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Joni Mitchell – Help Me Lyrics 14 years ago
Great song about falling in love, lusty love, sexy love. From a female prespective.

Fleetwood Mac – Go Your Own Way Lyrics 14 years ago
Indrid: Very good interpretation too. He did love Stevie, but she was too busy trying to shack up with Mac ! Buckingham loved Nicks, Nicks loved Mac, and Mac loved someone else....

Fleetwood Mac – Go Your Own Way Lyrics 14 years ago
Joan of Snark: I agree. Good interpretation !

Fleetwood Mac – Little Lies Lyrics 14 years ago
I could also agree with this persons interpretation of the song. Anyway you see it, this is not about a good relationship but one that has suffered through being taken advantage of, abused, maybe cheated on.

Again, another song about negative bonds from Fleetwood Mac. The song "The Chain", says it all.

Fleetwood Mac – Little Lies Lyrics 14 years ago
If anyone has ever suffered from unrequited love, they would understand the meaning of this song. Sometimes there is no balance in a love relationship. Someone leaves to be with someone new, leaving behind a broken heart.

The broken hearted's greatest desire is to hear the sweet little lie, "I love you,"
coming from the others lips.

Without that sweet little lie, he/she is forever in limbo, loving someone who does not, will not, and cannot love them back.

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.

Fleetwood Mac – The Chain Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about sick immature love, yet love nontheless. It's about playing games such as acting hard to get, cheating, lies, making them jealous, abuse, hurting your love in the name of low self-esteem, This is about dirty love, toxic love, tainted love, poisonous. Not a good and honest wholesome love.

It's about a negative/bad relationship that you just cannot end no matter how hard you want to, because "your chained together." Maybe the sex is good ? Maybe one person controls the other economically or they are married and have children.

It's about hell on earth.

Fleetwood Mac – The Chain Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about negative relationships/bonds that are difficult if not impossible to break.

Blue October – Hate Me Lyrics 14 years ago
It's his MOTHER, not a girlfriend.

Blue October – Hate Me Lyrics 14 years ago
He is telling his mother, who is and has suffered at the mercy of her son's addiction to let go. He sees what his addiction has done to this woman who has sacrificed so much for her grown son, who is also still her baby boy.

He's begging her to not love him anymore because his mother's love is giving him such horrible guilt. He hates what his disease is doing to his mom.

Ian Gomm – Hold On Lyrics 14 years ago
When you're looking for love outside your present relationship/marriage, it might be wise to ask yourself if what you have isn't really better than what you don't have. Is the grass really greener ? Is this new person or other person, really the right one ?

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