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A Fine Frenzy – Lifesize Lyrics 14 years ago
It is "held it safe". That's what she has on her official website.

Neko Case – People Got A Lotta Nerve Lyrics 14 years ago
jxnarcoticz, I immediately thought of this song when I heard about that trainer.

Jenny Lewis – The Big Guns Lyrics 15 years ago
I think it's definitely about religion, though I agree that it could also apply to a person or relationship.

Then you kiss his lips; he forgives you for it
He forgives you for all you've done
But not me, I'm still angry

To me, it sounds like she's saying even if someone's actions are harmful or hateful they can be either be justified by or forgiven by religion. It seems like it frustrates her that they may feel comfort in this "abstract" forgiveness, even though the real world aftermath remains.

First, I'll build a sword, get some words to explain
It's a plan, brother, at least
And I'll pretend that everybody here wants peace

That sounds like an indictment of organized religion. People give lip service to peace, but that's not the means or goal.

The whole album Rabbit Fur Coat is heavily steeped in subversive religious themes, and this song fits right in.

Jenny Lewis – Jack Killed Mom Lyrics 15 years ago
Technically, to be Oedipal Jack would have to love his mother too much and kill his father. Still, I think Oedipus/Greek tragedy was what Jenny was going for, and that minor variation was just need to tell the story she wanted to tell.

Jenny Lewis – Just Like Zeus Lyrics 15 years ago
No, that's "The Highs and Lows of Being Number One".

Jenny Lewis – The Highs and Lows of Being Number One Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with the above lyric correction.

When I saw her in concert recently, after she finished playing it Jenny said, "Ok, that song was a little bit about Lindsay Lohan". It definitely makes sense in that context. Does anyone have any insight to what "Jonestown all over again" could be referencing? That's the only part I'm not quite clear on.

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