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Tool – Forty Six & 2 Lyrics 16 years ago
fire dancer 76 is right as hell. I say let your shadow take control of you. Give in to your deepest thoughts

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication Lyrics 16 years ago
Its talking about, besides yody yody yaw everyknows the main subject and message deedadee. At that one spot, Alderaan was the planet that darth vaders main guy destroyed to get princess laya to talk in Star Wars. Cobain's songs have been raped and pirated all to hell??? but you get it right, we all live in california

Coldplay – Talk Lyrics 16 years ago
He must have an autistic brother. Come on people stop being so selfish and try to put yourself in other peoples shoes sometimes. Fuck how the song means to you...if the artist is good and intelligent...and listen to their fucking story, if you think they earned it. Fuck coldplay anyway, GAYASS CHICK BAND.

Tool – Lateralus Lyrics 16 years ago

Tool – Lateralus Lyrics 16 years ago
Wow, I first heard this not on drugs, but natural drugs your body produces in life threatning situations over in some perversed culture far away. n e way i think Maynard or whatever his name is. Isn't just some half way intelligent drug worshipping addict like so many people. He invents and inspires, or inspires to invent "scientifically". Someday our souls or our spirits will all just be energy...fuck all this fucking bullshit...It means shit. Speaking of science research Tool's song 'fortysix and 2'. Thats a fucking trip right there. peace pussy's

10 Years – Wasteland Lyrics 16 years ago
they have ads for for Rehab and hotlines for opiate overdoses. the signs are not really that scarce. limbs tied, skin tight--so they died, too late

System of a Down – Dreaming Lyrics 16 years ago
I want to Iraq, it sounds like they're talking about us, soldiers and these poor populations were in, you can't deny that your stupid if you think any different these guys R definately not patriots, i label them pinheads

Yael Naim – New Soul Lyrics 16 years ago
COMMERCIAL SONGS RULE !!! most of them anyway, check out The Funeral--Band of Horses, another great commercial song. I just bought it on Itunes. I think she was saved, had a spiritual epiphany, or something like that.

KoЯn – Open Up Lyrics 16 years ago
still here though, thank God

Mission of Burma – That's When I Reach For My Revolver Lyrics 16 years ago
love this song the first punk song i really ever got into, is spawn from nothin but a bunch of kids in the land before punk fads and fags, who were just some fuckin cool young fucks that just wanted to make some fuckin noise !! YEAH !!!!!! very poetic shit too, props !!

Senses Fail – Can't Be Saved Lyrics 16 years ago
We can all go hang ourselves
From gold chandeliers
And drink it back to hell
All the pain and fears
loose lips have sunk the ship
To a shallow grave
Washed up upon the rocks

that is the way it is, if i'm wrong it still is for me

Senses Fail – Can't Be Saved Lyrics 16 years ago
We can all go hang ourselves
From gold chandeliers
And drink it back to hell
All the pain and fears
loose lips have sunk the ship
To a shallow grave
Washed up upon the rocks

that is they it is, if i'm wrong it still is for me

Pearl Jam – In Hiding Lyrics 16 years ago
Sounds like he wrote this about Kurt Cobaine

Nine Inch Nails – Something I Can Never Have Lyrics 16 years ago
if its about a parent who lost thier child, then yes this song is really from a soft and red beating heart. It eats at people's souls it like summons demons of guilt and despair. If something bad happened listen to happy songs if nothing bad happened this song will just make you think about something bad that is insignificant and stupid to dwell on, especially for teenagers whose parents divorced and they just broke up with thier GF or BF and then they take a bunch of meds and get drunk listening to it...pathetic

Senses Fail – Can't Be Saved Lyrics 16 years ago
The music video pissed me off give me the means to put what I think on the screen I could make more than I Am Legend of that crap. Had him, maybe, in like 10th grade ?? come on ! Passing some note, give me a break ? He was a helpless alcholic in the 10th grade where did grow up Compton, a trailor park in Alabama, it looked like a private school. And he got a date with the girl of school crush dreams. WTF dude you completely ignored the creative part of brain and wanted to televise and document some happy moment in your life. THX dude, you suck !! This song used to mean something to me. stupid emo you would be a total hottie with a make over from scotty

KoЯn – Dead Bodies Everywhere Lyrics 16 years ago
stupid kid with a love hate relationship with his mom and dad...stupid the music is cool and when he says dead bodies everywhere Jon could've just said "dead bodies everywhere" and it would be cool, he needed to be creative and give better reasons why this psychopath wants to kill everyone. But hey, a psychopath is a psychopath, guess they don't need a good reason because they're crazy to them that is a big enough reason. Maybe its how Jonathan D. felt when he was really young, kids will think about that stuff sometimes, innocently though.

KoЯn – Open Up Lyrics 16 years ago
I had a VARIATION of the same thing in my head before it came out, it wasn't very cool and i was semi conscience

KoЯn – Open Up Lyrics 16 years ago
when you get high on most drugs people open up the one's who still try to keep everything in go crazy, more paranoid than the drug they are taking (pot, H, K, X, Cid, crack, whatever can be taking orally or like junk you can sense it in your mouth even if you shoot up/opening up isn't what usually happens on H though)

Choking you gently
gaining control
hand you the shovel
to dig your own hole

Its Satan talking to some1 right before they might die of a drug overdose maybe, he's like open up let it all go pierce the tounge that keeps telling lies-God's on the other end of the line put his ass on hold it's your mind fucking with you, if you die fuck it, just let it go
your corrupted by some sick fuck, oh no--is kind of sarcastic when you can't breath your mouth gets dry on an H OD, or it could be Vomit, or he could be in the Amblulance and theyre pumping his stomach someones has a respritory recusitator or something and this is Satan's song trying to scare them or lull them. I've had the same song in my head in the same situation when I first heard this I was like, damn I've hard this before...omg...hardcore

Gary Jules – Mad World (Tears for Fears cover) Lyrics 16 years ago
It would be redundant to say the same thing every1 else has already

**see the shit above**

Seether – Fine Again Lyrics 16 years ago
kind of explains itself...just showing my love

Soul Asylum – Homesick Lyrics 16 years ago
me 2, I've lived my life by it 2. I've passed on the GDU to other people, they're usually pacifist, except a few in the SF. I think its a sad song about some1 outside of society who is trying to get this girl he likes to understand how he feels about her and why he is the way he is, so she can run away with him and start a life somewhere on the fringes of the world. And that is the home he never had, and it probably doesn't exist so its like in the 5th demension, crazy.

HIM – Vampire Heart Lyrics 16 years ago
what is this ? a love song for mickey and malerie knox of Natural Born killers, come on people this is retarded i can just see two little goth idiots singing it to eachother on x making out, stupid

Cold – Send In The Clowns Lyrics 16 years ago
He says "now everything burn fire" not fine
and "I guess it just got cold in hell"

Linkin Park – Papercut Lyrics 16 years ago
and that is why is called (outwardly) "Papercut"

Your paranoia is probably worse, because most people ignore it so much, don't worry you can make it, being alone sucks-the "between time" is on avg for ages 15 to 35 (excluding sleep) is less than 1 hour a day. That movie about DeEvolution is so true. And that Ko?n song called Evolution is right on.

Linkin Park – Papercut Lyrics 16 years ago
yeah that's wierd jenny, because you don't care about your injury when you get a paper cut you get it say "ouch" or "shit" and 7 seconds later you forget you even got it. No trace of it is in your conscience it is immediately routed to your subconscience. ERGO what the song talks about is how everybody is skitzo to a certain extent, if you didn't have a voice inside you would be an ant or something, and most people try to supress their conscience to their subconscience i e the age of tech, we need to constantly put our ideas out there (like I am now) we can't suppress our thoughts anymore people who do are older ones who don't blog and tex. So young people around my age who aren't "extroverts or powerfully social" and who make a phone call here and there to thier grand parents and talk to a few co-workers eventually notice they are different, and actually think they're going insane just because they're subcounscience overlaps into their conscience a little more (like a writers, such as whoever wrote this) but this was usual for people with out 100 contacts on thier cell, and 500 myspace, facebook, AIM or whatever, and less social gatherings. They have no one to emulate the stimulation they get from this high-speed environment becomes abstract in thier minds creating a true individual with fresh idea's outside the norm. Thus creating a social freak, paranoid the whole fucking works. But, once plugged into society they sometimes crash and burn, or flourish and shine like the northern star...okay as you can see i just explained it from that very perspective

There's your song meaning--peace

Tool – Sober Lyrics 16 years ago
what's the point ? Every1 is living in altered states in comparison to every1 else, why can't we be messed up until our own death its our decision. This dude Mynard wrote it about is definately paranoid/afraid when he's not drunk. Unreliable, just lives to get drunk. What's past is prologue or what ever, live for the now and what makes you happy...regardless of the well being of others??? No, I don't suggest this song to any1 it's sad it mocks Jesus, and his Mother. They got drunk back then, too. Its nothing new. idk what i'm trying to say, this song is pure concentrated evil i e shit

Dredg – The Canyon Behind Her Lyrics 16 years ago
I was high when I heard this the first time and WOW! I am insane so I understand it, maybe something in their past that was unsettling happened and they tried to become someone else to deal with it, to try and find beauty in this mess of a world where people are massacred all the time. They are introverted and bottled up ergo the wall? They think their perspectives and feelings are in a class of there own, and they want to know if anyone out they're can relate to thier so called dilusions. Share your insanity don't be selfish, lol. Na this is a great song.

Stone Sour – Socio Lyrics 16 years ago
he told me to try again, today, or am i hearing things

Evanescence – Tourniquet Lyrics 16 years ago
gues not much is left for speculation, I need saved but everytime i think i am, its pry to late for a foolish selfish coward like me i could never be allowed in heaven...why isn't every1 else crazy its a messed up world

Evanescence – Tourniquet Lyrics 16 years ago
gues not much is left for speculation, I need saved but everytime i think i am, its pry to late for a foolish selfish coward like me i could never be allowed in heaven...why isn't every1 else crazy its a messed up world

Stone Sour – Socio Lyrics 16 years ago
songs like these i can relate to, sadly, i'm a sociopath and have no friends and i'm fighting something i can't see please someone make a cure:-(

Band of Horses – The Funeral Lyrics 16 years ago
i think he is talking about a friend who may OR may not be dead, if they died they were wreckless and didn't care about thier own life and accidentally died like drinkin n driving/drugs and OD'd. Maybe even Iraq? who ever they are they are complex and possibly very sensitive, and intimidating, (because they're insecure they compensate) if you don't really know them, not many do.
"and to know you is hard, we wonder"
--emotional introverts are hard to figure out until something bad happens, such as the tragic death of a loved one, and war?--
"to know all wrong, we were"
"really to late to call so we wait to morning to wake you is all we got"
--this reminds me of someone who OD'd after seeing some fucked up
shit he never got over, he acted like a bad ass, but deep in side it was all love, so no one called that often to open up to him--
"to know me as hardly golden-to know me all wrong, they were"
he keeps saying 'i'm only coming up to show you down for it, hold you under, show you wrong' he obviously isn't as negative as whoever it is about but it definately had a possitive and lasting impression on him, props to who wrote this, you all play a kick ass song.

Band of Horses – The Funeral Lyrics 16 years ago
i woke up in my room with a hangover at 5pm didn't know how i got here and i though i was dead and someone wrote it about me...i wish. whoever you are people loved you, and still fucking do!

Band of Horses – The Funeral Lyrics 16 years ago
i think he is talking about a friend who may OR may not be dead, if they died they were wreckless and didn't care about thier own life and accidentally died like drinkin n driving/drugs and OD'd. Maybe even Iraq? who ever they are they are complex and possibly very sensitive, and intimidating, (because they're insecure they compensate) if you don't really know them, not many do.
"and to know you is hard, we wonder"
--emotional introverts are hard to figure out until something bad happens, such as the tragic death of a loved one, and war?--
"to know all wrong, we were"
"really to late to call so we wait to morning to wake you is all we got"
--this reminds me of someone who OD'd after seeing some fucked up
shit he never got over, he acted like a bad ass, but deep in side it was all love, so no one called that often to open up to him--
"to know me as hardly golden-to know me all wrong, they were"
he keeps saying 'i'm only coming up to show you down for it, hold you under, show you wrong' he obviously isn't as negative as whoever it is about but it definately had a possitive and lasting impression on him, props to who wrote this, you all play a kick ass song.

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