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Landon Pigg – Dressed To Kill Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with Itsnikki about this song being about unrequited love. The guy is leading the girl on by giving her glances and noticing her body when she does things like "lower her collar". I think that the girl makes a common mistake by being flattered by his attention and thinking that she could be winning his heart instead. I think he might even be taking advantage of her feelings so much that he gets physical with her. Or maybe, rather, he's just using her as some sort of trophy girl that makes him look good. Either way, I think that's why he feels so bad about it and says "now you're murdering my soul".

Ingrid Michaelson – Oh What a Day Lyrics 15 years ago
Pretty self explanatory but I still love this song! It's beautiful!

What a break through to be able to view a break up this way! Sometimes it just takes time to realize that you're better off on your own or better off without a person that you used to think made you happy. But sometimes you really can't have something good until you finally let go of whatever was holding you back. Ingrid is simply amazing!

Cake Bake Betty – The Spine Song Lyrics 15 years ago
2) On the other hand, this song might also be about drug addiction. Maybe she keeps going out looking for a high. And maybe that’s what gives her the headaches. And maybe the day that her and the speaker say they will rejoice about is the day that she dies because they are already slowly killing themselves and that day might be the only way they see out of this cycle of addiction. It could be that the needles in her fingers are literal and that she’s taking drugs at home on her birthday since she can’t go out due to the snow. She is literally chasing her next high even though she doesn’t really want to go to those places. So she inhales the smells and gets high and exhilarated off of it. She can’t say goodbye to her lifestyle because with each birthday (each year that passes) she just itches more and more for her next fix. I think that in this case the speaker may be involved in the same cycle and they are both just waiting to see who will die first. She must be apologizing for introducing her to drugs but her friend must not forgive her. She seems to think that her silly friend won’t mourn her death at all but will rather continue to search for more drugs. The girl will merely “use [her] spine to swing from tree to tree in search of places pleasing to the eye”.

Cake Bake Betty – The Spine Song Lyrics 15 years ago
I absolutely love this song!! I have two very different interpretations of what it could mean:

1) My first interpretation is similar to contrary_mary's. I think that the speaker is talking about a girl that gets stuck in this rut of a fast lifestyle. I think that the "silly little girl" goes out in search of something and she never finds it but keeps looking in the same places. Personally, I think she's looking for love. It seems that she dances with all these men and is scared to give herself away to them but that she does anyway for that temporary fix even though it always leads to a headache in the end. And she feels spineless in that she gives in so easily. I think that each birthday is a reminder to her that she is just getting older and is still waking up alone just finding some solace in reading a book.

So she just keeps going to these places and she doesn't like it but she feels like she has to go their to find what she's looking for, and to keep her mind off of the fact that she's just getting older. So she feels stuck in this cycle and she can't escape now because her bones are creaking and her birthdays that represent more years of falling deeper into the habit are preventing her from being able to run (they steal her shoes) and she feels like she's been completely devoured (her birthdays have brought her to "the caverns of their teeth").

I think that the speaker is the only thing keeping the silly girl at least somewhat grounded and that's what the last two verses are about. I think that the speaker's only role in this girl's life anymore has become as her backbone and the strength that she needs to keep going as she gets engulfed in this sad cycle. She wonders what will happen to her silly girlfriend if she ever dies and concludes that the girl will ignore all the advice she's given and simply keep looking for places to get her temporary highs.

Jaymay – Gray Or Blue Lyrics 15 years ago
Yes, I agree with embeminem about this song's meaning. Jaymay is clearly friends with the guy she is sining about in this song. It seems that they've explored the idea of becoming more than friends but that he has been resistant because he fears that doing so could potentially ruin the friendship.

Since he is the resistant one she tries to make it clear that she is still up for a relationship if he would be willing to give in to what he's felt for her all along. She is giving him the lead and trying to make it clear that she is their for him and that she still wants more if he's up for it.

The last verse was a little tricky for me so if you have any ideas about what it means I would love to hear them. The couple of line says, "Last night I watched you sing becasue a person has to try. I walked home in the rain because a person cannot lie." Does that mean that after his show she was going to talk to him and try to work on just being friends but then realized that she wasn't ready to settle for just friendship alone? Maybe she is having a hard time accepting that she will have to settle for friendship and can't face him and pretend like she doesn't want more anymore because that would be lying? Is that why she leaves with such a somber image as walkig home alone in the rain? This is all I could come up with for the last lines...

Jaymay – Color Confused Lyrics 15 years ago
I think that the guy she refers to in this song just doesn't get her at all. I think he must be demanding that she open up to him about something but she clearly expresses herself through her music instead of conversation. She doesn't understand what more he could want from her because she is opening up to him with every song that she sings. I think that's why she wonders if he will stick around if she sings every song that she knows because if she does she feels like there would be nothing left to say about how she's feeling. It also seems like he won't open up to her until she reveals something to him in conversation. He is frustrated that she won't talk to him about things and she is frustrated that he won't tell her how he's feeling. But she knows that she has opened up in the way that she does it best, through music. He doesn't understand this point of view.

I love this song, btw. I totally relate because I express myself in poetry and in writing. It's so hard to open up in conversation. Anyway, this interpretation is just how I see this song. I would love feedback on what you think...

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