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Our Lady Peace – Superman's Dead Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is about how the internet, particularly sites like Youtube, mitigates achievement. The first verse is line-for-line describing how people seek acceptance and recognition through appearance, but an ordinary appearance just isn't good enough today. Internet (media) has promoted insecurity, and so we now turn to faking it. "Superman" is every one of us, used to having an effect on people but now "dead" since there is always someone on the internet doing it better or more effectively. Our 'superpowers,' be it playing Dragonforce pretty well on expert or selling a pretty affordable local product, have been undercut by the internet. If we have local superpowers, are they still real or just superficial ("in my head")? Either way we laugh it off and concern ourselves with mundane details like the weather; after all, you can't compete on the internet unless you're the world's best of the best.

The second verse addresses the internet directly, instead of the user. "Faith" in the internet, in "love" with the internet, so who can we "hate"/blame for its drawbacks? Maybe its us, we laugh and discuss the weather but "ordinary's just not good enough today."

I agree with the previous interpretations for the outro: the subway is the fast moving, one-way path of technological development, anonymity and collective obscurity. I thought this was very profound for 1996.

There is no right/wrong song interpretation, folks.

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