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Big Sugar – All Hell For A Basement Lyrics 15 years ago
Before I read pk_boomer's comment I thought this song was about a homeless guy and the lines

"About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

were reffering to the prosperous upper/middle class in Alberta as heaven and the ever increasing poverty as the hell.

Van Morrison – Brown Eyed Girl Lyrics 15 years ago
The first time I heard this song I thought it was about a Dad reminising about the times with his brown-eyed daughter when she was little and when they would play while all alone, and he could just enjoy himself without anyone around judging him. Then I heard the line making love in the green grass and it ruined the interpretation lol. Now I think its about a teenage relationship and they intimate things he would do with his brown-eyed girl when they were alone.

Talking Heads – Heaven Lyrics 16 years ago
Wow. absolutley brilliant lyrics. Simple, yet gets you really thinking. Any song that gets you thinking this deeply about certain things will be interpreted in many different shades of light depending on the perception of the person listening to it. And after reading these comments this song is no different. Personally, this is what this song means to me; when we think of heaven or any type of utopian afterlife we tend to think of one special moment from within our lifetime in which we never felt any better. We take that one moment and imagine it lasting an eternity. However, in reality what made that moment truly special was the fact that it was ust that, a moment. The peak of all our ups and downs, the moment we all live our lives for, and the moment we never forget. If that moment were to be drawn our for an eternity it would become the norm, mediocre, average. And we all know that mediocraty is boring.

Talking Heads – Drugs Lyrics 16 years ago
I am sorry but I just had to laugh at the comment masterdebater made. I was thinking the exact same thing as I scrolled down the comments except in a non sarcastic form. Theres so many people out there who make listening to music high out to be some kind of ancient shaman like experience. Anyways the lyrics are pretty obvious. Great Song, Great Band, Great music.

Talking Heads – (Nothing But) Flowers Lyrics 16 years ago
To me its about the quick sand effect of this materialistic reality we have created. We become more and more reliant on technology and certain conveniances (which we dont need) and are the same things that destroy the beuty of nature and keep us from being truly contempt, Garden of Eden=Paradice. As we develop new and better technologies and more conveniancies we become more and more detached from nature.

A good example of this is TiVo. Before it came about people were perfectly contempt with their tv watching but now that you have it you don't know what you would do without it. Theres no going back now.

People In Planes – Talking Heads Lyrics 16 years ago
Discard my last comment, it was ment to be for (nothing but) flowers I dont know how I got redirected here before i commented. 0 0

People In Planes – Talking Heads Lyrics 16 years ago
To me its about the quick sand effect of this materialistic reality we have created. We become more and more reliant on technology and certain conveniances (which we dont need) and are the same things that destroy the beuty of nature and keep us from being truly contempt, Garden of Eden=Paradice. As we develop new and better technologies and more conveniancies we become more and more detached from nature.

A good example of this is TiVo. Before it came about people were perfectly contempt with their tv watching but now that you have it you don't know what you would do without it. Theres no going back now.

Frank Zappa – Who Are The Brain Police? Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with Dressed2Depress it is definatly very Orwellion-like.

The narrator is taking on the identity of an authoritative figure talking to you, someone who has escaped the psycological prison we are trapped in (especially in the western world) and the labels that are placed on all of us since birth, from all the propaganda that is shoved down our throats each and every day. Also the fact that our peers are the ones that keep us in the prison because ridicule of being abnormal is the only thing keeping us from being truley free.

Frank Zappa – Valley Girl Lyrics 16 years ago
Frank Zappa wrote the song and woke up his daughter Moon Unit in the middle of the night to be a part of the recording. She add libbed all her lines but zappa still wrote the rest of the song.

The point of the song was to make fun of the shallowness and stupidy of the whole valley girl culture and everyone involved in it. Whern the song was released to the public it was incredibaly misunderstood (much like Zappa was for his entire career.)

Frank Zappa is a musical genious and one of the greatest guitar players of all time.

Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band – Zig Zag Wanderer Lyrics 16 years ago
Its about a homeless person aimlessly wandering through life in a zig zag fasion.

You can huff, you can puff
You'll never blow my house down
--You cant blow it down because he lives on the streets

Never lose what I found
--He appreciates everything he gets

Heaven's free 'cept for a dollar
--Its hard to live happily when your homeless

The zig zag wanderer had a zigzag child
--Homeless people have homeless kids

Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band – Zig Zag Wanderer Lyrics 16 years ago
Its about a homeless person aimlessly wandering through life in a zig zag fasion.

You can huff, you can puff
You'll never blow my house down
--You cant blow it down because he lives on the streets

Never lose what I found
--He appreciates everything he gets

Heaven's free 'cept for a dollar
--Its hard to live happily when your homeless

The zig zag wanderer had a zigzag child
--Homeless people have homeless kids

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