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Death Cab for Cutie – Jealousy Rides with Me Lyrics 15 years ago
To me this represents the epitome of being lonely. He is jelous and can't find a way to not be jelous for as long as he doesn't have her. but at the same time he would rather be jelous than have nothing at all. Ignorant of the guy but honest.

Death Cab for Cutie – Debate Exposes Doubt Lyrics 15 years ago
For me this song is about a war the man is facing in himself. One that beleives in love and one that doesnt. He is having a debate with himself here and contemplating the reality of love when he see's the perfect couple that everyone wishes to be and thats when his beleifs are questioned and he starts to doubt. (debate exposes doubt), i think in the end of this song he finds that love is the remedy for every problem in his life hes almost drunk off of his new discovery (I alone am staggering.)

Death Cab for Cutie – Champagne from a Paper Cup Lyrics 15 years ago
i don't think this song has to do with actually driving someone home. I think its meant figuratively and metaphoriclly. Hes using his words to drive her home...rusted words because he had them locked down for so long but now hes drunk and hes talking openly and a lot he says his conversations go "on and on" his conversations are the road and his words are whats driving her home...either to bed with him..or driving her home to never ever want to speak to him again.

Death Cab for Cutie – Cath... Lyrics 15 years ago
this is about settling. this song is really sad but it happens in one area of our life or another..her's happens to be more serious and commital. she's sad maybe she gave up on ever finding a true love but she doesnt want to be alone. all through this wedding shes trying to be happy but she knows that she is giving up and wants that instant gratification of being loved no matter who it is. But like i said we all settle in one area of our life or another...that's why i beleive he says if his heart was dying that fast he would have done the same thing.

Death Cab for Cutie – Blacking Out the Friction Lyrics 15 years ago
I think that it's brainless to assume
That making changes to your window's view
Will give a new perspective

i think this part of the song is basiclly saying you know what you know. You can change a situation around as much as you want but your view is limited to what you know and thats how you will interpret it.

Cold War Kids – A Change Is Gonna Come (Sam Cooke cover) Lyrics 15 years ago
this song is pure hope in my eyes. It's about this guy whose alone..and he seems to not be wanted anywhere even in his family..his brother is not supporting and feeds into hopelessness but this guy remains focused and completely dependent on his beleif that change is coming..when it's so clearly not. This is beautiful in that most people who have everything in the world don't have that much beleif in something but this guy who has nothing has to beleive in it because thats the only thing that gets him through.

Circa Survive – Frozen Creek Lyrics 15 years ago

Circa Survive – A Long Time Coming Lyrics 15 years ago
This is a foreshadow of what will happen if you keep trying to hang on to a relationship that loose yourself somewhere along the way. Even though you don't want to be in that spot where you know that you can't stay have to acknowledge it and you have to move forward.

As Tall as Lions – A Fighting Word Lyrics 15 years ago
i get the ideal its aobut this couples battle with sex. She is a christian obviously in the fact that he says "when sunday is over." But she apparently is not giving in to him and keeps rejecting his subtle tries. she's even left the room and hes pissed. she may have led him on because he was an apology.

either way this song is selfish in that he thinks his feelings of rejection are more important than her need to not betray her god.

As Tall as Lions – Be Here Now Lyrics 15 years ago
This is about a man giving up on life...the term sleepwalking isnt meant to be literal i don't think..its more of a adjective here instead of an action. He's living his life on autopilot. going through the motions..not caring about anything. He knows alot of people crowd themselves out with people and are constantly busy and trying to stay busy. Thats why he says are you afraid of turning off? He has no right or wrong because he simply doesn't care. He's a deer in headlights..not knowing wich direction to turn but not caring wich direction to go. Its a very existentialist point of view represented here but it also captures society's business What he does is a form of "sleepwalking" but are the people that are so busy and scared to turn off living life on autopilot just as much as he is?

this song makes me think.

As Tall as Lions – Blacked Out Lyrics 15 years ago
i fell through the haze
left by the sun
yah, my eyes were glazed
my mind on the run
so i float away
like birds when you call
cause the higher we climb
the harder we fall

This is probably the most beautiful description of love i've ever heard. It captures the beauty in pain in the journey and its so truthful. It's being in love knowing that if you get in too deep...if you get to high on that love..well the crash will only hurt worse. But its beautiful in the so i float away like birds when you call...he doesn't care of what may happen after love..he is still consistant to who he is in love with.

pure beauty..seriously

As Tall as Lions – Kickin' Myself Lyrics 15 years ago
heard your broken voice on the telephone
made my heavy heart sink like a stone
and after all this time, i should have known
you'd let me down
right down to the bone
you know you're right, im incomplete
and i could never write down what i mean
and if you told me that the world, was ending tonight
that's alright by me

I think this is him with this girl he loves. but if you look deeper into who hes being portrayed as by never being able to write down what he means and hes incomplete..the way he doesnt care if the world is ending tonight he is very unsure of himself. He doesn't really know who he is or what he thinks. He most likely feels incompetent. He says i knew you'd let me down. Wich means he had that mindset through the whole relationship...he may feel unworthy to even have a relationship.
this whole song is a plea from him to this girl basiclly whining to himself...he's blaming the relationships failure on himself wich might be done rightly so. He is good at kidding himself but he knows that girl saw through his antics.

As Tall as Lions – The Carousel Lyrics 15 years ago
This song has to do with a broken home. He says :
you broke the promise
i'm lying on the floor tonite
to dream of all those empty memories of singing on that carousel we'd ride together

wich i don't beleive has to do with a relationship he has with someone he's in love with but rather the broken relationship with his parents. they broke the promise to stay give him security that they loved eachother but he never got that childhood he deserved..that every kid deserves.

His mom is obviously upset with the dad...a bitter line as he is looking to her for what his father is like...he's probably not around the home anymore. And than his dad i almost feel is hurt too saying lovers on the carousel don't last forever. He's hopeless too and gave up on the relationship.

he says "dont say you saw wriings on the walls if simple words will make a difference" as in...fate is going to play out no matter what they do.

Quite a sad story painted here but perhaps this couple didn't really belong together..fate is fate and what can stop it?

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