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Antiskeptic – Prove Me Wrong Lyrics 16 years ago
" you believe..." This line makes me believe that the whole song is an argument in the mind of the writer. It's old feelings vs. New feelings basically. The New Mind, the Christian one, is trying to get rid of te old mind, the Satanic one, if it believes. The New mind is getting rid is the old one.

Antiskeptic – Nothing To Say Lyrics 16 years ago
I think it's talking about Christians need to not just say that they are Christians and hide it, but they need to be out there, telling everyone about their hope in God. It doesn't matter who you are, how young you are, or even your social background. You still need to stand up for Christ. We have to "...Stake a claim for all we are..." and the rebel thing. It's because Christians are different, there's no mistaking it. :)

Antiskeptic – Called Lyrics 16 years ago
As for what the song means, I think that the first part, "...they say that he'd come dpwn the moutain, up and Come and take control..." is saying that Moses went up Sinai, and tols the Hebrews to be patient and wait.
The Hebrews had problems doing what Moses told them to, so they started doubting him. "...don't sit and hold me...don't really know me...don't feed and clothe me...don't hear console me...don't really know me..." is how the Hebrews felt about a God. How would God know what they were going through? He wasn't there to console and feed and clothe them, so how could the Hebrews know that God was there? So it's basically showing what the Hebrews did, and what us Humans continue to do today. We keep questioning and turning on God, when all the time, He's in control.

Antiskeptic – Beautiful In White Lyrics 16 years ago
The girl is "...waiting to feel alright..." meaning, she knows that she's going to die, and she is waiting to go to heaven. Her friend (I'm assuming it's a guy) is afraid of her dying,"...fear of flight..." so apparently, she was like a cornerstone to him. The "...beautiful in white..." He also knows that she's going to heaven, so he knows about the new body she is to recieve once she gets there.
The next section, he's taking a last talk with her "...through a garden it's midday..." now this also coicides with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, where He prays before He gets betrayed. So we know that the girl's death is soon. The guy prays that the girl is taken quietly, and peacefully "...Praying for a safe filght..." but he knows that she's in a lot of pain. Once again, he says that she is "...beautiful in white..." saying that she will be an angel in Heaven.
The last two verses, the girl is in the last moments, and the guy is blaming himself for her death. She is "...soaring to greater heights..." going to Heaven, saying her last goodbye until they meet again. Her pain is gone, she feels young again. Finally, as his last goodbye, he tells her that he still loves her, even though she is gone for now, but they will meet again. "...have I told you that you're beautiful tonight..."
That's just my taking on the song, of course, so you may not agree. But that's how I take it.

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