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Raekwon – Incarcerated Scarfaces Lyrics 14 years ago
It's all Mafioso stuff. Lots of interesting stuff in here. Dialogue and score is from The Killer, and samples include "You're Getting Too Smart" by Detroit Emeralds and "Wang Dang Doodle" by Koko Taylor.

Joel Plaskett – Lying on a Beach Lyrics 14 years ago
It's a song about Joel's two years spent working on archiving old tapes for the CBC, in a vault with no windows. Must've felt kind of numbing at times. It's clever, how it mixes the relaxation of lying down in the sun with the guilt of lying to yourself about your life.

Joel Plaskett – In the Blue Moonlight Lyrics 14 years ago
A song about being left behind and feeling hurt. It evokes night time, cold nights under a full moon. I used to work until the early hours and drive home exhausted, listening to this song as the sky began to show signs of morning on the way...

Joel Plaskett – Gone, Gone, Gone Lyrics 14 years ago
Damn. Pure genius. Joel's voice is a little slower, a little wearier in this song. The lyrics and the delivery just connect so well, along with brilliant little chunks of verse like "Good old boys with your old goodbyes". Three is my favourite album of 2009.

Bruce Cockburn – Wondering Where The Lions Are Lyrics 15 years ago
wonderful song... only three comments? That's ridiculous. There's some universal meaning and some specifically Canadian meaning in this song... like the "huge orange flying boat rises off a lake" bit - a reference to water bombers filling up at Sproat Lake, B.C. !

The Dears – Berlin Heart Lyrics 15 years ago
Also, the reason he calls it a "Berlin heart"? Because Berlin was divided into several parts (I think five seperate sections) after World War 2, and became a very different city depending which one you were in. The Berlin wall then divided east from west Germany.

He's saying his heart is constrained, sectioned off, suffering the pain of seperation from his loved one.

The Dears – Summer of Protest Lyrics 15 years ago
A song exhorting all the students to protest "every dollar that kills".

(It seems like there's always a few cents off every dollar in circulation that really are helping kill people, whether it be through war, cultural genocide, advertising alcohol and tobacco, etc..)

The Dears – Berlin Heart Lyrics 15 years ago
Great song. Just an unaffected love song about the struggle of a person being torn apart by crushing hopelessness of the world, and how their special person saves them from this.

The Dears – Money Babies Lyrics 15 years ago
The phrase about money being elastic means a young couple don't need to make a lot of money to provide for their child. Parents can give their kids a good childhood even if they are poor. They just have to love their kids and get them the basics. (It's counter to the common notion that parents must do everything they can for their family, including work that pays well but helps ruin the world. That mindset makes every evil in the world justifiable, as long as you're doing it to feed your family.)

"Cavalcades of losers, losing their minds. Hoping for disaster. Settin' off alarms. Amid all of the deranged." - these verses refer to the alienation a young, poor family can feel compared to the middle class families bent on the appearance of succes.

Tool – Eulogy Lyrics 15 years ago
this song is about Bill Hicks, who toured with Tool and is featured lyrically in three songs on the Aenema album, as well as in the CD liner.

Chad Vangaalen – Kill Me In My Sleep Lyrics 15 years ago
Just another one of Chad's meditations on death, or what it's like to be killed. He's so good at making light of death; seems he has an extra chromosome for that kind of thing.

Chad Vangaalen – Graveyard Lyrics 15 years ago
No comments?! Are you kidding? This song is so rad! Much like" Willow Tree", it's just a re-thinking of death, a realization that it can be taken lightly.

Radiohead – House of Cards Lyrics 16 years ago
I think buddy cathedral is on the right track - this song is about global warming. The rich nations' refusal to make any meaningful action is what's being allegorized as a house of cards / swinging relationship.

Lines like "infrastructure will collapse" mean what they say. The house of cards is the capitalist system whereby all the environmental and social consequences are a business externality

"Fall off the table
Get swept under"

I think this line is critical of all the GHG reduction schemes that don't get signed at meetings like the one in Bali and more recently in Germany.

"Foregt about your house of cards and I'll do mine" - is another way of political leaders saying "you cut your emissions first, then we'll do ours" -usually referring to China, India ,or other emerging nations being asked to carry an equal load off emmissions reductions (whether that's fair or not, I won't comment on).
Most of Radiohead's songs are steeped in feeling, with purposefully vague lyrics. This one I think some of the lyrics can be taken almost at face value.

"Your ears are burning"

- both these lines refer to people knowing about climate change, but not confronting it in the way they live and the way they vote.

Radiohead – House of Cards Lyrics 16 years ago
I think buddy cathedral is on the right track - this song is about global warming. The rich nations' refusal to make any meaningful action is what's being allegorized as a house of cards / swinging relationship.

Lines like "infrastructure will collapse" mean what they say. The house of cards is the capitalist system whereby all the environmental and social consequences are a business externality

"Fall off the table
Get swept under"

I think this line is critical of all the GHG reduction schemes that don't get signed at meetings like the one in Bali and more recently in Germany.

"Foregt about your house of cards and I'll do mine" - is another way of political leaders saying "you cut your emissions first, then we'll do ours" -usually referring to China, India ,or other emerging nations being asked to carry an equal load off emmissions reductions (whether that's fair or not, I won't comment on).
Most of Radiohead's songs are steeped in feeling, with purposefully vague lyrics. This one I think some of the lyrics can be taken almost at face value.

"Your ears are burning"

- both these lines refer to people knowing about climate change, but not confronting it in the way they live and the way they vote.

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