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Neko Case – At Last Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree with littlelindsayy about the message of the song, but I think "relation, now, means nothing" could demonstrate that by the time life is nearing its end and a person feels accomplished, thier earthly bonds with people become unimportant. It no longer matters who she has been tied to her whole life; she has shaped her own identity and is ready to depart into a new world.

Neko Case – John Saw That Number Lyrics 16 years ago
Does anyone think this is a satire? I was surprised at first by the seemingly religious nature of this song, but describing John with "horns" makes me think otherwise. Maybe she's criticizing people's blind faith in their leaders?

The Weepies – Nobody Knows Me At All Lyrics 16 years ago
I love the first line "When I was a child, everybody smiled." It captures how people depict the world as such a happy place to children but are actually feeling pain all along. This line almost questions where these smiles went, since now she is not a child and nobody is smiling anymore. It also seems to show the sadness at seeing who people actually are once you're old enough to not be treated with smiles always. She liked the world better when everyone smiled at her and wonders why the world isn't as happy a place as it seemed like. What a great song.

Rilo Kiley – A Man/Me/Then Jim Lyrics 16 years ago
I love how the slow fade of love has a "soft edge" and a "mist." These things seem so calm and harmless, yet they whittle away at love and before you know it they "cut you" or "choke you." People don't even realize their love is fading because it's so "gradual" and comes in slowly like mist or a soft cut, but before they know it they are transformed into a completely different person. It takes out your life from underneath you without you even realizing it, leaving you stranded in a "life you never meant." I LOVE this song.

Jenny Lewis – Rise Up with Fists!!! Lyrics 16 years ago
I love the line "I'd better wake up"
It's like people are instantly becoming perfect because someone else says they are, so they take the easy way out by having plastic surgery and being analyzed. This line shows the pressure she has to conform, like everyone is saying "look how great this is, you can be younger, smarter, more logical instantly, so you should do it to." So here shes saying that everyone expects her to take the easy way out of life and just "wake up" and instantly become better. Since a lot of songs on this album criticize commercialism and Hollywood, she continues to refuse to conform here. Brilliant

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