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Feist – Sea Lion Woman Lyrics 14 years ago
i think it hints at celtic legend, like that of the selkies. selah is the irish word for seal. In the legend (and movie secret of roan innish), a man who takes the seal skin of a selkie when if she sheds it, can marry her. As long as she doesnt find her skin, she is a woman. But her love will always be the sea.

when she wears red, she likes being a woman for the time being.

she'll "stab him in the back" if she finds her skin, which may be black.

when she "hopes he knows what he can do", she hopes he will give her back her freedom in the sea. shes in blue because she misses being a seal.

kind of silly but it fits :)

Dave Rawlings Machine – Sweet Tooth Lyrics 14 years ago
this song makes me all kinds of fuzzy happy on the insides =]

im pretty sure that "sweet tooth" has a different metaphorical meaning in each stanza.

for instance, the first is probably drugs, the second is life/depression/pessimism, third meaning of life, fourth is being ugly, first love, sex, and on throughout.

its definitely about an addiction to sugar, but could allude to a multitude of things. either way, the gratification from the addiction is greater than a sober life for the author of the song.

its such a lovely melody, thanks for the lyrics! anyways :)

Amanda Palmer – Astronaut: A Short History of Nearly Nothing Lyrics 14 years ago
well here goes my own unique interpretation of what this song means to me (an atheist wanting to date a theist, but his family,friends, religion keep him away from me.)

is it enough to have some love
small enough to slip inside a book
(passed notes i kept)
small enough to cover with your hand
because everyone around you wants to look
(small campus, everyone is nosy)

it is enough to have some love
(pre scheduled phone dates)
small enough to slip inside the cracks
(there is the start of something underneath it all)
the pieces don�t fit together so good
(maybe we are too different)
with all the breaking and all the gluing back
(hurting and mending)

and i am still not getting what i want
(a relationship)
i want to touch the back of your right arm
(be there for him)
i wish you could remind me who i was
because every day I�m a little further off
(he could be good for me too)

but you are, my love, the astronaut
flying in the face of science
(christian school, creationism is taught there)
i will gladly stay an afterthought
just bring back some nice reminders

and is it getting harder to pretend
that life goes on without you in the wake
and can you see the means without the end
in the random frantic action that we take
(he says its gods will, but its hard for me alone)

and is it getting easy not to care
despite the many rings around your name
it isn�t funny and it isn�t fair
you�ve traveled all this way and it�s the same
(we were best friends for so long, its such a waste to let it go)

but you are, my love, the astronaut
flying in the face of science
i will gladly stay an afterthought
just bring back some nice reminders
(christianity comes first)
and i would tell them anything to see you split the evening
but as you see i do not have an awful lot to tell
(i would fake being christian if i thought he would stand up for me. i just cant feel it for real)
everybody�s sick for something that they can find fascinating
everyone but you and even you aren�t feeling well
(doesnt really know what he wants to do in life)

but you are, my love, the astronaut
flying in the face of science
i will gladly stay an afterthought
just bring back some nice reminders

yes you are, my love, the astronaut
crashing in the name of science
(the science is obviously wrong but i cant do anything)
just my luck they sent your upper half
(his friends and family let me be friends with him, but no more than that)
it�s a very nice reminder
it�s a very nice reminder

and you may be acquainted with the night
(he had his own doubts)
but I have seen the darkness in the day
(seen life without god)
and you must know it is a terrifying sight
because you and i are living the same way
(i feel im right, and if i am he is building his life around false pretenses and let us go to waste for nothing.)

Jars of Clay – Mirrors & Smoke Lyrics 14 years ago
while most of jars of clay songs are about god, this one is NOT. "i want to kiss your lips?" really? its even a duet done by a guy and a girl!

this is definitely about a relationship with a person, as evidenced by mistakes made by both parties (god would not make mistakes).

with past boyfriends, they seem to pull away and be quiet if they think im upset instead of comforting me, because they think i need space. when in reality, its all the distance and space between us that is making me upset. "its love that keeps me silent, its my silence you detest"

she loves him, and he loves her, but he cant commit for some reason (perhaps he doesnt feel good enough for her, or still lusts after other girls) "my love will keep you wishing, my heart will keep me broke"

he tries to make up for this with cards and flowers, but its just a river into an empty ocean, because hes not committing emotionally. She still needs more from him, shes still waiting for more.

he sincerely wants to devote himself to her because he loves her, and she sees this (part of the reason she stays around) but even so even she knows he never will.

the song doesnt pose any answers, except by saying that even if he did commit and did everything she wanted, it still wounldt be enough to satisfy her completely, so might as well try to be happy with the current situation.

the song is merely a portrait of their unspoken and undefined relationship, without judgement or preachy advice. this is what makes it so beautiful and sad at the same time.


The Weeks – Buttons Lyrics 15 years ago
i think there are two relationships in this song. the first is the "young love" he had. at the time, he didnt appreciate it, but now he looks back and sees it "wasnt that bad". it seems to him that she "kissed his lips and quickly ran away", being that the relationship didnt last very long.

in the second relationship, he walks a girl home from the park, but is still thinking of the first. for whatever reason, the second relationship seems to be as short as the first, she also "kissed his lips and quickly ran away".

there is much more there but im not sure of the rest.

AFI – Silver And Cold Lyrics 15 years ago
so obviously the music video suggests this song is about suicide.

but other posts are certainly relevant:
taking a bullet for a friend
Jesus- seems the first natural and literal interpretation to me

i find the most personal identification with the posts about starting a new relationship after ending an old one too soon.

There is much statistical proof to show that children who were beaten become parents that beat their children. Much the same, people who were cheated on often become people who cheat. "your sins into me" could mean that the cheating habit of the ex has sunk into the speaker of the song and he is now cheating on his current girlfriend. He loved and admired his ex "my beautiful one" so much that he imitated her, to the point of her negative qualities such as cheating.

This is similar to the stockholm syndrome, being in love with your abuser. "your sins into me" could mean physical abuse like that above, but pertain to the abuse itself, such as a fist into a face. But a son may find himself loving his father despite this.

just more to think about...

Matt Nathanson – Angel Lyrics 15 years ago
to me this song is a bout a spiritual journey. after painful realizations, i left Christianity. After a while, i talked to an old christian friend. i loved and respected him, but he wanted me to change back and i couldnt.

"angel you sing about beautiful things
and all I want to do is believe
I traded my dreams for this mess of memories
and they just stopped working for me"

I'm not a monster I believe
like a liar would believe
helps me navigate the wooden smiles, the raging sea
all my heroes pull their heads
like a fighter would I guess
no one really ever likes getting older"

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