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Rise Against – Sight Unseen Lyrics 14 years ago
Amazing song. I don't fully understand the song, but I guess I can say that about a lot of songs. In one sense, its easy to relate it to a couple given the reference to 'her', but knowing Rise Against chances are its more reflective of life in general or politics. If I go with the couple meaning, I suppose to me it would mean in a relationship you commit to each other and its supposed to be like an equal relationship, but 'her' in this case seems to pawn more off on the other person than she should, or take more than she gives back. When all fails, a common question to ask would be, what was this all for? Then this person harbors resentment towards 'her', and when she needs guidance, the person wants nothing to do with her. And this last act is all that is left.

Rise Against – Audience Of One Lyrics 15 years ago
My take on it is about a couple or former couple who ran away from everyone to be with eachother and she left him because things weren't what she expected.

It goes something like this, at first it starts off as one of those fun relationships, just as you see in the movies and TV and what not. Its that typical young couple in love("cruised along at half speed"), and they get all excited and run off to get married.("But then we shifted gears, we ran like vampires from a thousand burning suns") Now they get this house and make commitments together, and they have their jobs and become too busy to even spend time together like they used to("I looked up and saw you, I know that you saw me, We froze but for a moment, In empathy")
The surface shines, while the inside rots
We raced the sunset and we almost won
We slammed the brakes, but the wheels went on
Everyone tries to pretend things are ok when they arent, we smile when we arent happy.
We slammed the brakes but the wheels went on could depict the situation where they tried to slow down and get back to how they once were, but it was too late and didnt work.
And ofcourse, the person is left all alone, no friends left, because that person abandoned everything else to devote their life to their new love.

All in all, I don't think it was necessarily written depicting a real life situation Tim encountered, but to me I think thats a common situation a lot of people get themselves into. Everyone is so desperate to get into a committed relationship and its almost like some life goal that is socially imposed on everyone that you need to be in a relationship, and this in turn gives people the impression that they need to rush into things when it isnt necessary.

Rise Against – Audience Of One Lyrics 15 years ago
They wrote this song before Obama because president so chill out. And don't be so sure its about bush.

Rise Against – Audience Of One Lyrics 15 years ago
Umm, not all their videos actually depict what the lyrics mean, some are just to raise awareness. For instance the Ready to Fall video. I don't think it was written about Bush, but I didn't write it so who am I to say.

Rise Against – Hero of War Lyrics 15 years ago
Heres my piece on it. Firstly, the song is not an opinion. It was written by Tim accounting of stories that soldiers had shared with him. I think its sharing with everyone how everyone views war, and over glorifying it. Sure, you always have to appreciate those who are fighting for what's right, but this is telling how one person can get roped into something so traumatizing. I think Tim said in the making of the hero of war video, if people knew what war really was like, they would think twice about starting them.

And for the part where the woman was holding the white flag, and to EnemyZone who commented on specific lines, when he says I begged her to stay, the song is somewhat chronologically ordered, so he said he begged her to stay but she pressed on, and he hadnt even fired the gun yet, so it wasnt like he was saying stay alive after he realized his mistake, he was saying stay in your place so i dont have to shoot you. Then I have mixed ideas how that part was really meant. It might have just been sharing the awful position soldiers can be put in and the decision that they have to make and the regret they may have to live with. Or it could be that the soldier didn't bother to notice the woman was holding a white flag, which I only draw up this idea because they mention she was carrying a flag last, and that it was white, but as others previously mentioned, you have to make decisions in a split second and you never know if they were baiting the soldier. Regardless, the song is amazing and its just raising awareness about war and soldiers. I don't think its meant to hate on soldiers or anything.

Rise Against – From Heads Unworthy Lyrics 15 years ago
Here's where you go wrong in your argument. You say you're all for human rights, but you then contradict yourself. You want abortion to be illegal, which is removing the right of the mother to decide whether or not she wants an abortion. I'm not using this as a general argument against pro-life or anything, but just against this guy because he either didn't word his argument correctly or is a complete dumbass, likely both. And Rise Against is very liberal/leftist, which usually sides with pro-choice, meaning your idea that thing song is about abortion is completely incorrect, which solidifies your ignorance/stupidity because you don't even take into consideration Rise Against's views (more so Tim's but same thing). And regardless of whether or not "alive" is when the sperm and the egg meet, or sometime thereafter, what exactly does that matter? The supposedly alive being you're arguing over is no more alive than a plant. It can't feel or think or anything, the cells are just doing their business just as a plants cells does its business. If you're argument is that its a potential human being, then you better start fucking every person you see because every sperm or egg you have is a potential human being and you better not be wasting it. And once again its the mother's choice, not yours.

Rise Against – Collapse (Post-Amerika) Lyrics 15 years ago
Completely agree, this had crossed my mind just recently. Before I ever heard of Rise Against, I was pretty ignorant to say the least. I wasn't really ignorant for the sake of being ignorant, its just all I grew up in and I didn't really know what the hell was going on around me. I was pretty lost and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life or anything. I used to play video games all the time, I happened to get Need For Speed Underground 2, which had the song Give it all by Rise against. I mentioned it to a friend online and he told me other songs to listen to by them and I'm like wow these guys are amazing. Then I started listening to the lyrics, and it just molded with how my mind thinks. It's so easy to be completely oblivious to things when thats how society seems to want it to be. I've gone vegetarian since having listened to Rise Against, and I'm always trying to improve myself. So to say that music doesn't affect much, is garbage. You just need the right music. And it not only influences the individuals mind, it helps create that "mob mentality". When people get together and can discuss such topics through a medium such as music, it allows the mentality of groups to change as well, which creates even more activism.

Rise Against – Savior Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this and plaguerat's ideas are correct. To me it seems like its about Tim, only because he wrote it so obviously I'm gonna think that. Think about his situation, he thinks his obgligation is to spread his message and bring enlightenment to others, which he does through his music and his actions. He's always away on tours and/or recording music. And he has kids (or atleast one), which is probably why they both find it hard to walk away from the relationship. This song and The Dirt Whispered to me both reflect how Tim is feeling, or how I could see someone in his position feeling. He feels like he needs to do something to change the world, and he can't do it if hes at home, but at the same time, he cant be with his family if hes never home. Its basically a catch 22.

Rise Against – Long Forgotten Sons Lyrics 15 years ago
I have conflicting views on what this is about. Namely because of the daughters that don't belong to anyone line. This to me seems like a reference to China, because of their one child limit, the daughters are the ones that always are "discarded" so to say. Then we have the, we are alone under this sun, which to me alludes to slave work. Not saying thats specifically what they meant, but the concept of it. I also like k1i2t3t4's view. It seems like its talking about the general population, if we keep it just about the US, the general laborforce is what keeps everything together, and right now most of that laborforce is being used and abused, as you can tell by this new financial fallout. These people at the top are causing all the problems with greed, and everyone else has to work to fix what they've caused.

Rise Against – Death Blossoms Lyrics 15 years ago
I'd also like to add, I recently played the game at my friends house, and most if not all of these lyrics are correct if I remember right.

Rise Against – Death Blossoms Lyrics 15 years ago
I posted them because I asked someone on youtube who had posted the song to give me them, cause he had the actual song/game. And as mxbrady said, not everyone has the money for the game. I trusted the guy would have the right lyrics since he owned the song and apparently took time to upload songs to youtube so i didnt think he would mind spending a little extra time giving the correct lyrics. And I didn't figure anyone here would get around to posting them anytime soon, and genuinely thought the guy would have the correct lyrics.

Rise Against – Death Blossoms Lyrics 15 years ago
Starting with the "We eat our own to stay alive", I think that means at the expense of our children we're bettering ourselves at the current moment and ruining the future for them. Such as global warming/ruining the earth etc. I kind of gathered that from the part where it says the image of the world reflects inside the child's eye, but I suppose it could also be taken in other ways such as knocking other people down to help ourselves, or even more literally eating other living beings (animals) for food. Also has to deal with the poor state of society because mostly everyone is all about themselves (Society vice queens).

Rise Against – The Dirt Whispered Lyrics 15 years ago
I found a very fitting interview with Tim McIlrath about the selling out thing.

How do you get all the elitist punk rockers and anti-corporate rock fans to still support Rise Against, since you’ve been on a major label for the past few albums?

It was an issue when I was 15-years-old for me. Bad Religion signed to a major label, and I was bummed. It's a natural thing to feel like you have discovered something and it's your little thing to keep in your pocket. When it's out and exposed to the masses, you no longer have ownership of it, although you never really did! But you feel betrayed and lash out at the obvious target, which is the band. I have no ill will towards those people who feel that way about Rise Against. I was that kid. It is a part of growing up, and it doesn't need to be bands that are the only ones who experience this. It can be a restaurant. You discovered it, and it was yours but then it gets popular and now you can't even get a table there. So you're bummed and hate people going there, hate the food, say the menu sucks when it still is really good or even better than it was before. It's a natural part of life. But I put my head on the pillow at night and know I have not compromised anything, so it's fine with me.,,4894898,00.html

Rise Against – The Dirt Whispered Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with some of the other posters that this song is about the band touring. I know it must be hard to be away from the people they love for so long, but I think they try to balance it as best as possible. It's a struggle to balance/do what you want and what you feel is right/necessary. It almost always presents itself that sacrifices are necessary to get something done and I think they realize that and thats why they still tour and try to get their message out even though it sucks to be away from loved ones.
A destination, A fading smile
Another station, Another mile
Another day gone

And I have something to say about the sellout garbage. Why do some people feel like they have to own music and that if too many other people like the music they like than they start to dislike it. Music is something for people to enjoy. I can understand people not liking music if it just doesn't suit their taste, but to attack another person's "art" so to say is pathetic. I can also understand that some stuff is selling out, when you don't necessarily care about what the music sounds like and what the lyrics say as long as you make a buck off it. This is most definitely not the case. If people believe music has the power to change people, then why is it wrong to try and get your message out? Shouldn't everyone have the privilege to hear such great lyrics? For anyone who appreciates Rise Against lyrics, imagine had they made their previous songs sound absolutely horrendous and you didn't ever have the chance to hear them because you didn't like how it sounded. Get over trying to feel special for liking something not everyone else likes and appreciate what you like.

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