're coming for the people like me"

Refering to Jesus collecting the wicked and throwing them into the lake of fire

"But We've all got wood and nails
And we turn out hate in factories"

I think wood and nails is a metaphore for fear of the uncertainty of the after life, and all of us are uncertain and generally a little scared of what comes next.

The hate in factories line is pretty self explanitory, I think someone else said it already, we as human being have so much hate between us and the factories is a reference as to just how much hate we create

it's some dark twisted shit but the imagery in this song is amazing,

this is just what I see when I listen to it...

Brand New – Jesus Christ Lyrics 14 years ago
That's a fun rendition of the song, but I feel like it loses its haunting feel when they play it in such an up beat way...still amazing though

Brand New – Jesus Christ Lyrics 14 years ago
It's "Wood and Nails" Jesus was nailed to a cross made of wood...

Brand New – Degausser Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm pretty sure he says

"I think this stand off is exactly whay I need"


"I think this staying up is exactly what I need"

Perhaps refering to an argument where neither side is willing to back down...

The Beatles – Dig a Pony Lyrics 14 years ago
Interesting...never thought of it that way

I did hear that John made up most of the words to the verses on the spot when they initially recorded it, just singing what ever came to mind, which would account for the randomness. The chorus was a seperate, unfinished song for Yoko that he patched into the song.

The Beatles – The End Lyrics 14 years ago
"And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make" = You take out what you put in

I can't think of a more appropriate line to end their last real studio album*

This line was meant to be a send off, kind of like Paul knew that this was going to be it...I feel like this was his way of saying, "It's been fun, but it's time to go!"

At the same time it's a look into how much the groups growing differences effected Paul. He loved everything about making music with these guys and he knew that they couldn't keep their differences from ripping them apart any longer. Lots of people blame Paul for the break up because he was the one that officially called it off but I think he was just following through on what they were all feeling at the time...

I don't know that's my opinion on the matter

great song, great album, great band...

*I know Let It Be came after Abbey Road, but Abbey Road was the last album where they all worked together

Death Cab for Cutie – What Sarah Said Lyrics 14 years ago
I got chills just reading your post dude...I never thought of it that way!

Death Cab for Cutie – What Sarah Said Lyrics 14 years ago
The imagery in this song is amazing! He captures the feeling of uncertainty and fear while sitting in a hospital waiting room so well. I still get chills every time I listen to this song.

Brand New – At the Bottom Lyrics 14 years ago
the serving drugs on a silver plate refers to the whay patients in mental facilities take their drugs from little dixie cups on a silver tray, as far as what he means in his metaphore your guess is as good as mine...

Brand New – At the Bottom Lyrics 14 years ago
In the live studio version of this song on the deluxe edition of the cd, I am pretty sure he says something different in the bridge something along the lines of

"I stole a piece of the dam almost every day
Now I'm drowning in the flood I made
Well explain myself to me on the other side
Gonna want some answers when I die"

instead of "I'm slowly bringing you down from the heavenly gates...I'll watch from heaven when I die"

I'm almost 100% postive that's what he says in the bridge in the live studio version, check it out and correct me if I'm wrong

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