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Double Dagger – No Allies Lyrics 9 years ago
Given DD's background as designers I'm pretty sure this song is similar to their other lyrics in terms of their disdain for misguided authority figures within their firm or a client's. It seems that someone was given their role by a relative, and was persistently asking for revisions or ideas that reflected current design trends (or rather, pop-culture trends that the subject of this song mistook for 'good design'). Looking at the chorus, it seems the subject is within their firm – perhaps an AE or AM – because "don't need you on our side" reflects the buddy-buddy façade many sales-types exude towards creatives while trying to appease a client. No, you're not my ally. You're trying to get the client to sign off on mediocre work so you can make your cut. No allies "bro," but sure I'll drink your beer at the client event, and accept a lap dance from the company-sponsored strippers. Ah advertising. :)

Merry – Japanese Modernist Lyrics 14 years ago
Merry is associated with the Angura-Kei movement. One of the primary focuses of the movement is on what it means to be post-war Japanese. As such, angura-kei artists tend to have a bit of nationalism/isolationism as well as a bit of Anti-Americanism (as the events of WWII and Japanese reconstruction by the American government caused irreversible changes to Japanese culture as a whole).
I personally believe that the use of atomic weapons was a bad move on our part, and have a great deal of sympathy for any civilization that is forced to reinvent itself under wartime/invasive pretenses. However it should be made clear that this song (as well as those of many other angura artists) is Anti-American in sentiment and is essentially a call to arms for the "Japanese Modernist."
Now, this doesn't mean that Japan is gonna bomb us back at any point (after all, angura means "underground"), but just remember that 60 years doesn't clean the slate.

Merry – Japanese Modernist Lyrics 14 years ago
Japanese Modernist
Go Mad
Japanese Modernist

Why is only that country strong?(3x)*
Why only that country?**

That day I flew above the rubble and debris
an eternally indestructible hedonist
I'll switch on and fly today too
Say goodbye to the weak me (bye bye)
Now advance forward, boy!
Now grasp your ambitions, boy!
Steadily fix your eyes forward
Everyone's sky-high, now please go die.

Japanese Modernist
Go Mad
Japanese Modernist

Sea! Sun! The ends of the Earth! That sky!
Can you hear it? (x3)
My voice

Father! Mother! Younger Sister! Younger Brother!
Can you hear it? (x3)
My voice

Sea! Sun! The ends of the Earth! That sky!
Can you hear it? (x3)
My voice

*Note above romanization should read tsuyoi
**In uncensored/live versions this line is replaced with "Naze Amerika dake?" meaning "Why only America?"

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.