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A Perfect Circle – Let's Have A War Lyrics 14 years ago
I think he is being blantantly sarcastic. Hes saying yeah lets have a war that'll solve all our problems. Logically (but heartlessly carried out) a war would decrease the population and increase revenue for us, but like I said who would want to just go kill other people....The government is a freaking joke and most if not all politicians are in it for the money not to accurately represent the people who have funded and voted for them every step of the way. A lot of tool and APC songs are about this very fact. So maynard you are awesome

Megadeth – Foreclosure Of A Dream Lyrics 14 years ago
Oh and did the sun and the wind and earth and everything we know now come into existence? It just happened? please try to explain your theory.

Megadeth – Foreclosure Of A Dream Lyrics 14 years ago
Actually there is a God. And you are included in his plan. So get to know him and you'll find the true wonder of life. How are santa clause and God related anyways? There is a book that has been passed on since the beginning of time telling stories of Jesus and God, yet there hasnt been a book telling santa's stories for that long...

Megadeth – Foreclosure Of A Dream Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't think you can say when he was or wasnt a christian. Only he can answer to that. Even if he wasnt, what else could "the answer's in the sky" mean? When we think of heaven we think of it being in the sky. What else is in the sky? Birds, planes, Superman? Nope those dont make sense (well superman kind of). But anyways take it how you want, thats what interpreting the song is about. Relating it to your life.

Megadeth – Foreclosure Of A Dream Lyrics 14 years ago
agreed! Mustaine is a fkn beast on guitar. One of my favorites. If only metallica and him would have gotten along, they could have been something great

Megadeth – Foreclosure Of A Dream Lyrics 14 years ago
yeah...since wikipedia is a credible source...

Tool – H. Lyrics 14 years ago
I may be mistaken, but I thought heroine was created in a lab, not strewn throughout the earth in the beginning of time. The forbidden fruit may be a metaphor, but it definately doesn't relate to heroine.

I do, however, agree with you about the "snake" being the serpent from Genesis in the bible. The serpent is the devil who tempts us into doing things that are wrong.

Tool – Right in Two Lyrics 14 years ago
They may all pray to the same God, but they all have different interpretations on what the verses mean to them. I guess they twist them so they'll fit into their religion better? I dont know much about islamic culture and religion

Tool – Right in Two Lyrics 14 years ago
what I believe is that he gives us the CHOICE to do what is right or wrong. He gives us a brain, to use and to think about what is right, and you know when you've done something wrong and how shitty you feel...but humans fight over everything! we're greedy bastards! but thats the beauty of God, if you choose the right thing he will reward you with a prosperous life on earth and in heaven.

Tool – Jambi Lyrics 14 years ago
I didnt read all comments so sorry if i reiterate someone....but as all tool songs go, there's no telling what its about unless it comes straight from maynards lips, he writes his lyrics so that people will actually research them and come up with a meaning for themselves and what it means to them, but for the sake of this site I will try to come up with something about what he might have been thinking. Here is my interpretation:

Here from a kings mountain view,
Here from a wild dream come true,
Feast like a sultan, I do, on
Treasures and flesh, never few

I think this section is focusing on his life, how great it is. He feels like a king or sultan, from a wild dream. He feasts on only the best food and gets only the best treasures. His life is good.

But I would wish it all away if I thought I�d lose you just one day.

This line directs the focus of everything else that follows on his mother. Hence the cd's name 10000 days (which is 30 years). Maynards mother was diagnosed with cancer and it was 30 years from that day until she passed.

The Devil and his had me down.
In love with the dark side I�d found.
Dabbling all the way down.
Up to my neck, soon to drown.

The devil took him for himself. He loved doing what felt good, not what was right. He dabbled in evil all the way down to his lowest moment in life. If he went another step further he would be past the point of no return from the devil's grasp.

But you changed that all for me.
Lifted me up. Turned me round.

Either the day his mother passed away led him towards God or she influenced him to become a better person and to lead a life that she saw fit for him.

SO I would wish this all away�

Prayed like a martyr dusk to dawn.
Begged like a hooker all night long.
tempted the devil with my song.
And Got what I wanted all along.

During the time when his mom was diagnosed, he prayed and begged God to help her out, to heal her. But in order for God to help, maynard needed to try and live up to His standards. Maybe he feels responsible for his moms death.

But I would wish it all away�
no prize that could hold sway or justify my giving away my center so
If I could I�d wish it all away if I thought tomorrow would take you away.
You, my piece of mind, my all, my center, just trying to hold on one more day.

If he would have known what would happen in the end, he would have given it all away just to have his mom back.

Damn my eyes if they should compromise the fulcrum.
(if) wants and needs divide me then I might as well be gone.

His eyes let him see what he would like to do, things that caused him to be in a mess before. They have compromised his relationship with God and his mom. He needs his mom, but he wants to do these bad things. They are causing him to lead a life that he didnt intend to fulfill so he might as well have never been born if he can never do the right thing.

Shine on forever. Shine on, benevolent sun.
Shine down upon the broken . Shine until the two become one.
Shine on forever. Shine on, benevolent sun.
Shine down upon the severed . Shine until the two become one.
Divided, I�ll wither away. Divided I�ll wither away.
Shine down upon the many. Light our way, benevolent sun.

Maybe this is something he imagined his mother saying to him. Live a life that is good enough for himself. Let the good in him shine through until his good side takes over his bad side.

Breathe in union. Breathe in union. Breathe in union. Breathe in union.
Breathe in union so as one survive another day and season.

A battle inside of him between good and evil.

Silence, legion. save your poison. Silence, legion. Stay out of my way.

What he tells the devil, to stay out his way and out of his life.

I could see this being a powerful dream that he had. And like i said, no one will ever know what its about until maynard reveals it.

System of a Down – Toxicity Lyrics 14 years ago
I totally agree with everything you say, although I think I have a meaning for

More wood for their fires, loud neighbors,
Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck,

The government is collecting more and more money from us each year through tax dollars and other bull crap things we have to pay them for. This is fueling the (already) enormous fire (which is their power and control over the american people). Reveries means daydreams or the condition of being lost in thought. I think people think that everything is OK in their lives because the government covers up every bad thing they do. No one wants to hear the truth, what chaos the gov't has created with our money, so they daydream or they act like nothing is wrong and almost shocked to hear that something bad has happened, kind of like a deer in the headlights look?

I love SOAD because of their strong songs AGAINST the filth what is now the government and therefore believe that a lot of their songs has to do with that.

System of a Down – Attack Lyrics 14 years ago
well i didnt realize that this post was made in 07...

System of a Down – Attack Lyrics 14 years ago
Im sorry, but didnt they bring war upon us? Destroying our buldings and tons of american lives? What would you do if someone came into your house and killed your family? Sit and watch and do nothing? Yes afghanastan is being little pricks about their oil, but thats not worth a war. We have our own supply of oil if it gets to the point of war. Everyone gives GW a hard time. You should really be focusing your time and effort on the obama adminstration and what kind of damage they are putting our country into. Obama has quadrupled our country's debt in the first year that hes been in office. And yes, we had debt when bush was in office, but we had a plan that wasnt socialist and it was manageable enough to pay off. Now, every person owes him 40,000 a year until the debt has gone down. And we all have to pay for the poor people's heathcare PLUS our own? what kind of BS is that?

System of a Down – Attack Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this song is talking about how messed up the government is, and that WE as AMERICANS should attack and send a message to the government. We breathe each others lives holding this in mind that if we fall we all fall. I think this means that we ultimately control the outcome of other's lives. We can either all stand up and fight for what we know is right or just sit back and watch the US crumble. The government are machines, not doing what is right for the people but what is right for themselves. They have stolen our euphoria (a feeling of happiness) and turned us into nothing. The government is taking away our freedom while we are being turned into muted dreams. He is waiting until the day that americans attack all the years of propoganda that the government has done behind our backs. It is a battle cry for us to realize what is happening to us and for us to take a stand and attack them long and hard until they come to their senses

Tool – Right in Two Lyrics 15 years ago
Before reading this, know that every comment on here is based upon opinion. Unless MJK actually got on here and explained what goes on in his mind none of us is right.
Angels on the sideline - Angels are sent here on earth to be our protectors and do help us along the path of righteousness. They sit there watching over us until they are called upon to do God's bidding. This is what they are thinking: They are puzzled because "Father" (God) gave his children ("humans") the right to choose what to do. They are amused because they are wondering what we will do with this newly given right. They humans dont actually know what to do with it yet because they just have recieved it. I think this is also referring to the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve were made, and, therefore, humanity was created. God makes no mistakes so He has given them all they could ever want. But despite that fact, the greed in all of us comes out when we don't choose to do the right thing (what is correct in God's eyes). He now blesses humans with reason. He gives them the power to decide what to do, making us above every other living thing placed on this earth. The angels are baffled and confused because they are reaching this rediculous idea of fighting and killing each other over peices of land (because of greed). The angels are still confused at the fact that when God gives humans working hands, they create weapons to cause pain and suffering to other humans over stupid things.

Now from a more deeper and meaninful experience, Maynard obviously wants us to dig deeper into his lyris and find more meaning to his songs. I will attempt to make a stab at it, and probably fail miserably...

God places things here on earth for our pleasure and to pass the time until he welcomes us into the gates of heaven. Now, part of the deal is that we have to accept him as our creator, and as our father, and spread his teachings and wisdom with the world. These material things that he gives us wasn't meant to make us jealous and want us to fight over them, but to use them as intended: live with what you have to have and give up what you don't need for God. (if you're looking for that in the bible, peter is a good example) But we can't take these things into heaven, the greatest place, an intangeable object to our minds (unless we reach 46 & 2 of course!). We have to learn to live with each other and not fight over things that matter but rather, embrace one another with love and respect because we all have something in common. We are all striving to make it into heaven and it can be easier to do that in unity with one another rather than fighting all the time over things that have no true value. Peace throughout the world is the greatest goal for the human race, and until every single person living on earth right now agrees and follows that, we will always have fighting and war.

Damn what a long post sorry about that I just had to get that out of my system. Hope someone agrees with me, if you don't, argue in a civilized manner and I'll respect you. Otherwise, dont say anything because all you"ll be doing is making yourself look like an idiot.

Tool – Right in Two Lyrics 15 years ago
* Jihad by the sword (jihad bis saif) refers to qital fi sabilillah (armed fighting in the way of God, or holy war), the most common usage by Salafi Muslims and offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Only one includes violence, and that inclusion does not mean "killing Infidels", it means killing in the way of god.

I think that "armed fighting in the way of God" is meant to be taken as to gather knowledge in the faith and use it to defend God not by killing others but to change non-believers hearts and to defend against evil while here on earth. By gaining knowledge about these things you not only get deeper into God but deeper in your faith. At least, as a Christian thats what i take that as. I think that extremists turn this around in their favor to kill innocent people.

Tool – The Pot Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is great! Agreed, but I beg you to look past the most literal translation of the name "The Pot" and come up with an original guess as to what it means? If you really think its related to Half Baked (which was very fun watching it 100% baked) then you are missing out on the beauty of MJK's mind and how he writes his lyrics...

Tool – The Pot Lyrics 15 years ago
The line "rob the grave to snow the cradle then burn the evidence down" has just completely got my mind all tangled up with several thousand meanings...research has led me down many paths none of which i can completely agree with...anyone have any more suggestions as to what this means?

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