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Jack Johnson – Angel Lyrics 14 years ago
when i listen to this song it makes me cry straight away, my father plays it to me, were really close, and coincidently my name is Angel. it gets to me everytime, its so beautiful.
Jack Johnson is truely amazing

Damien Rice – Amie Lyrics 14 years ago
i know this is almost completely different to what others have said, and ive not really looked into the name 'Amie' or the story of 'O' but when i first heard this song i thought of a father talking to his daughter. maybe hes been away and hes come back:

'Nothing unusual, nothing's changed
Just a little older that's all
You know when you've found it,
There's something I've learned
'Cause you feel it when they take it away'

he could be saying that nothings changed, im still your father, were just both a little older, and how he misses her and didnt realise hw lucky he was to have her until she was out of his life.
the sitting on the wall reminds me of a child too. its only an idea and its sort of stuck in my head now, i quite like the idea of the father and daughter bond too, its something different to write a song about :)

Damien Rice – Amie Lyrics 14 years ago
i know this is almost completely different to what others have said, and ive not really looked into the name 'Amie' or the story of 'O' but when i first heard this song i thought of a father talking to his daughter. maybe hes been away and hes come back:

'Nothing unusual, nothing's changed
Just a little older that's all
You know when you've found it,
There's something I've learned
'Cause you feel it when they take it away'

he could be saying that nothings changed, im still your father, were just both a little older, and how he misses her and didnt realise hw lucky he was to have her until she was out of his life.
the sitting on the wall reminds me of a child too. its only an idea and its sort of stuck in my head now, i quite like the idea of the father and daughter bond too, its something different to write a song about :)

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