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Pixies – The Holiday Song Lyrics 14 years ago
I just wanted say what I've always thought the song meant (mostly the same as you guys, my only fairly unique opinion is during the "painted her on the sheets" bit).

"Well sit right down my wicked son
And let me tell you a story
About the boy who fell from glory
And how he was a wicked son"

Caught masturbating to his sister/pictures of his sister, and his father starts telling him a story about another boy who was sexually attracted to his sister.

"This ain't no holiday
But it always turns out this way
Here I am with my hand"

I've always seen this from the father's point of view as he's beating the son. But after reading some of the interpretations here, I am not sure. As "But it always turns out this way" does make it sound like it's from the son's PoV, feeling shame as he masturbates to his sister.

"He took his sister from his head"

Now I see this as the father continuing his story, and the story boy has gone past just fantasizing about her in his head. He's taken the incest out of his head and into real life.

"And then painted her on the sheets"

Always thought of this as a really cool way of saying "and then he threw her on to the bed." Sort of like how some artists will throw paint at a canvas to capture emotion.
I always think of a top down view of her laying on the bed whenever I hear this bit.

"and then rolled her up in grass and trees"

More cool imagery, rolling around in the grass I assume.

"And they kissed 'till they were dead"

Someone spots them kissing outside in the grass, and either kills them (angry father/mother/townsfolk) or alerts someone who kills them.

This is my first time posting here, so I'm really sorry if I did anything wrong.

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