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The Books – It Never Changes to Stop Lyrics 16 years ago
Overall, this song conveys a mood of distress to me. The instruments seem to progress seemingly unperturbed, advancing toward a relatively stable state until the voice of the man silences their progress. The strings slowly come back to force but express a different idea, instead of a rapid developing tempo of homophonic texture previously being played, the tempo has slowed and the texture is polyphonic almost in mourning, not fully expressed because of the interrupting woman and her comments where the song ends abruptly. this abrupt ending suggests to me that the mourning is not to be intrusive but more suggestive by allowance of sound dynamics as well as the comments mad by the man.

To expand on the mournful theme i have mentioned: To me the human race is a specie of animal that has evolved in a way that has been selected for by nature. that which has been selected for is what works for the most part and is thus not perfect. given that this specie of animal expresses error in the form of genetic disorders or environment induced disorders various "unhealthy" individuals may be born. As man has applied their use of their intellect to exploit this earth in whatever terms they see fit, this natural selection has been restricted, one aspect being that the harsh effects of the natural wild have been removed and replaced with a synthetic 'realty' allowing the existence of many individuals to exist who would have normally met death because of their inferior genotype (mental disorder among many other malfunctions in humans), phenotype (less offspring due to unattractive features in accordance with a body that is meek, genotype affect) , and/or shitty situation (which applies to all.. ex. being killed by a lion, breaking an arm, catching a cold) that leads to death. The mourning stems from mans interference of natural course. organic reality that the earth dictates to man, not the other way around. Being that man's was never suited for the power they crave and have, a few will destroy what has taken billions of years to evolve. I must stop talking because i have a calculus to do.

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