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Funeral for a Friend – You Can't See The Forest For The Wolves Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with gemhenz and [Juneau] that this song is saying don't believe everything you hear in the media... BUT, you seem to be missing the bigger picture here.
The song is about someone's (possibly the main singer's) realization that there is no God.
the first couple lines are a big tell:

"I've lost my innocence" essentially means that this realization that he is all alone has taken away his innocence.

"If you see it around please tell it to call. It can't tell me, truths I need..." His innocence, aka the time when he believed in God, doesn't tell him the truth's he needs to live his life. (he's been living a lie)

And then the obvious:
"Give me something to believe in
Something that is real
A moment of reflection
What should I believe?"

That speaks for itself.

Funeral for a Friend – Building Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is obviously about the absence of God. (aka atheism)
the majority of the songs in this cd follow in that same light. (or absence of light) ha!
but seriously, the "theme", i guess you could call it, of this cd is atheism.
Just look at the cover...
two giant DNA molecules coming out of the ground.(hinting evolution rather than creation)
Love the song and the entire cd.

Iron & Wine – Sodom, South Georgia Lyrics 15 years ago
I don't know if anyone has said this yet but this is how I see it:

* Experiencing death, or being around death makes people think about their mortality and realize that they too will die some day, which as a result, brings out their religion.

Allow me to explain...

okay so he starts by telling us that his father died and in the second stanza:

"And Sodom, South Georgia
woke like a tree full of bees
buried in christmas bows
and a blanket of weeds"

After his father died, the whole town "woke like a tree full of bees" and realized that death is a very real and scary thing. He describes the town as "buried in christmas bows" indicating that they are focusing only on gifts and material items on the most holy day of the year.

"Papa died and I understood
All dead white boys say, "God is good."
White tongues hang out, "God is good."

He is describing his realization that only after someone dies do people begin to whip out their bibles and praise, "God is good." it is the fear of death that drives people to christianity.

"Papa died while my girl
Lady Edith was born
both heads fell like
eyes on a crack in the door

And Sodom, South Georgia
Slept on an acre of bones
Slept through Christmas
Slept like a bucket of snow"

Here he says the town "slept through christmas" which is supposed to be the most holy day of the year. but since no one died it's of no importance to them.
When his daughter was born, Everyone just "slept like a bucket of snow." Instead of praising God for bringing life into the world, they only respond to death because it makes them realize that they too are mortal and will die some day.

Personally, I completely agree with Sam Bean. People use religion now a days as more of a safety net. They think:"hey, if i go to church and every once and a while and seem to look like I care about what's in the bible then i'll go to heaven and I don't have to worry about a thing!"
which is complete bullshit.
personally, I am not a religious person in any way. but i am still disgusted by people who think they are better than me because they are following this so-called "word of God." when in reality they aren't even doing that. they just consider themselves loving christians in a time that concerns death in order to put their minds at easy when asking themselves the question, "am i going to heaven?"

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