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A Love Like Pi – Innocent Man Lyrics 13 years ago
Oh my god, YES! I was JUST about to do the same thing. People are so dense sometimes. I went to the OFFICIAL website and I was like, "Jeeez, how do people not think to do this?" Effing RE-TARD-ED.
That being said, Yes, it's Eleanor, which makes sense BECAUSE this is supposed to be a STORY CD, meaning that each of the songs equals one whole story from beginning to end. Hasn't anyone ever heard of a theme CD before? Sheesh.

Furthermore, if I see ONE MORE PERSON write "All kicked with dirt" in the beginning verses, I'm going to cry at the stupidity of man. How the fuck does "kicked with dirt" even make ANY sense? AT ALL? That's not a sentence, that's random fucking words. Hasn't ANYONE heard of being "caked with dirt"? as in, "COVERED IN DIRT"....makes a shit-ton more sense. I mean damn, I got 95% of the lyrics right just by hearing this song by ear...I don't know how all the rest of you hear all this crazy crap you hear.

Rant over...

Coheed and Cambria – Far Lyrics 13 years ago
Okay, my PERSONAL meaning in this song is WAY off base from the artists intent, but songs speak to people in different ways, and I wanted to share my take.

The first time I ever heard this C&C song, my husband who is currently deployed to AFGHANISTAN sent it to me in an email and asked me to listen. I had been having a lot of trouble accepting the job he had taken, and the sacrifice he was making as a soldier. For me...he was explaining how this sacrifice hurts him and asking me to stop running from the reality we are facing right now.

"I welcome this pain beating down on me
Is it your eyes that choose not to see
all I would do? If only you knew
All of my trust was given to you..." In this part,he tells me that he's welcoming the sacrifice he's making and asks me to understand that while he would do anything for me, I have to accept this.

"Oh, please, this is what I can give
What else do you need from me?" Again, explaining that right now, this is all he can give.

"I might be sick, broken, torn to pieces..." They literally are over's a hard life.

"So, whatever this is, this thing that now I've become,
you hate it so much, you keep on running from it
No matter the distance, no matter how,
no matter how far..." I hate the fact that he's become a soldier, and I often try to run from the reality of it. But no matter the distance between us (literally or figuratively) the truth is still there.

This song moved me to tears when he sent it to me. I realized that I had been making it harder for him. It's such a tough place to be, to have to say goodbye to someone you love so much for so long and know that there is a the possibility that you may never see them again. Instead of being strong for him, I was falling apart as well, begging for him to be sent home when I knew he couldn't. I realized I needed to be strong. It was my turn to be HIS rock. And so I have ever since then. I encourage him to fight hard, and stay safe everyday. Still waiting for him to come home safe and sound. This song will always mean something very important to me. My husband is literally giving all he can give, so I must do the same.

The Black Ghosts – Don't Cry Lyrics 14 years ago
You've got two songs mixed together... -_-;

St. Vincent – The Strangers Lyrics 15 years ago
To me, this song is about a jilted lover. She's discovered that her significant other is a liar and a cheater. She says that she threw her flowers in his face at her sister's wedding, and you can picture her being pissed when she sees him and throwing her bride's maid flowers at him. "Paint the black hole blacker" to me, refers to her anger building as the situation escalates. And worse, he's shown up at her sister's wedding to confront her, potentially ruining her sister's day. It talks about how he had a black eye when he showed up and that he looked as if he was wanting to finish a fight. The song also makes mention to some other problems they were having, like finding playboys under his mattress. And she asks him what really seperates her from the other girls he has lieing in his bed. However, for all her anger, she goes out of her way to say that she wasnt really dating him to "win", but that she was going for the thrill of it until she got bored. .....So, Iguess in the end, if she didnt really care, then she didnt lose too much.

30 Seconds to Mars – Hunter (Bjork cover) Lyrics 15 years ago
I think it's really funny that something as simple as having a different person sing a song can change peoples perceptions of what the song means so much. I mean, I just went and read the ideas givien on the original Bjork version, and then cam back here and read these, anmd it seems like people have a completely different perception on the same exact song based simply by who is singing it. I mean, they dont even realize it, but here they are, saying this song is about "x" and "y", and then someone else talking about the bjork version says it's about "a" and "b"....ha ha, it's just fascinating...and funny.

P.O.S. – Been Afraid Lyrics 15 years ago
To me, this song is about growing up in abuse and being afraid to love and trust people in your adult life as a result of that abuse. Being "gun shy" or so they say, of the possibility that someone could love you with no ill-will or intent to harm. It's about finally de-shackling yourself from that past and deciding it's ok to trust, it's ok to love, and no, you dont have to be alone. It's about two people, lost in this world, far from perfect, coming together to break the cycle of violence they've both been exposed to.
It's a beautiful song for anyone who's been there. An anthem of hope for all those who may be struggling with the scars of an abusive past.

P.O.S. – Purexed Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this is a multi-topic song, as most rap-styled music is, but one of my favorite points is one that was vaguely explained by the person above me.-That the perception of outer physical beauty tarnishes peoples percetions of others. For example, you see the percieved "ugly" girl sitting in the corner of the room at the karaoke bar, and would never assume that she could sing. In fact, you would likely assume that she couldnt sing. How could she? She's "ugly". Then, the beautiful girl gets up and goes to the mic, and your brain expects beauty to come out of her mouth. How could something so beautiful not be able to sing beautifully? And yet, she sings, and it's awful. Then the perceptionally "ugly" girl gets up and has the most beautiful voice you've ever heard. No matter how righteous we all claim to be, everyone has been guilty of thinking this way. And here in this song, P.O.S. addressed the fact that the skin and bone is the least important part of who you are. Bravo.

"fuck your skin nobody needs it theres/ Bones and muscles and blood/
Whats realer than fat and tendons?/
Its raw no soft tissue to draw your eyes to it so far flesh aint the truest at all lets rip into it/
Were all sick of them missed shots/
passed over like the last man picked no team so pissed off/
and/ thats not honesty/
thats just soft curves got your world flipped/
got you makin mixtapes for girls/
and thats the skin again/
lets blame the skin again/ stretching itself so fluidly over these awkward/ ligaments/
and I didnt shave today/
I prolly wont tomorrow and its safe to say Im never gonna shed this extra..."

Björk – Pagan Poetry Lyrics 15 years ago
This is my favorite Bjork song so far. (I cant say 'of all her songs', because I havent heard ALL of them...yet. But I get the feeling it could be my favorite of all her songs.) There's just something about it, I feel like it's about a passionate love. Something excruciatingly a very pleasurable realm. This song gives new meaning to the phrase, "Love so much it hurts". It gives me goosebumps, and makes me insanely jealous. I want a love like that. <3

Björk – Vertebrae By Vertebrae Lyrics 15 years ago
This song's matter how hard I try to see them for what they supposedly are about...are SO very sexual to me. A fact which is all the more interesting when you consider the fact that I usually have a hard time seeing the sexual referances in things. But, it is a Bjork song, so maybe that's why I keep thinking "sex" when it's really not. So many of her songs have such strong sexual referances that they could make a girl blush.

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