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Killswitch Engage – Let the Bridges Burn Lyrics 16 years ago
I think that the song meanings a bit of both of your comments. The song encourages people to stand up to a world that will try to hold us down. And more importantely, stand true.

"We can no longer be indifferent.
Restore this dying world.
From misery we have turned away, ignite the past, let the bridges burn." - we can no longer be indifferent about this world, its hurting, and its up to all of us to restore what this world is suppose to be. Let the past go, its full of misery, but we cant let that tie us down. Let those bridges that tie us to a painful past burn, and also lets the bridges between us burn. Because even though we claim ourselves to be a world united, we are all kept apart by racism and violence. Burn the sorry excuses and half ass bridges that supposedly tie us all together so that we may truly become one as a people.

Killswitch Engage – Break the Silence Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with Jonnyboy, the song is pretty self-explanatory. And when it comes to killswitch its hard to over-look the religious intent in their songs period. However, the second verse may be directed towards the church in some way, i think the song needs to be taken as a whole in a pretty clear message to everyone that we need to "break the silence". In other words we need to speak out, and start making this world a better place for everyone, and that wont happen unless we all contribute.

Breaking Benjamin – Evil Angel Lyrics 16 years ago
I think its interesting to see what people think of this song, and how for the most part we all think a little differently.

Some people take this song as a boy loves girl situation or a somewhat religious thing. I think people usualy interpret a song to relate to some kind of situation going on in their life at the time or in the past.

to me this song isnt so much of a boy and girl relationship. Though i think it describes a relationship in a sense.

I think the song to me describes a person who is going through a very hard time. Depression, being suicidal. He tries to hold it together, though the lies that surround his life try to bring him down. And he tries to escape from this in any way. "i have the answer, spreading the are the faith inside me" This is the voice inside, or a means of escape telling him how to get away from this, and like a disease it spreads. The faith inside him is a voice of reason in a hurtful environment.

"No, dont leave me to die here, help me survive here, alone." He's listening to his voice of reason and asking it not to leave him because its all he has left. He needs it to survive alone.

"Put me to sleep, evil angel
Open your wings, evil angel" - This is him telling this part of him to let him rest. Let him escape from his situation and put him to sleep, let this "evil angel" take over him.

The 2nd verse he says "i'm a believer, nothing could be worse, all these imaginary friends." He believes that having all this fake friends and people around him is the worst because they only further drag him down with betrayal and other things. This drives the nail. figuratively speaking, through him. and hes just hoping to find a savior, someone to help him break free. and to him that someone is this "evil angel"

When he says, "Fly over me, evil angel
Why can't I breathe, evil angel" ib believe this is when he lets the evil angel take over him, later to find out it only hurts him even more. It, flies over him, covers him and smothers him until he cant breathe.

thats just one of my interpretations of the song though i could just be rambling on, who knows.

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