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Rise Against – I Don't Want to Be Here Anymore Lyrics 10 years ago
Rise Against has always been known to write about world events. Generally, their songs have reflected the unfortunate events and tragic events that have become yesterday. I believe their songs leading up to this album have been about trying to make us notice where we as a civilization are failing. And that we need to take action to correct our faults if we want a future. But this song is different.

I don't want to be here anymore - is acknowledging that we've past the point of no return in fixing the issues our world suffers from caused by humans. It's simply stating, we are no longer in control of our future, and it's from our own doing. The wars - politically and/or religiously driven, our lack of respect for fellow man - equality/inequality, our lack of respect for mother nature and it's creatures who roamed the earth long before mankind.

My generation has been through more than any generation before us has endured. There's no turning back from the breaking point, and all we have left is the end. Tim's tone comes across as "fed up" with having to battle the world's issues. He almost seems to say, "I have tried my best, but I'm tired of seeing day in and day out the same sadness and polluted world we have become."

Many of Rise Against's songs project the problem, then suggest a solution or talk of positive outlook at the end if we can change, and that things will get better. Yet, this song doesn't provide a solution or even suggest things will turn for the better. It's almost as if apathy has set in, and he just doesn't care anymore.

"...something has to die to be reborn...", this particular verse of the song is stunning. It sounds like he's conceding and passing on the burden to someone else.

Sara Bareilles – Winter Song Lyrics 15 years ago
This song reminds me of my best friend because of the lyrics "December never felt so wrong" and "They say were buried far, just like a distant star, I simply cannot hold." She was the best thing to ever happen to me. I ended up falling in love with her but was never able to tell her because I was scared I would lose her friendship. I did my best to show her the happier things in life when she was going through rough times. She has such a beautiful smile. The beginning of December, something happened to which I still don't understand and she pushed me away, so I pushed back. We barely ever talk now. I think about her everyday since I last saw her. She'll always be my shooting star.

The Fray – Say When Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this song is about a couple who got to know each other deeply. But somehow they never got close enough to each other as they both wanted for unexplained reasons. The girl seems to go through difficulties in her life, and the guy is always there, but he needs her to tell her when because she hides her problems so well. At times, they don't speak. The guy is left wondering what happened, but it's something too deep. He leaves the issue knowing that she just might explain what happened when she's ready for him to comfort her. The guy has long realized that many do not have a shoulder to lean against, and he stays with her even if she won't speak to him, waiting for her to say when, to comfort her, to be there for her.

The Script – Breakeven Lyrics 15 years ago
"Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in"

It happens everyday for me...

This song is simply amazing.

The Fray – You Found Me Lyrics 15 years ago
Without knowing your relationship with that person, it's a bit difficult to interpret anything...

But whoever dedicated the song to you seems like they love you very much, enough to believe that a song with words, "lost and insecure", the mention of God, and my favorite, "
Losing her
The only one whose ever known
Who I am, who I'm not, who I wanna be".

Whoever that person is, they love you very much. Consider yourself very lucky.

The Fray – You Found Me Lyrics 15 years ago
At best, I would consider myself Agnostic. I refuse to believe in God, or more so any religion because I have just found all religions hypocritical. I won't bash religion, God, your preaching, or other peoples beliefs. I am certainly open to the possibility that God may exist, but with my life experiences, I find it difficult to believe in such with how cruel and selfish our world is.

I would agree with you poolshark9 that God can be defined in many ways by many different people. Which the Fray does exceptionally well in this song, to each his own in how they interpret the song.

The Fray – You Found Me Lyrics 15 years ago
Isaac posted this on website along with the video.

"You Found Me is a tough song for me. Its about the disappointment, the heart ache, the let down that comes with life. Sometimes you're let down, sometimes you're the one who lets someone else down. It gets hard to know who you can trust, who you can count on. This song came out of a tough time, and I'm still right in the thick of it. There's some difficult circumstances my family and friends have been going through over the past year or so and can be overwhelming. It wears on me. It demands so much of my faith to keep believing, keep hoping in the unseen. Sometimes the tunnel has a light at the end, but usually they just look black as night. This song is about that feeling, and the hope that I still have, buried deep in my chest."

The song is truly amazing. I myself have been battling my own problems small and large among family, friends, school, work, personal, everything. Caring about everyone around me and trying to put smiles on faces and make people happy during the hardest of times. But when you can't do it, it begins to eat at you, and others problems become your own demons. Eventually hitting rock bottom. And even today I struggle with my demons every other day. And while I am not religious, nor do I believe in God, I continue to believe there might be a higher power that will help those I love with their problems.

I think this song takes everything about life into account while placing God into it as well. But the song does something rarely what other musicians attempt to do, it shows the emotional range and true insecurities which we all have but rarely reveal.

Can't wait to see them live, definitely some of the greatest musicians, and certainly great people among a world so messed up as ours.

Papa Roach – Scars Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is really moving and personal. I always listen to the acoustic version. I think this song is about a good guy who is always there for the girl he loves, who has been going through hard times. The girl has always gone to the guy with her problems to seek comfort and help. Yet in one particular instance the guy tries to help her, but she takes out her rage and anger on him. He realizes that he can't help her because she doesn't want help. So he walks away because he just can't take anymore madness and negativity, and hopes that she will realize he cared more than she knew and took him for granted. When she finally comes back around, he tells her she needs to fix herself, something only she can do. He does this because he knows she won't let him in. And although he walked away, he still loves her and is reminded of her through the scars of his broken heart.

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