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Nirvana – Lounge Act Lyrics 15 years ago
This song (TO ME) is back and forth thoughts from kurt's mind about his girlfriend and this other guy who she is seeing.

Sounds like a love triangle with a girlfriend of his. Maybe this chick was not all into him, maybe she had kurt on the side and he knew it. For some reason this girl captivated kurt despite the fact that she was seeing this other guy. He knows its bad for him though. "Couldn't work, Trading off and taking turns" Although its bad for him, looking back at the situation he doesn't regret being with her.
"I dont regret a thing"

*Don't tell me what I want to hear stanza* - she's lieing about her whereabouts and etc.. about the whole situation and he knows it. Funny thing is more than likely he doesn't confront her about it.

Ill go out of my way to prove I still smell her on you. Kurt could have known this guy - circle of friends

Stealing - stealing the girl away from him, but he wanted more. "Arrest myself and wear a shield" He has to hold back from killing him ( she would be put off by this barbaric behavior and leave him possibly) but kurt goes out of his way to let that guy know, "I know you're with my girl." "smell her on you" Could be a tactic kurt used to intimidate this other man. Intimidate him so he would stop seeing his girl.

The last stanza something happened between all 3 of them. He tries to make a deal with her and it probably doesn't end up working. Im not exactly 100% sure but thats how I interpret this song. The last stanza is the hardest for me to interpret. It is a deal with him or her, more than likely her by saying "sharing what's lost" and what we grew.

Kurt was jealous and was spying on this chick lol. Almost sounds like he was obsessed. We all been there. And it sucks when a chick you really like isn't feeling the same vibe as you =[

Feedback and criticism is welcome. By the way kurt was a pisces and they are known to be caught up in some strange love situations. Wouldn't suprise me.

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