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George Jones – He Stopped Loving Her Today Lyrics 14 years ago
^ sums up my grandfather all too well

George Jones – He Stopped Loving Her Today Lyrics 14 years ago
My grandfather married my grandmother; he was 23, she was 17. My nana divorced my papa in 1969. He dated around after but no woman was good enough to replace my nana. My nana dated around, married, divorced etc. Now, its 2009, and my grandpa is still alone. He's been alone 40 years, and he still loves my nana. They both still call each other, see each other at family events, ask about one another. My grandfather told me to listen to this song. He says this is how he feels about my nana. He says won't stop loving her until the day he dies, always have, always will. They both like their lifestyles and won't ever get back together but they are distant soulmates. Its a truly sad song.

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