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Pavement – Rattled By The Rush Lyrics 10 years ago
I totally agree with your interp, but he is in fact married and did so in 2004!

Pavement – Ann Don't Cry Lyrics 11 years ago
is it hospitable man ? wouldn't that make more sense ?

Pavement – Spit On A Stranger Lyrics 11 years ago
I agree with everything bernlin2000 said, I just have a thought to add. If this song were played to someone, you hear the first stanza and you're being accused of something, like you're this asshole and Malkmus sees that and calls you out on it. But the last stanza is really what matters and what matters is that despite it he will be constant and appreciate all the parts, assholes included. It's like, a level of forgiveness amongst the cynicism I can really dig.

Drake – Doing It Wrong Lyrics 11 years ago
Man, I tear up every time at these lyrics for fear I'm doing the same thing as him but I'm just unaware of it. And the honesty, you got it spot on, it's heart breaking bc it's the truth and what no one wants to hear but needs to hear.

Artic Monkeys – Only One Who Knows Lyrics 11 years ago
the romance of this song, the sorrow, there's something so nostalgic that gets me every time I listen, I'd say one of the best from arctic monkeys

The XX – Islands Lyrics 11 years ago
I dig your interpretation, it's simple and exactly what I thought too until I read these messy comments

Father John Misty – Nancy From Now On Lyrics 12 years ago
I didn't know he had anything about before fleet foxes, so I'm with you on the album and I'm totally digging the new sound !

Father John Misty – Nancy From Now On Lyrics 12 years ago
dude, no fucking way! I just got into Father John Misty and I thought they had a lot of Fleet Foxes influence in their sound, so that's rad that there's an actual reason.

Radiohead – House of Cards Lyrics 12 years ago
am I the only one that thinks the house of card is simply the fragile state of the situation and not an actual house or person?

Animal Collective – Did You See the Words Lyrics 12 years ago
I never had the slightest idea what Animal Collective meant in any of their lyrics, but I love them and I love the song. So beautiful and gives me such a nostalgic memory and smile.

Foals – Spanish Sahara Lyrics 12 years ago
Yeah, I hate people that take every song and say it's about drugs or fucking. Spanish Sahara is so tender, so deep, so cold. Like you wote: haunting. And seeing something like an animal, holding such a symbolism of innocence I could imagine being very upsetting and disturbing. Transfers through really well.

Foals – Spanish Sahara Lyrics 12 years ago
I'm sure people have already commented, but I first heard this song in an episode of Misfits during a love scene between Simon and Alisha. I feel like Misfits always finds a song to capture a moment absolutely perfectly and this specific track carried through so strongly to me. Really beautiful, very nostaligic.

Built to Spill – Car Lyrics 12 years ago
I love the lyrics

I need a car
You need a guide
Who needs a map

It's like, he has the direction but no motivation and she has the motivation but seeks someone with a map to give her the direction to express her motivation. They complete each other.

Deerhunter – Agoraphobia Lyrics 12 years ago
quickly becoming a fan or Deerhunter because of albums like Microcastle, but still having trouble finding what makes this band truly original.

Pavement – Gold Soundz Lyrics 12 years ago
The line that has always stood out to me is:
"Because you're empty and I'm empty
And you can never quarantine the past"

I often find myself in this situation. Being empty to another person doesn't imply that one is emotionally incapable. I take it that this person is an open book with blank pages, like how anyone new is to another. And to "quarantine the past" is to hold judgement against any person for the negative decisions made in his or her history.

I've always liked to travel out of my small town to meet people that have never known me for who I was. Then they could not base me off of past selves, only who I am in this moment.

Modest Mouse – Fire It Up Lyrics 12 years ago
I don't think this is what it's about, but you make some valid points. hahaha, especially with your last statement, very hard to make decisions fersher!

The XX – Islands Lyrics 12 years ago
This song just reminds me of my ex-bf. Like, we grew up in each other's home town and I always wanted him, but he always wanted someone new and exciting. He wanted to find what he was looking for instead of wanting and accepting what was in front of him. Not quite the happy ending, but I mean--life happens.

The Beatles – Fixing a Hole Lyrics 12 years ago
Good take, and you should be flatter that I took the time to read all of that haha
Sometimes I wonder if the Beatles really thought that much into their songs, analyzing it. You strike me as someone who'd be interested in reading "A Hard Days Write." And I appreciate the wrap up at the end, very nice.

You should write my analysis essays for college haha

The Black Keys – These Days Lyrics 12 years ago
I think you're both spot on. I think the album is about love, but These Days is more of a reflection of himself. It's a nice conclusion to Brothers I think. That in the end it's about us not about the effect others have on us.

Led Zeppelin – Hey Hey What Can I Do Lyrics 13 years ago
She's a hooker, right? The woman's a prostitute. Still a rad song, Led Zeppelin's bombbb!

Led Zeppelin – Over the Hills and Far Away Lyrics 13 years ago
I think the "open road" is like a perspective. He starts speaking to of a women, one that may be the love of his life. (I say he, but I don't mean Page or Plant, he is an whoever. Or hell, maybe he is one of the two, but I don't know enough to be accurate.)
He then lists the things he's done and has been, in example: "Many have I loved - Many times been bitten" and "Many times I've lied - Many times I've listened"

He defines the concept of dreams and goals to himself, but then describes his own: that he lives for his dreams. I think his reference to a pocketful of gold doesn't refer to physical money but an abstract richness.
"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings
I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold. "

He says he's gazed upon the open road, it could be a reference to standing alone, finding his own independence. That he says some men have never experienced this could be seen offensive. Like he's found himself and doesn't need a women to define who he is, but some still haven't.

Lastly, he uses many as in "many". He repeats himself throughout the lyrics of the "many" things he's experienced. "Many is a word that only leaves you guessing" is just restating the mystery behind many. The many things you really ought to know are the things he's seen and done that were, I presume, good--or things he certainly doesn't resent.

Anyways, it's on my top three favorite Led Zeppelin songs. Ten Years Gone coming first, and Going to California following!

Modest Mouse – Gravity Rides Everything Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this songs about the weight of the world on his shoulders. And eventually, inevitably it will fall. Whether it's for the good or bad. But when it does fall, it will be decided and nothing we can do can prevent it's outcome.

Karen O and the Kids – Hideaway Lyrics 14 years ago
I absolutely adore this song. I don't have much an interpretation, I though it's meaning was simply told as a story. It's slow and lovely, my favorite from Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack.

The Beatles – Dig a Pony Lyrics 14 years ago
" 'Dig a Pony was largely composed in the studio and the works make very little sense. At one point it was called 'Con a Lowry' (possibly a reference to a make of organ used in the studio) but John changed it to Dog a Pony, "Because 'I con a Lowry didn't sing's got to be d's and p's, you know." Similarly, the line 'I do a road hog' started as 'I dig a skylight' and then became 'I did a groundhog'. "It had to be rougher," John argued, "I don't care if sky light was prettier." The chorus was taken from a separate song of John's written about Yoko called 'All I Want is You'. The original song listing for the album used this title rather than 'Dig a Pony'. In January 1969 when the song was recorded John explained the secret composition, "I just made up a song to go along". In September 1980, he laconically concluded, "(Just) Another piece of garbage."
- Hard Day's Write Steven Turner.

Though I don't agree with Lennon's views on the song (it's a personal favorite of mine) this is an exact meaning..or whatever you may label it. I'm not sure it explained much of why he wrote it, apparently it's meaningless. I still appreciate an exact explanation though.

Pavement – The Hexx Lyrics 15 years ago
War I think. It's about war.

Violent Femmes – Add It Up Lyrics 15 years ago
Incest? Ewey.

Pavement – In the Mouth a Desert Lyrics 15 years ago
I love that they use Ids. Id is a psychological term defining a form of mind. It's more instinctual. Where sex and food is priority over everything. Id is what you want not need. Thus the chorus I think. I take this song is about his loss of trust in whatever it may be. He wants people to know words that could be potentially offensive.

Pavement – Summer Babe (Winter Version) Lyrics 15 years ago
Couldn't explain it better myself.

Coldplay – Ladder to the Sun Lyrics 15 years ago
I's about him liking a girl obviously. And he put a lot of his sole into it. he really loves her. But he missed his chance and now it's over. At least for her it is. And f she does someday want him back he'll let her. I really love this song mainly because I'm in a place so similar to this, currently.

Death Cab for Cutie – The New Year Lyrics 15 years ago
Really depressing, no matter how happy the tune. He says it's a new year and nothing has changed, no problems are solved, so what if it's a new year? The fact that a new year has come doesn't bring hope and joy with it, just more months. He seems miserable because in the last few lines that the road is not flat, that there is so much between them: that keeps him from seeing her. So this is the New Year, and you're not here with me. Only sounds of colorful sparks and flying corks.

Death Cab for Cutie – Passenger Seat Lyrics 15 years ago
I really love this song, it;s very sweet. And is so..hopeful. I love how they have it at such a simple sort of melancholy tune.

It seems like he's talking to a motherly figure in the beginning. She's driving him home almost as a teenager. By the end, it seems like that was all sort of metaphorical for something. As if he loves her, whatever the relationship may be.

"When you feel embarrassed then I'll be your pride
When you need directions then I'll be the guide
For all time"

Maybe "Do they collide?" also stands for something about that relationship. But I'm thinking it was just a memory or thought that went along with what he was singing. That's a new thought..what if it all is a memory, and the last lyrics is a moral. Huh.

Pinback – How We Breathe Lyrics 15 years ago
I love the opening guitar. I replay it over and over.

I thought it was almost about a girl who was selfish. He had to play by her terms, "Wanna lay on your ground. Wanna breathe in your atmosphere." He wants to know if there's more to this thing they have, or will their legs always get caught, will they always tremble at the same thought? I dunno..Jimmyrcool had a better interpretation.

I think it's I want to 'live' in your head, not leave.

Pavement – Spit On A Stranger Lyrics 15 years ago
I got that there was a boy who liked a girl..maybe she lead him on. Maybe they had it but now they don't. Bad break up? So he spits upon her now, they're like bitter strangers. It seems he's still at odds though. They're a 'perfect match'

I dunno. I agreed mostly with Guitaradcliff.

Golden Smog – Another Fine Day Lyrics 15 years ago
I think it's Walking out across the plains. But I can't get what is before birds.

Death Cab for Cutie – Summer Skin Lyrics 15 years ago
Sort of depressing really. What I capture is that it was just a summer fling. Though he wished to continue it, it wouldn't have worked. Thus the shedding of their summer skin, summer love.

Pavement – Cherry Area Lyrics 15 years ago
Ha! Masturbation, with a porno. Love Pavement.

Pavement – Stereo Lyrics 15 years ago
Love this song. Carl Winslow really has it down. I would have never thought of it that way, but now the metaphors pop out. Pavement is an extraordinary band. A got them off a friend last year and haven't stopped listening sense. I don't think Velvet Underground is so similar to them. I thought Built to Spill or Pinback.

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