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Skinny Puppy – Hexonxonx Lyrics 14 years ago
I've never thought of them as environmentalists as much as anti-corporate and anti-state, and there is a differnce in ideology. Fucking wallmart caters to environmentalists while still destroying communities around the globe in the interest of the GDP.

Skinny Puppy – Tin Omen Lyrics 14 years ago
It's not just about Kent State... it's also about how the working class is exploited by the media so that superficial differences cause them to eat one another, and also that this generation has forgotten about the GI rebellion and how it wasn't just the protesters on campuses ending the war- it was also largely ended by the men and women in the army who refused to fight. There's also the issue of denying agent orange syndrome, and there's a sense of challenging the concept of "the good old days".

Skinny Puppy – Worlock Lyrics 14 years ago
I think it's about the televeision and suveillance culture that pushes the working classes to doing drugs to escape their exploitation. As a result, the people are put into jail and are either re-educated or end up in prison again, or they spend their lives sedated so that they never do anything (noncommitted.... softspoken changes nothing). It's about having a lot of hate for the system but destroying yourself with heroin or other drugs because you feel helpless and unable to change anything.

Skinny Puppy – Fascist Jock Itch Lyrics 14 years ago
I think it's about the jock mentality on a small community scale causing greif for people with different ideas, and on a large scale causing war.

Skinny Puppy – Fascist Jock Itch Lyrics 14 years ago
a rivethead is a fan of industrial music.

The Knife – The Cop Lyrics 14 years ago
It's the knife challenging their audience to examine their views on authoirty, and realizing it's stupid to fear police and stupid to fear a wold without them.

The Knife – The Cop Lyrics 14 years ago
It's the knife challenging their audience to examine their views on authoirty, and realize it's stupid to fear police and stupid to fear a wold without them.

The Knife – We Share Our Mother's Health Lyrics 14 years ago
I think it's more likely about the infantality of humanity and the need for 'growth' rather than abortion.

The Knife – We Share Our Mother's Health Lyrics 14 years ago
"We share our mothers health" is a reference to god-kings and their beleif that hey get their authority from a higher mother that common people are not privvy to. The god-kings make all kinds of promises that they will never keep, and keep the people in fear of judgement, apocalypse and damnation so that they keep blindly consuming things that they don't need and submitting to unnessesaryy authority.

The Knife – We Share Our Mother's Health Lyrics 14 years ago
Its not just about sex. It's also about consumerism and over-consumption and submitting to authority.

The Prodigy – Their Law Lyrics 14 years ago
This is the most intelligent thing I've read on this website.

The Prodigy – Their Law Lyrics 14 years ago
Thank you. People need to know their dance music history and I'm glad someone knew this.

The Prodigy – Smack My Bitch Up Lyrics 14 years ago
Liam totally wrote this song because his fan base began to suck and weren't as political as he was. If you listen to the progression of their albums and know anything about dance culture, you realize that The Prodigy Experience was extremely light-hearted and hopeful about the future. Then anti-raving laws came out in England and the Prodigy came out with Music For The Jilted Generation, which was extremely political, and after this Liam got pissed because their music never got any actual criticism and everyone acted like his shit was made of gold and smelled like flowers. Though it's a decent song, the lyrics are meant to challenge his audience to be an actual organized autonomous collective rather than just blindly worshipping the band.

Ladytron – Seventeen Lyrics 14 years ago
Your post is really ironic because that mentality is exactly what this song is about. Your life isn't over at 21, no matter what MTV tells you. Once you get into the real world you'll realize how marketing has made you afraid to grow up, or you'll just go through life being self concious about your age and acting like an immature child.

NO ONE has settled down by the age of 21.

Eploitation isn't 'fun'.

Ladytron – Seventeen Lyrics 14 years ago
In England, where Ladytron was formed, 17 is age of legality. But otherwise yeah, it's about the fetishization of youth.

Ladytron – Seventeen Lyrics 14 years ago
In England, where Ladytron was formed, 17 is age of legality. But otherwise yeah, it's about the fetishization of youth.

The Knife – Silent Shout Lyrics 14 years ago
It's about opening the pineal gland in the brain, probably with the use of DMT. The whole music video makes sense if you read "The Doors of Perception" and "Heaven and Hell" by Aldous Huxley.

The person never thought he would experience gnosis, and knows that there isn't much time to tell others how to evolve; there are still people who will die before he can tell them.

The second verse is a classic DMT hullucination, also the experience of having an Aleister Crowley-like experience with one's Holey Gaurdian Angel. Many people report strange creatures that communicate with the tripping person- the person beleives he or she is repeating the concepts of the enlightened being, but can only ramble incoherantly while receiving divine knowledge.

The dream is the result of his frustration for being unable to communicate to unenlightened the true nature of humanity and its next step in evolution.

I think the last verse is realizing that his lover will leave him for materialism and comfort if he tells her what he has learned.

Fever Ray – When I Grow Up Lyrics 14 years ago
I think she is an enlightened child who relizes that all things are nature, including humans and all of the things that we've made. She encounters the dark part of her ego in the picture. She is calling out to be united with the gnostic Sophia, but expects she will be swallowed up in death to re-experience a new piece of the gnostic god's shattered psyche before she reaches oneness with Sophia, because the conventions of her family or her environment hold her back.

Fever Ray – Dry and Dusty Lyrics 14 years ago
Kurt Vonnegut once described the human being as a process that starts as a baby and adds on sections, or capsules, growing like a centepede outside of space and time, until you get old and die, and each moment we experince is a "capsule" in this time-larvae.

When you view the human being as this process you begin to wonder if you ever had any control over the action you took in your life in the first place.

Fever Ray – If I Had a Heart Lyrics 14 years ago
This song, and especially music video, is about the childishness of people who are dependant on the concept of 'leadership'. It's about ignoring how the day-to-day of buisiness as usual negatively impacts people, and feeling unable to say anything about it, but hoping that by the morning a solution will have presented itself. It's about filling the void of freedom and equality with consumerism. The idea is that the average person is satiated by having and getting "stuff", and therefore nothing radical will change.

The Knife – Pass This On Lyrics 14 years ago
I think the idea is that the cross dresser represents temptation to do things outside of societal norms, and though the brother is evolved enough to cross over and dance with her, his family can't accept the change in his behavior.

It's sort of about community direct-action. When the football player sees the beauty in the drag queen, and shows everyone that community solidarity is the way, most of the other people join in regardless of race or age. The sister unfortunately is envious and refuses to accept change.

The Knife – You Take My Breath Away Lyrics 14 years ago
It's about two collectivists of some kind (anarcho-syndicalists, socialists, communinists, etc) finding each other for their political beleifs (the color red). They bond after having gone through life not understanding why they didn't fit in with the individualist mindset.

The first verse is about a a nervous organizer speaking, and she sounds crazy because she talks to the audience the way she would talk to someone who already knew the basics of her political theory. The second is about being seperated (I think it was the first time on the radio for the woman, not the first time the other woman had heard her)but being encouraged because they were still both involved in activism. Before she found out about collectivism (the equality way) she didn't respect herself and didn't have the confidence to express herself or become close to people.

The Knife – One Hit Lyrics 14 years ago
The story is told from the point of view of a capitalist (man) abusing the working class (women).

It's the news interviewing a man who was put in prison for beating (possibly killing) his wife. He's defending his actions because his wife doesnn't act the way he thinks she should act, and he describes the process of the abuser convincing the woman that she needs him because she is cut off from her friends and has gotten pregnant.

Then the woman realized how used she has been and that the man has been treating her like shit and exploiting her.

He says at the end that he would gladly do any of the work he made her do for the right price, and he implies that he will kill or intimidate anyone who questions his authority.

The Knife – One Hit Lyrics 14 years ago
It's not 'demonizing men', it's critiquing the effects of a patriarchal society.

The Knife – You Make Me Like Charity Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about how rich people rally against paying higher TAXES while convincing middle class people contribute to CHARITIES that the rich set up so that they look philanthropic. It's about rich people going to Africa so they can 'experience' what's happening, yet somehow never see that their corporate capitalist system is the reason the people are in the dire situation they are in.

I think the only sexual connotation is the one of masturbation (in a metaphorical sense); the first part of the song is watching tragedy all over the world and thinking that "charity" is going to do ANYTHING.

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