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Mazzy Star – Into Dust Lyrics 15 years ago
I think "Into Dust" is one of the most beautiful songs that I have ever heard. Everytime I hear it I like it even more. I think it's about losing someone,or feeling as though your life is fading away, going through the process of death, or just dealing with the realization that there's no avoiding this angel of death that awaits us all. Knowing that you never know when you will go, and being unsure about that can make you feel small, it can make you feel colder. If you think too much about death, you might feel as though you are dying, maybe not in the sense of being terminally ill, but we all are living and we all must die eventually. It's sometimes a sad thought to have, its a scary one. This song makes me feel like my life is short, that right now i am turning into dust. Even though its a depressing subject, i think this song makes death beautiful, it unites us all "two starngers turning into dust". Death is around us everyday, inside us, beside us. "I could possibly be fading or have something more to gain" life is uncertain, we might be dead tomorrow or we might gain something.

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