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Arcade Fire – The Suburbs Lyrics 13 years ago
Umm... actually not really Hellothere.

Music and most art tend to use themes and imagery to convey those themes. Certain colors carry certain emotions, ideas. The use of a male/female dichotomy is often used in art. Women are often representational of beauty, purity, motherhood, (many related to the Virgin Mary, a near constant figure in Western Art.) Men are often forces of war, aggression, barbarism. All stereotypes will find some semblance in truth, and in this case it is true. You don't hear about young women in Darfur killing and raping men, you hear about men killing and raping women. To be a woman in a society out of control is often to be a victim in war, for thousands of years it was standard policy for a commander to allow his troops to rape the women of a people he has beaten in battle, and it still continues in some parts of the world today.

Stop being overly politically correct, art is not politically correct, and you aren't cool.

Nine Inch Nails – Piggy Lyrics 14 years ago
This is not about police. Seriously people, firstly give Trent some credit, he's a lyricist far and beyond writing about the cops, and he's not some 14 year old who still thinks its cool to scream "fuck the pigs" out the window when they drive past. The people who have said it reminds them of "The Lord of the Flies" are right, this whole album is about the inner human psyche, how deep down we are all savage creatures, that we all have a "Heart of Darkness."

Puscifer – Sour Grapes Lyrics 14 years ago
I believe the ??? part is "blinded *by* dogma." I've seen sites that say paw, but that makes absolutely no sense.

Rage Against the Machine – War Within a Breath Lyrics 15 years ago
This song isn't commemorative? This song is about U2? What?

Black Flag, Red star. Pretty straight forward.

Live – Lakini's Juice Lyrics 15 years ago
Or, perhaps it has nothing whatsoever to do with him hiding his "faith," and more a matter of the fact that we attempt to cleanse and purify ourselves with substances that are in their own way dirty. That we attempt to solve our problems in unhealthy and unsubstantial ways.

"It was an evening I shared with the sun
To find out where we belong
From the earliest days
We were dancing in the shadows"

He lived in pleasure and happiness, believing that he lived in the "light." When in fact he was living in a dark world of hedonism, as others have said, over-indulgence. There is a reason people do drugs, and that is because it feels good.

"More wine
Because I got to have it
More skin
Because I got to eat it"

This is obvious, a reference to the holy communion, but with a twist. He turns objects that are seen as holy into their exact opposites, the objects of gluttony and lust.

"Inside the outside
By the river
Used to be so calm
Used to be so sane
I rushed the ladies' room
Took the water from the toilet
Washed her feet and blessed her name"

This part is somewhat confusing to me, but it also brings to mind the "worshiping the porcelain god." Things used to be so good, as he said he was living in the sun, but he has discovered that this is a surreal world and in fact he was living in the shadows. He rushed to the ladies room, perhaps suggesting his confusion. I also see this as a similar mockery, but this time of the baptism. He blessed her name and washed her feet with toilet water, which is seen as dirty. It is also water that is used to remove waste, so in a way this is fitting.

"More peace
Is such a dirty habit"

A life of such chaos and over-indulgence makes living a normal, peaceful live pain to him, it feels like a dirty habit.

"Slow down, we're too afraid"

This seems to be a third party talking to him here, telling him to slow down because they are afraid.

"Let me ride
Let me ride
Burn my eyes
Let me ride"

He seems to come to a resolution and answers that third party, and that is that he does not want to slow down. He would rather burn out, then fade away, and so he will keep on riding.

Nine Inch Nails – Hyperpower! Lyrics 16 years ago
Folks, Hyperpower is a term used often to describe America, or any state the is dominant around the globe, much like the society he created with this album.

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