Foo Fighters – Everlong Lyrics | 15 years ago |
Im glad im not the only one! |
Foo Fighters – Everlong Lyrics | 15 years ago |
if your going to criticize it, get the lyrics right. |
Foo Fighters – Everlong Lyrics | 16 years ago |
singing is something you generally do when your really happy, an activity of merriment if you will. i doubt they're literally singing i just think he wanted to get a point across about how they're feeling. also i dont think its referring to sex (unless you want to interpret it that way... read my post, maybe thatll clear it up for you but its really just my opinion. i hope it helped. |
Foo Fighters – Everlong Lyrics | 16 years ago |
didnt read all the comments so i'm not sure if this has been said already, but alot of people are demeaning the pure beauty of the song by saying its all about sex. i really think its so much more than that. its all about love, finding someone that makes you feel alive and that feeling of being completely vulnerable yet in pure bliss at the same time, a feeling that sex alone can never capture. "If everything could ever feel this real forever If anything could ever be this good again" isnt necessarily referring to the physical, get your head out of the gutter, anyone whos really been in love knows this feeling all too well. you feel like you'll never be this happy again...and its almost a sad feeling if it werent so happy. also when he says "The only thing I'll ever ask of you Got to promise not to stop when I say when" i doubt hes just saying "please dont stop f**king me" i think hes referring to a relatively new relationship. both of them are surprised at what they feel and though they originally wanted to take it slow to protect themselves, they see their love spinning out of control and despite the danger they don't want to stop. i dunno, thats just my take on it, your all welcome to your own opinions i guess. im not usually the type to speak up here but i kinda had to say something this time... beautiful song, one of my favorites |
Guns N' Roses – Chinese Democracy Lyrics | 16 years ago |
ur an idiot, the album was pretty damn good, considering he had to write it all alone |
Guns N' Roses – Chinese Democracy Lyrics | 16 years ago |
all the assholes who gave axl no respect and said the album would never come out and would fail horribly are lookin really stupid now... the albums out and courtesy of dr. pepper it will probably be his highest selling yet |
Alice in Chains – King Of The Kats Lyrics | 16 years ago |
congratulations! that statement was so stupid i made an account just to correct you!this song was written over ten years before you made that comment, therefore it is in no way todays music. however i do agree that it is self explanatory |
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