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Josh Ritter – Harrisburg Lyrics 16 years ago
Dot50 is right, but its not about the prilgramage to Jerusalem as a pilgramage much later. I beileve the song refers to the Pilgramage to Canterbury in much like that in Canterbury Tales. Romero was a slang name for a Prostentant in england from the old word which came from the word back in during the Crusades. "The lady of the Imaculate Dawn" is a church in Harrisburg )or was the name was changed recentally), Oddly its a catholic church and its right on the train tracks. Canterbury tales had sevral characters and Chauce diede before her could complete his tales of the journey. So hence the lyric "he didnt make heaven, and didnt make harrisburg. He died in some hole in between." Chaucer believed that man was the route of all evil, and one of his characters did mention that the Garden of Eden was burnd for the sins of adam and eve. also their is a catholic patron saint of america and roses, thiers a statue in harrisburg. It may not be correct but alot of the points fit.

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