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The Ready Set – Love Like Woe Lyrics 14 years ago
this song is about how a couple falls in and out of love again. one moment he feels like theyre so in love with each other, but then she ignores him and moves on, and the cycle keeps repeating

Every Avenue – For Always, Forever Lyrics 14 years ago
this song could be a past relationship. but, the way i think of it is that the band is looking back on their years of growing up / being a teenager in their town. theyve drifted apart from their old friends but they still remember all of the good times they had growing up before they grew apart. they love their lives and new friends and touring now, but will never forget their old great memories

This Century – Running Lyrics 14 years ago
one 'friend' is driving him crazy, and now he finally realizes that they were never even true friends to begin with, so he's done with chasing the person and is ready to move on.
catchy song!

Mayday Parade – Kids in Love Lyrics 14 years ago
this is about two teenagers falling in love in the summer time. while it wasnt a perfect relationship, it was one he truly loved. after the summer ended, they seperated and didnt keep in touch. now hes thinking of all the memories and wants to be with her again. hes wondering why the first time they kissed it was magical and they were so in love, and the last time they kissed it was a goodbye and they wouldnt see each other again. best song on the album

The Summer Set – Young Lyrics 14 years ago
this song is talking about how you should live life to the fullest while youre young and alive and can get away with things because there will never be another night when youre as young as you are tonight :)

Mark And Alex – Crazy Lyrics 14 years ago
its about two people breaking up, and although the girl is gone and they are over, she still remains there in memory

The Harmless – 6 15 91 Lyrics 14 years ago
its aobut things not going right in life, then somebody coming along and changes it and makes everything worthwhile. in a way that person saves them from being a bad person, and makes their life so much happier.

this is one of my favorite songs <333333

Breathe Carolina – Take Me To Infinity Lyrics 14 years ago
theres not a direct message in this song, its really for dancing and getting caught up in that momeny, really fun beat

The Ready Set – Unender Lyrics 14 years ago
jordan's songs have deep meanings that are sometimes hard to figure out. i think its that way for this song, you have to interperet in your own way. he uses a lot of metaphors, his writing is so exquisite to listen to and sing to.

The Ready Set – Sixty Eight Lyrics 14 years ago
i dont think words can even go to describe this song.
it could be about someone dying and being there for that person, and proving to them that youll always be there for them and to protect them through the hard times
it can also be about people (kids) growing up too fast)
its just a pure beautiful song

Hit the Lights – Count it! Lyrics 14 years ago
this song is so great for touring. its about traveling the country, getting more fans and preforming and loving every minute of it. even though they're away from their home, they are having the times of their lives knowing they are doing something theyre great at and enjoy and like seeing the fans responses. overall a great touring song, and i wish it were longer!!!!

The Ready Set – Melody's Song Lyrics 14 years ago
this is what jordan has to say about this song:

"i put up a new song called "melody's song"
it's about music and it's effect on me.
as is probably the case with many people, music helped me a lot growing up [and continues to do so]. there are certain songs that if i listen to now will take me back to a certain time in my life. some songs remind me of a season, a year, or a week. it's kinda crazy.

i used to spend hours in my room listening to CD's on a little stereo i had, doing nothing else.
contentment. i dug really deep into lyrics and the way they worked with melodies, always trying to associate the words to myself in some way or another.

i feel really lucky to get to call this obsession my life and "job".

music is the one thing that i've always been comfortable with, and i like to think it's always going to be that way.

the world would be a sad place without music."

PluginStereo – Remember California Lyrics 14 years ago
i cant believe thers no comments on this, plugin stereo is amazing. i think its about a couple who fell in love in California, and now theyre drifting apart and their relationship is going downhill. the boy is remembering all of their good times and good memories (which happened in California).

Beyoncé – Sweet Dreams Lyrics 15 years ago
wow i think people know what beyonce is talking about from their own personal stories! its the feeling when you love someone so much, you just want to go to bed so that you can dream about them. the dream can be sweet because youre with them, but it could also be a nightmare because you wish it was really happening and you dont know if itll come true. but either way, you want to stay in the dream forever :) i love this songgg!

Lily Allen – LDN Lyrics 15 years ago
the meaning is that things aren't always what they seem.
shes using london as an example. if you walked around the town, you'd think it was a happy and cheery place as well as its people. but if you take a closer look and take a deeper second glance, you would notice that things arent as they seem and actually quite the opposite.

311 – Amber Lyrics 15 years ago
wow, since when is this song popular? thats so cool how so many people love it!
it makes me think of paradise, and calm.
this song is also about auroras, or 'the color of your energy'.

3OH!3 – Richman Lyrics 15 years ago
Pissin' in the alleyway out back where the party's at,

^wtf? get some class.
this song has a really good beat and is so much fun to hear but the lyrics are just pathetic and stupidd

3OH!3 – Starstrukk Lyrics 15 years ago
the guys in this band are perves. but they make amazing beats and rhythm and catchy sounds that get stuck in your head. but the lyrics are awful, id love the songs if their lyrics werent so dirty meaning. its a shame, they have musical talent but the lyrics they use are trash

This Providence – My Beautiful Rescue Lyrics 15 years ago
this song is saying how someone has come into his life during his darkest times and worst moments and turned it around completely. now he enjoys his life because this person has made it all better. i imagine them dancing alone on a rooftop at night with lots of lights, and its just the two of them, and then people see theyre in love and realize love is a great thing. then more people join in and fall in love and dance with them, and realize their appreciation for their wonderful life and stop being depressed. this is a very beautiful song.

Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 16 years ago
i have a different outlook on this song that most of you.
"i used to rule the world" i think maybe he is saying that some he become famous, and felt the power.
" Oh, who would ever want to be king?" --now that he has experienced fame, he relizes it was harder than he thought, and he has been getting caught up with the whole celebrity deal, when he just wants to show his words to others and express it. this song is showing that being famous isnt all fun and games, and the power will get to your head

Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 16 years ago
i have a different outlook on this song that most of you.
"i used to rule the world" i think maybe he is saying that some he become famous, and felt the power.
" Oh, who would ever want to be king?" --now that he has experienced fame, he relizes it was harder than he thought, and he has been getting caught up with the whole celebrity deal, when he just wants to show his words to others and express it. this song is showing that being famous isnt all fun and games, and the power will get to your head

Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 16 years ago
i have a different outlook on this song that most of you.
"i used to rule the world" i think maybe he is saying that some he become famous, and felt the power.
" Oh, who would ever want to be king?" --now that he has experienced fame, he relizes it was harder than he thought, and he has been getting caught up with the whole celebrity deal, when he just wants to show his words to others and express it. this song is showing that being famous isnt all fun and games, and the power will get to your head

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