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Aesop Rock – None Shall Pass Lyrics 16 years ago
Well I'll give this song a shot:

The first verse refers to mainstream rap.

"Flash that buttery gold, jittery zeitgeist wither by the watering hole, what a patrol, what are we to heart huckabee art fuckery suddenly? Not enough young in his lung for the waterwings?"

Not 100% sure on this, but I think this is describing the banality mainstream rap. The jittery zeitgeist withering refers to the same old attitude portrayed in alot of rap, and the whole "not enough youing in his lung for the waterwings?" implies that they keep reusing an old formula.

"Colorfully vulgar poacher outta mulch like "I'm 'a pull the pulse out a soldier and bolt".

The poacher is a gangsta who uses the same crap (mulch) in his lyrics, about killing getting away with it.

"Fine. Sign of the time we elapse when a primate climb up a spine and attach. Eye for an eye by the bog's life swamps and vines, they get a rise out of frogs and flies, so when a dog fight's hog-tied prize sorta costs a life, the mouths water on a fork and knife, and the allure isn't right."

The gangsta (primate), the hood (bog).
Since alot of violence is eye for an eye, this says that the gangs feed off of the violence (get a rise), and when one dies (prize sorta costs a life), they feed off it which is wrong (the allure isn't right)

"It's gore on a war torn beach where the cash cow's actually beef. Blood turns wine when it leak for police like that's not a riot it's a feast, let's eat."

The cash cow is the longevity of the gang and they feed off peoples (beef) suffering, so they feast.

"And I will remember your name and face on the day you are judged by the funhouse cast
And I will rejoice in your fall from grace with a cane to the sky like 'None Shall Pass'"

Aesop says that he will look forward to the day that people (funhouse cast) finally judge them and he will be happy at their fall from grace.

"If you never had a day a snow cone couldn't fix, you wouldn't relate to the rogue vocoder blitz, how he spoke thru a no-doz motor on the fritz, cuz he wouldn't play roll over fetch like a bitch, and express no regrets, though he isn't worth a homeowner's piss to the jokers who pose by the glitz."

I'm really not sure on this one but I think that this says that you can't relate to rap song (rogue vocoder blitz) if you never were involved in gangs (day a snow cone couldn't fix). How rap goes so fast (no-doz motor(mouth) on the fritz). "Roll over and fetch like a bitch" means that the rapper wouldn't live a normal life (have a job and such), and they don't feel bad about it even though they aren't worth anything compared to normal society(homeowners, jokers who pose by the glitz).

"Fine. Sign of the swine in the swarm when a king is a whore who comply and conform."

He talks about how most rappers (swine in the swarm) are swine, since the best of them (kings) are those who comply and not do original material.

"Miles outside of the eye of the storm, with a siphon to lure out a prize and award, while avoiding the vile and bazaar that is violence and war, true blue triumph is more, like wait, let it snake up outta the centerfold, let it break the walls of jericho, ready?"

This is where Aesop says that he is different. He is outside the mainstream, and his music is the lure that gets people out of the mainstream since he stays away from the "violence and war". The snake up out of the centerfold, break the walls of jericho says that he is going to take people by surprise.

"GO. Sat where the old cardboard city folk swap tales with heads like every other penny throw."

Not sure but i think this means that his songs actually have meanings since they "swap tales". If someone else thinks something else please tell.

"OK, woke to a grocery list. It goes like this: duty and death. Anyone object, come stand in the way, you could be my little snake river canyon today, and I ran with a chain of commands and a jet pack strap where the back-stab lands if it can."

This is about the government now. The grocery list describes his thoughts on the military and if anyone disagrees with him they should argue with him and maybe lead to his downfall (snake river canyon). The backstab describes how some betrayl is common.

"Fine. Sign of the vibe in the crowd when I cut a belly open to find what climbs out."

Cutting open someone shows what they are truly thinking, since there is so much lying in politics nowadays.

"What a bit of gusto he muster up, to make a dark horse rush like enough's enough, it musta struck a nerve so they huff and puff, til all the king's men fluster and clusterfuck,"

The dark horse is Aesop rock, and since the rap industry and government got him so mad, he started doing something till they are undermined(fluster and clusterfuck).

"and it's a beautiful thing, to my people who keep an impressive wingspan even when the cubicle shrinks, you gotta pull up the intruder by the root of the weed, NY chew thru the machine."

This is pretty straightforward, but the root of the weed is the politician, and you have to remove the evil from the root.

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