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Coldplay – Strawberry Swing Lyrics 14 years ago
I thought it was about war, too. Even if the album itself wasn't based around a war theme, it still definitely feels like it.

'Everybody was for fighting
Wouldn't wanna waste a thing'

Death Cab for Cutie – Brothers on a Hotel Bed Lyrics 15 years ago
that third verse reminds me of the postal service song 'this place is a prison'.

Death Cab for Cutie – New Candles Lyrics 15 years ago
i definitely prefer ben, but chris doesn't have a bad voice. [:

Death Cab for Cutie – Flustered/Hey Tomcat! Lyrics 15 years ago
i'm a huge dcfc fan, and i love this.
it's nice having it before state street residential. it makes that song all the better.

Manchester Orchestra – I Can Barely Breathe Lyrics 15 years ago
'if seeing is believing,
then believe that we have lost our eyes'

it sounds to me like he's saying,
"don't believe a thing that the media (and people in general) spoon-feed you; find your own answers"
and the corruption that comes from the majority of people who do follow the media.
i think the whole song is about being on your own.
it has a feeling of "everyone's deserting me", as well.

Motion City Soundtrack – Time Turned Fragile Lyrics 15 years ago
his dad sounds swell. c:

Death Cab for Cutie – What Sarah Said Lyrics 15 years ago
i wish it was "so who's going to watch you down?" like i'd thought.

one of my favorite death cab songs, though. [:

Nada Surf – See These Bones Lyrics 15 years ago
yeah, i'm pretty sure it's him at the end, really faint.

The Maccabees – Lego Lyrics 15 years ago
with what everyone has said, i agree that it may be about a death and that the youngest child may be feeling bitter at not having as much time with the parent as the other three.

Linkin Park – Hands Held High Lyrics 15 years ago
'It's ironic.
At times like this you pray,
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.'

That's amazing.
I agree with itsmelen. Linkin Park doesn't have a better song.

Shiny Toy Guns – When They Came For Us Lyrics 15 years ago
I thought it was about the loss of happiness/innocence in children, through divorce, death, and media.

The first stanza is the divorce, the second is the media, and the third is death.

"They stole the children, took them away": Childhood symbolizes innocence, and the three above pretty much destroy that.

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