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Linkin Park – A Place For My Head Lyrics 15 years ago
Ok this song is basically about being screwed over, this is how i see it:

I watch how the moon sits in the sky on a dark night,
Shining with the light from the sun.
But the sun doesn't give the light to the moon assuming,
The moon's gonna owe it one.
It makes me think about the way you act for me, you do,
Favours then rapidly
Just turn around then start asking me about,
Things that you want back from me.

Here he's thinking back to when he started seeing this girl how at first she was really generous to him and made him feel really good about himself but as time wore on these favours started wearing out and she began to take advantage of him.

I'm sick of the tension,
Sick of the hunger,
Sick of you acting like I owe you this.
Find another place to feed your greed,
While I find a place to rest.

Pretty self explanatory, he's fed up of being messed around and feeling like he couldve done more. This girl was demanding, wanted not only his attention but other guys aswell, he tells her to find someone else to take advantage of as he just wants to clear his head.

I want to be in another place,
I hate when you say you don't understand.
(You'll see it's not meant to be)
I want to be in the energy,
Not with the enemy,
A place for my head.

Here he's saying he just wants to move on and forget about the situation but this girls preventing him from doing so, still trying to keep a hold on him even though she's the one who ended it. He wants to get out, to meet with other people instead of the 'enemy'.

Maybe someday I'll be just like you and,
Step on people like you do,
And run away from the people I thought I knew.
I remember back then who you were,
You used to be calm, used to be stong,
Used to be generous and you should've known,
That, you'd wear out your welcome,
And now you see,
How quiet it is, all alone.

Here he's showing how angry he is at being 'stepped on', everything seemed under control but she was greedy and wanted more and eventually she'll be the one who ends up all alone.

By the end he realises that she 'tried to take the best of him' and he wont forgive her for it. It's a pretty deep song but something everyone can relate to in a way.

Linkin Park – No More Sorrow Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree this is most likely to be (another) anti-bush song but I also agree with nagger that to me this can also be about a relationship gone wrong and how he's tried everything to make it work but in the end she became 'lost in her lies' and now he's hurting and paying for her mistakes.

Kick ass song though, was amazing at the MK bowl!

Muse – Plug In Baby Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with Drewbarroo about the meaning of Plug In Baby but like someone said before its how you interpret it for yourself.

To me this song is also about a girl and in the first verse he's saying how he's been stabbed in the back although he half expected it as this girl has been messing him around anyway. And now he just wants to forget her love and become reborn.

In the chorus he's saying how his only release is his guitar (Plug-In Baby) when things have turned out for the worst.

The next verse is the same as he feels like this girl has just been playing a game with him and he's wants to replace all the hurt and envy and start a fresh.

Thats how I relate to the song anyways...

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