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The Kooks – Naive Lyrics 15 years ago
that makes perfect sense. i never though of it that way before.

The Kooks – Sway Lyrics 15 years ago
why would you ever relate the kooks to twilight? thats just dumb.

The Kooks – Sway Lyrics 15 years ago
he is saying something along the lines of him being a good friend and has a good heart thats in the right place. he is just struggling right now and its sad :[

The Kooks – Sway Lyrics 15 years ago
luke wrote this song for max rafferty. he was apart of the band (bassist) but he quit for good because he had some issues with drugs. and luke wrote this for him after he quit just so he would know that even though he was no longer apart of the band he still loves him and cares for him and would do anything to help him through his hard time.

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