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Led Zeppelin – Bron-Yr-Aur Lyrics 1 year ago
Imagine walking along a small flowing river deep in the woods on a warm summer day. The river empties into a large blue lake as you sit on some nearby rocks admiring the rolling vistas of water, trees, hills and mountains far off. Feeling rested, safe and secure, you ponder the wonder of nature and briefly doze-off....

That's what this song is about.

Black Sabbath – Changes Lyrics 7 years ago
The title is a double-entendre. Ozzy is singing about two simultaneous changes in his life: 1. He's going through a breakup with his longtime girlfriend/wife. That's obviously a big, painful change for him. Change # 2 is the psychedelic change that's occurring to him as he's tripping balls and thinking about the breakup. This aspect of "changes" is the drug-induced hallucinations that cause the world around him to "change". That's why the song has an eerie feel and the refrain has a magnified double-tracked vocal. It accentuates the psychedelic effect to the drugged listener.

Led Zeppelin – Celebration Day Lyrics 10 years ago
This song has nothing to do with politics. It's about Zeppelin making fun of people who took too much acid and are freaking out, Don't you sense a kind of sarcastic, almost sadistic tone to Robert's voice? Remember, Zeppelin III opens with the Immigrant Song and declares "We are your overlords". Listen to the another song on Zeppelin III - "Friends". Does that sound happy? Friends is about someone tripping too hard and in need of a friend. "SInce I've been lovin' you" includes the lines: I'm about to lose my worried mind". "That's the way". What does Plant mean when he says "That's the way it ought to be"? What "ought" to be? Really, the only non-doomish, worry inducing songs on the album are Tangerine and Bron-yr-aur Stomp. I love Zeppelin III anyway because I accepted Zeppelin and Jimmy Page as my overlords and got used to being kicked in the teeth by them every now and again.

Led Zeppelin – Celebration Day Lyrics 10 years ago
Don't forget the era Zeppelin was in - late 60's to mid 70's. This song must be seen through the lens of an acid trip - a bad one in this case, and how the girl in the song is on the verge of freaking out while listening to music and/or at a concert. Plant describes her emotions as she's trying to hide the fact of her impending freakout ("losing it") and the confusion resulting from her perception of the band (Led Zeppelin) as essentially laughing at her plight as she tries to reconcile their peace/love/rock n roll outer vibe with a rapacious "fuck you" you took too much acid haha hidden vibe that becomes more apparent while tripping. In fact, the whole song is Zeppelin laughing at those who are freaking out and being sarcastic about joinging the band, when that's the last thing the freaker needs. Robert knows she's headed to nowhere,

U2 – With or Without You Lyrics 15 years ago
No. No. No. You guys (and gals) got it all wrong. You have totally misunderstood Bono. Bono is a very religious person - specifically Christian. Many, many U2 songs are sprinkled with or are about the relationship of man to God. In With or Without You, the singer of the song (symbolically of course) is Jesus. What Jesus is saying is that he is so disappointed in your sins that he can't live with you but loves you so much that he also cannot live without you. "See the stone set in your eyes" is a reference to drugs and partying and how it keeps you away from Christ. The continued use of drugs/partying, and by extension - sex, is the "thorn sticking in your side". Doesn't matter. Christ will wait for you. "Sleight of hand and twist of fate" is a reference to sexual immorality and how the "sleight of hand" represents the little games people play to get each other to sleep with each other, when these relationships are ultimately unsatisfying (like drugs). "Twist of fate" refers to the sometimes unintended consequences of these immoral hookups - like being with a girl just because the sex is good and not really caring about her welfare. You have, in effect consigned yourself to a fate (the twist) that is ungodly and not the fate God/Jesus wants for you. So "on a bed of nails she makes me wait". The bed refers back to the sexual immorality and how the sex/hookups/etc. are really no more than a "bed of nails" (allusion to the Christ on the cross/crown of thorns) - a torture in effect, that "she" (you and me) makes Jesus/Us go through as we await salvation. "And i wait without You" - Christ is saying that as you do drugs, party, act immoral etc., he waits for your salvation - without you. So, it's a song of hope and sadness - two opposites - like with and without. The hope is that you make it "through the storm" with every last fiber of your being loving Jesus and suffering anything to get to him - although as human (imperfect) Jesus always wants more because he is perfect. So it's a struggle. "You give yourself away". You constantly fall and sin and "give away" that good things of yourself to immorality and evil. You just keep doing it even though it's bad. "My hands are tied, my body's bruised" refers to the torture Jesus endured and how we, in effect, torture him with our immoral behavior. But as humans, we have free will, so Jesus can't "force" us to do good - his hands are tied. "She got me with nothing to give and nothing left to lose" is the Bono voice reapperaing and saying sadly that "she" - not a real person, but a representation of evil and the seductive nature of it - has gotten him to give up and/or use up the good things of his life - innocence, purity, calm, peace - such that he no longer has any of these and consequently has nothing left to lose...and you give yourself away. Bono is a profound thinker and has many religious/Christian references in the songs. He uses double entendres alot. In effect, Bono is a Christian evangelist in the rock and roll world. I love U2 and urge you to see his lyrics through that prism. He doesn;t just sing about guy/girl relationships. That's far too facile for Paul Hewson. I know this sounds all crazy religious, but I really think this is closer to the truth of the song...

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