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Bowerbirds – The Marbled Godwit Lyrics 14 years ago
when you say that media tells us that we need to have this and that, does it ever occur to you that music does the same exact thing? not knocking the band or the cause, because they are both very good, but I just thought I'd throw that out there as something to mull over.

Radiohead – Fitter Happier Lyrics 16 years ago
i know that thom does make references quite often to 1984, but i don't think this song is one of them. this song has many different levels. i think it is about trying desperately to feel normal and fit in, but then realizing that normal is also giving up his freedom to be himself, however screwed up it may be. which is why it's in a computerized voice, because he sees that becoming the perfect citizen also means becoming a robot and losing himself.
He wants to be sane and normal, but it's just not himself.
that's what i think, anyway. i may be way off base.

Radiohead – Big Ideas (Don't Get Any) (A.K.A. Nude) Lyrics 16 years ago
am I the only one who's noticed that the ending is almost identical to a song on the little mermaid?

Radiohead – Big Ideas (Don't Get Any) (A.K.A. Nude) Lyrics 16 years ago
am I the only one who's noticed that the ending is almost identical to a song on the little mermaid?

Flobots – Handlebars Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is not necessarily talking about America, per say. It's about power, and how it is so easy to abuse.

Coldplay – Politik Lyrics 16 years ago
wow. so many horrible things said of America, and so many biased and ridiculous things said by Americans.
I believe that all human suffering is something to be scorned, and that every country that has to lose any of it's citizens suffers as equally as America, or the UK, or Africa, or Israel.
I can't believe that some are actually posting such racist things as, "fuckin yanks, I dont mean americans all up...I mean the white americans...fuckin red basterds piss me off..." or ridiculous things like, "You might be the richest nation on Earth - you're also the f**king thickest." (where did we get our money, accidentally stumbling upon a treasure chest?).
I find kb443's post to be extremely biased and self-centered. Patriotism is one thing (hell, I am patriotic), but blind patriotism is another.
All that aside, I believe we should listen to this song, and interpret it as we see fit.
we should stop fighting about who did what and how America is either evil or amazing. we should just do what the song recommends:

"Give me love over this."

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