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Regina Spektor – Blue Lips Lyrics 16 years ago
I get chills listening to this song.

In my opinion, it is about the history of religion and humanity, as the two are forever tied. Also, the hypocrisy of people who claim to be religious but end up become hypocrites.

It first begins with a religious leader (like Abraham) who "stumbles into faith, and thought this is all there is."

Then, humanity begins to follow, even though they didn't actually ever see any proof that he's right: "And no one saw and no one heard, they just followed lead." They are all united by these "breathing pictures" alighted in their mind, some great unifying idea like Monotheism, in which all the gods become One.

After this big spiritual revelation, though, people slowly stray from their ideals and begin to "hurry by real fast, and no one ever smiled."
They became exactly what they were fighting against,

"They made it past the enemy lines
Just to become enslaved in the assembly lines."

The part about the knowledge tree getting made into picket fences is so beautiful. And also, the protestors who end up becoming just the people they were protesting. Its about hypocrisy, and human nature.

Regina Spektor – Rockland County Lyrics 16 years ago
This is such a great song. It feels so real and personal.

The part that speaks to me is when she says how "They think that today/ It's so different /They believe that immigrants/ Shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore."

It's the ultimate hypocrisy of American society: we're all descendants of immigrants, yet we forget and try to keep new immigrants from coming. like "illegal" immigration.

Regina Spektor – A Cannon Lyrics 16 years ago
crazy happy song. does everything have to make sense?

Regina Spektor – December Lyrics 16 years ago
This is one of my favorite Regina songs. I always get goosebumps listening to it...

The whole theory about the last part being about god fits perfectly.

however, I always tend to relate it to my life whenever I hear it. Mostly, the messed up relationships among my little group of friends.

"Come on and say you're sorry for all the trouble that you've caused, can't you see all this love?"

It's like someone loves you and you don't love them back.

I discovered this song this December, too, and it really got to me.

Regina Spektor – Mermaid Lyrics 16 years ago
Lovely lyrics... a modernized fairy tale, the way Hans Christian Anderson would have liked. The Little Mermaid was much darker in its original version... it had a sad ending.

This may be about a girl who feels like a mermaid who's sold her tail... she's got very romantic ideas about herself and the world, but she's made some bad choices that didn't work out the way she had hoped.

Regina Spektor – Folding Chair Lyrics 16 years ago
This seems like a really happy, upbeat song, but at the end, as with many Regina songs, this a tinge of sadness to the whole thing. on the outside everything is happy and light, but "there's a shadow, you can't see my eyes"

I love the line: "The sea is just a wetter version of the skies". So beautiful!

Regina Spektor – Small Town Moon Lyrics 16 years ago
I'm just thinking... maybe I'm a little off-base here, but does anyone see the connection between this song and It's A Wonderful Life? George Baily can't leave his small town without hurting everyone, so he's stuck there forever. He's always trying "must have left a thousand times"

He wants to lasso the moon for his girlfriend... "small town moon"

"Don't you worry"-- don't worry about the money...

what do people think? maybe it's just me...

Regina Spektor – Pound of Flesh Lyrics 16 years ago
Regina continues to amaze me with the literary references. Never would have caught that Merchant of Venice bit, although I did look up Ezra Pound, who, consequently, was an anti-semite and a bit of a snob.

The whole song has an even darker edge to it when you realize how it's about riddled with antisemitism.

"if you're never sorry, you can't be forgiven, you can't be forgotten, you must live forever..." lovely chilling lyrics.

Regina Spektor – Patron Saint Lyrics 16 years ago
There's more at the end--- at least, in the version I have, she ends it singing: "Pain, pain--oh--pain, pain, knowing... true love exists!"

I think this song is about someone who is falling in love with a girl, even though she's a mess and the relationship is bound to be a disaster. "She'll break your heart, too"

This girl has some real problems, she's not exactly stable. "She's been pouring her drinks down the sink"-- maybe she has some kind of a eating disorder or a drinking problem. "She's been skipping days"-- she's not always there completely.

But still, no matter how much warning this guy receives, he still knows that "true love exists" even though it's broken and lame.

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