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Jason Mraz – The Remedy (I Won't Worry) Lyrics 16 years ago
The most accurate and direct interpretation of this song:

The remedy is referring to the human experience. The stress and nonsenses of the world that we bring to our lives are unnecessary and wasteful. Mraz is cleverly jumbling words together to highlight the fears we brew as well as the fears manufactured to us. Ultimately, this is an uplifting song that simply states the second you begin to take things too seriously, you lose sight of this beautiful human experience. And yes, it's for his friend (which is what makes it all the more appropriate).

Alanis Morissette – Hand In My Pocket Lyrics 16 years ago
Alanis is referring to this concept of duality. We are never just one singular thing, but that we encompass all emotions and attitudes at all points in life. She juxtaposes this with the concept of a hand in pocket (inactive and disengaged) while the other hand remains active and engaged with the world. The ultimate conclusion she makes is that regardless of the contradicting emotions and actions we make and tell, the world is full of everything good and bad, engaged and disengaged.

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