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The Smashing Pumpkins – Today Lyrics 15 years ago
first of all, this song is genius, just everything about it. Billy Corgan is a really big influence in my guitar now. i know this song is about suicide, but to me, it's realizing just how great life is, and coming out of depression

Lifehouse – Broken Lyrics 15 years ago
this an awesome song.
i think it's about a guy who's struggling to believe in god. it seems like he's had a real rough time lately, a painful breakup, and hes finding it hard to keep his faith

The Airborne Toxic Event – Sometime Around Midnight Lyrics 15 years ago
this is an awesome song. i think its about an ex that hes still not over, and the only reason they broke up in the first place is because of a drinking problem.

This song also makes me think of one of my ex's, and how id give anything to have her back :(

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