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Celtic Thunder – She Lyrics 15 years ago
I am Sybil. I talk to myself on this web site.

Anyway, I am sorry. I was mad. I know you are not gay. I think I went off the deep end and turned into a bitch. I was just venting. I don't know who reads any of this stuff anyway, but I have just been a real bitch lately and I feel awful about it.

I just wanted to say, that I know you are not gay. Thanks for listening.

P.S. Readers of this stuff..... I am sorry this has nothing to do with this "SHE" song.

Celtic Thunder – She Lyrics 15 years ago
Wow. I just read this over. First of all, "break-up" is a strong word for two friends who cared a great deal for each other. But, they were never "together" so it really can't be called a "break-up".

The thing that bothers me the most is how you kept after me for so long. Torturing and taunting me when I was honest in telling you that I had some "feelings" for you. I never knew what the hell I was doing. I always just wish we could have had a conversation about it in order to put our feelings to rest- and then move on.

So, I am not sure what I meant by "opportunities", aside from having a conversation regarding our past feelings.

When I said there are many men who care about me, I am right. There are. I haven't cared about any of them in a "feelings" kind of way and that is the way it should be. I have many friends who care about me. I neglected to mention my MAIN MAN, because I have left him out of this. I have ONE man, who totally adores me, flaws and all. He knows about my feelings for you and he loves me anyway. He realizes life is complicated and none of us are perfect.

Lily Allen – Fuck You Lyrics 15 years ago
I think she is saying "FUCK YOU" to a married man who tortures her for years and then tells her he is gay.

It is SO OKAY to be gay, but there is a lot wrong with purposely being evil.

David Bowie – All the Young Dudes Lyrics 15 years ago
I've heard this is not only an anthem for young gay males, but for old ones......

Celtic Thunder – She Lyrics 15 years ago
OOPS.. Don't know if I am posting a reply or adding a comment, but.... really? Who cares.

He "takes the breakup like a man"...... Well goodie, goodie for him. Does he "take it like a man" in terms of anything else? Maybe snowwhite666 is a big brute of a stud and "Impaler" is the homosexual. Who honestly cares anymore? There is definitely a gay deal happening and I wish you the best of luck. Have another Brokeback Mountain situation in India again or wherever the hell you decide to have it next time. I have no problem with gay people. What I have a problem with is men who are trying to figure it all out and string me along for the ride. You are gay and that is fine. No problem, babe. You'll always be in my heart. You know that well. You have been SOOO awful to me and I deserve better. SO much better. I have been nothing but sweet to you.

Game OVER. SOOOOO TOTALLY OVER. I am so glad that you CAN go on... Because you will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER have the same opportunities again. I have so many men who COMPLETELY adore me and I have NEVER cared about them. All because of YOU. For the last 3 plus years.

YOU LOSE. I am moving on now. Adios. Thanks so much. And yes, I'll take it JUST LIKE A MAN. Or at least, just like you.

Wilco – I'll Fight Lyrics 15 years ago
What I take away from this song is that he would do anything to protect the one he loves. He'll fight, he'll kill, he'll die, all his blood will spring and spill, etc., etc., etc. Maybe it is a deal with the devil. Sherman said, "War is Hell" and isn't love a lot like war? So maybe this soldier is now in "hell" and he loves his "country" enough to lay down his life for it. To me, Tweedy is saying he will protect his love, at any cost. He is saying, "Trust me". As someone up above me said, they only listen to the words they want to, and with this song I am doing the same.

"I'll die alone like Jesus
On a cross
My faith can not be tossed
And my life will not be lost
If my love comes across"

Even if somehow he has "cursed" the one he loves, as someone mentioned here, I believe he will do anything to protect her.

The Rolling Stones – Sympathy for the Devil Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with you above me.... The "Devil" is humanity...... Each of us has devil in us and truthfully? I don't think most of us are THAT bad. If you don't have some mischief and craziness in you, at the end you might realize that your life was not so interesting.

Someone below here said there is no greater devil than man and he goes by many names and faces. I agree and I am so fine with it. We all live through rough/dark/hard times and I think they make us stronger. We learn so much from having experiences with our inner devil.... Our lives can change FOR THE BETTER because of this devil in us!

Bring these experiences ON. I definitely have "Sympathy for the Devil".

AC/DC – Highway To Hell Lyrics 15 years ago
Show me a person who has not struggled with good/evil and wrong/right and I will tell you THEY HAVE NOT LIVED. Aren't we ALL a little bit of the devil and on the Highway to Hell?

If you have not struggled with this, I feel sorry for you..... I feel ALIVE because of the conflict. It makes us all human.

Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven Lyrics 15 years ago
I hope I don't know you.

Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 15 years ago

War – Spill The Wine Lyrics 15 years ago

"She whispered in my ear
something crazy. She said,


Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 15 years ago
First of all, Bob Crawford, you have put a great deal of thought into this. I have only just read your opinion. I would love some time to digest what it is you're saying....

I am easily confused and this is WAY beyond my feeble mind. But, the reason I am replying to you is to let you know that I am up to the challenge. I am going to muster some brain power and will hopefully return with something interesting to say.

I understand "The Lion King". This stuff is intense!

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