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At the Drive-In – Quarantined Lyrics 15 years ago
"...shackled the grapple and the sentinels found
binoculars watch cardboard towns
strung up in webs the net was flung
over the auditorium
slave trade the weak, no call to arms
sanction this outbreak; a virus conspires
push becomes shove, days become months
and i seem to have forgotten the warmth of the sun..."

This verse I will break down into groups:

Shackled and grapple a sentinels is found"
A person is tied up in life and fighting back hints grapple.Binoculars watch cardboard towns"....He or she wants us to look at life through their eyes and see how fabercatied everything is, how were all the same just different shapes and sizes like a "cardboard box".....slave trade the weak no call to arms"....stay away from the people that are bring you down shut them out like a master does to his slave....and if you give in you will infects like the rest a conformist....but all this is causing a great deal of dispeare...and you just forget the little things in lofe that make you happy...."I've seem to forggoten the warmth of the sun"

At the Drive-In – Quarantined Lyrics 15 years ago
"...shackled the grapple and the sentinels found
binoculars watch cardboard towns
strung up in webs the net was flung
over the auditorium
slave trade the weak, no call to arms
sanction this outbreak; a virus conspires
push becomes shove, days become months
and i seem to have forgotten the warmth of the sun..."

This verse I will break down into groups:

Shackled and grapple a sentinels is found"
A person is tied up in life and fighting back hints grapple.Binoculars watch cardboard towns"....He or she wants us to look at life through their eyes and see how fabercatied everything is, how were all the same just different shapes and sizes like a "cardboard box".....slave trade the weak no call to arms"....stay away from the people that are bring you down shut them out like a master does to his slave....and if you give in you will infects like the rest a conformist....but all this is causing a great deal of dispeare...and you just forget the little things in lofe that make you happy...."I've seem to forggoten the warmth of the sun"

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