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Sufjan Stevens – Arnika Lyrics 13 years ago
Does anyone else hear the sound of a rope swinging around 2:40? It fades in and out of the song after that point on, but it always reminds me of someone being hanged. I've heard someone say it's the sound of a swing, which makes sense, but it also sounds of someone being hanged, or at the end of their rope, so to speak. Makes perfect sense with the lyrics as well ("I'm tired of life.../Oh, be patient with me; for the night weighs on my chest with a terrible storm/...No I'm not afraid of death or strife or injury, accidents, they are my friend").

Gives a creepy/almost unlistenable vibe to the song when I think of it that way, though.

Sufjan Stevens – Futile Devices Lyrics 13 years ago
Cooby's argument makes no sense. The "homoerotic" songs that people have said are about Jesus ARE about Jesus. And I do think he sings from other perspectives sometimes. I'm not sure which the case is in this song, but come on- I'm tired of the is he or isn't he gay debate.

Castledoor – Burn the Maps Lyrics 13 years ago
I'm pretty sure the lyric is, "We don't wanna follow their formula"- not "phony love"

Oren Lavie – Don't Let Your Hair Grow Too Long Lyrics 14 years ago
I definitely don't think it's about a picture. I think the song is about unrequited love. He's admiring someone from afar, and sees them as perfect- a perfect, untouched, unrequited love. Much like admiring a picture in a frame- it's beautiful to look at, but you'd never actually get the chance to touch it.

John Mayer – The Heart of Life Lyrics 14 years ago
First, I have to agree with Doomsquad. The song isn't JUST about breaking up with's about all aspects of life. And John himself said he wrote it after his grandmother died.

Anyway, as much as I love this song, I've never been able to figure out the line, "Fear is a friend who's misunderstood."

But today, for the first time, I finally got it. I was just thinking about fear, and how it drives my life, but in negative ways. And then I realized that fear is a motivator in positive ways too, because chances are, if you’re afraid of something, it's probably the exact same thing you should be doing. Fear means the chance of failure, the chance of failing, but if you never try you never know. And that's how fear is misunderstood- we take it to mean its warning us, we revel in it and let it blanket us. Instead, we should let it motivate us to do the things we're too scared to do, fear should allow us to take those chances we are afraid to take. Fear is a misunderstood friend.

Sufjan Stevens – Rake Lyrics 15 years ago
I have to agree with Patthewat that "she turned into a cave when it got colder" means protection.

I think this whole song is as simple as the lyrics are- Sufjan is singing about feeling safe and stable in a relationship.

Another line that points to this is the one from the chorus: "You are the rock." Symbollically, a rock represents strength; this girl is his strength, or his "rock", so to speak.

Even the opening lyrics support this theory. "I never felt so safe"- despite the fact that Sufjan calls it a "line", he then retiterates the statement by saying "Warm, resting place..." Showing that even though he might have been using a "line" at some point in their relationship, he has now come to see her as a "warm, resting place"...he trusts and finds comfort and strength in her.

John Mayer – Hummingbird Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song.

"Once upon almost every mornin
I woke up to find her flying in
Hummingbird was making blurs of
Blue and rings of purple in the air"

This is saying she's a woman that's "flying" in and out of his life- flittering around like a hummingbird.

"All the while
I was trying to keep her there
Not man enough to leave
Man enough to always care"

He doesn't really want to be in a relationship with her, but at the same time, wants to be in her life. Selfish, sure, but realistic- I think we've all been in that sort of situation before.

"Just because I said I didn't want her
Doesn't mean I want her to go
In fact I quite depended on her
But that i didnt want her to know"

Again, he needs her, depends on her, but doesn't want to seem weak by admitting so. Actually, he doesn't want to admit how much he needs her because she's the one who will come and go as she pleases- it's easier for him to remain aloof at the chance of getting hurt. Like I mentioned earlier, the hummingbird metaphor is used to describe someone free who comes and goes as they pleases; this woman is a hummingbird to him.

That's my take on it all, at least :)

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