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TV on the Radio – Will Do Lyrics 13 years ago
The meaning is pretty self explanatory; it's about love.
I just wanted to say that this song is HOT.

The National – Anyone's Ghost Lyrics 13 years ago
I don't believe it's nearly as much of a relationship song as it is about somebody who -- and I'm sure we've all knownn somebody like this -- goes into a self-imposed exile from their friends, and becomes more or less a recluse, uninvolved and disconnected; floating in and out of their lives as a ghost would. I think the first and second verses make this point.
This could come about as a result of a breakup, or of unrequited love I'm sure, which would explain the "I don't want anybody else" and "I had a hole in the middle where the lightning went through it, told my friends not to worry" lines, with the second of these lines possibly referring to the feeling in his heart, whether it be from his love, or his disconnect from his friends.
The chorus could then be more of a vague statement, directed towards either his friends or his love. He doesn't want to continue to follow them/her about like a ghost, while remaining emotionally detatched.

of Montreal – Nonpareil of Favor Lyrics 15 years ago
A great opening song, I wish it would kept on the same track as the songs beginning, because it's one of the best you might call..."mini song sections" that make up this entire album. I just think it's meant to set the stage for the relationship themes for the rest of the album with a sort of description of one of his own relationships. No super hidden meanings as far as I'm aware.

The New Pornographers – Loose Translation Lyrics 16 years ago
Why has only one other person commented this song? It's one of the best off Electric Version, if not THE best. I'm not sure, I think it could relate to how some people's presonalities change so much while going through schooland how if somebody ends up in the wrong group instead of with you it can cause them to change for the worse. Just a thought.

The Notwist – One with the Freaks Lyrics 16 years ago
I believe this song is most clearly describing how anything can be lost in a moment. One second you can be the lifeguard, info guy, etc. (Basically the person everyone comes to for something) but really you're feeling the pressure of it. (The whole on your knees line.) and if you miss one thing, you're one with the freaks, an outcast, a nobody again. Everything you worked so hard to achieve is gone. Either way, cool song.

The Notwist – This Room Lyrics 16 years ago
While I like herbivore's take on it, I think he might be over analysing it. I truly believe it's just about the feeling of being trapped in life, with a sort of paranoid, dreamlike feel. Then again, it's a song, so I think that anyone should be able to interpret it however they want

The New Pornographers – Streets of Fire (Destroyer cover) Lyrics 16 years ago
I like WOXvonWubbins suggestion best. Haha.
But no really, great song. Sorry I can't help more, bt Bejar hardly ever makes sense lyrically. But that's what so damn great about it. Interpretation!

Nine Inch Nails – Echoplex Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is at this point my favorite off of The Slip. The lyrics seem to state one of the recently more comon Nine Inch Nails themes of fading out without any remembrance. Losing your voice and importance within society. Again though, cool song.

Arcade Fire – Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) Lyrics 16 years ago
I like a few ideas now that I'm reading them, but I always imagined it as a song describing social decay and what happened for example if all the power just went out, and if the parents were (or leaders) were just oblivious and let it happen. Kids would be dying in the snow, hanging from power lines, all society would simply decay. Nobody would know what to do ("what's the plan?") And it's up to us to take the light from our hearts and help fix everything again.

Arcade Fire – Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) Lyrics 16 years ago
This and Rebellion (Lies) are the best songs on Funeral, easily. The lyrics are pretty straightforward metaphors and such....great stuff.

Radiohead – Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors Lyrics 16 years ago
...Up, nevermind, I was thinking of I Might Be Wrong there instead of Pyramid Song, and thought I was on to something. Ha, I fucked up.

Radiohead – Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors Lyrics 16 years ago
Drealoth nailed it. Nothing much else to say, interesting song though. Mabye it's just me, but I think that mabye the reason it has the same ending as Pyramid Song is because Pyramid Song seems to relate to religion and death, and that this song, as Drealoth mentioned, is about choices, some that you can't turn back from, being trapped into them, and religion could be a primary choice. (Mabye you'll regret it at the end of your life?) Idk, just giving my input.

Radiohead – Where I End and You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.) Lyrics 16 years ago
Okay, mabye this doesn't make any sense at all, but does anyone see it as sort of like a human, apologizing to the earth ("I'm sorry for us") for everything that mankind will do in the future.
There's a gap in between where he dies, and mankind makes the sky turns green (Waste, pollution, etc.)
And he's up in the clouds watching this (Dead) and has no way of changing things.
And soon "x will mark the place" in time when the earth ends suddenly (War?) and everybody dies, etc.
And mankind is "eaten alive" and there's no more lies. Everything is pure again, purged of our existence.

Mabye I'm a bit too out there, mabye Thom Yorke's sitting down and reading this laughing and saying to the rest of the band, "Hell! I just threw a bunch of shit together and tied it off with a canabalism line!"

Oh well, mabye somebody finds this interesting.

Radiohead – I Might Be Wrong Lyrics 16 years ago
Honestly, I know this may sound a bit simplistic, but I always saw this song as about being at peace with death, in sort of the same style as pyramid song.
Especially when he says the line:

"Open up, begin again
Let's go down the waterfall
Think about the good times
Never look back
Never look back"

"Open up and begin again" Like a new in the afterlife
"Lets go down the waterfall" Would just symbolize the tunnel, the light, hell, an escalator, whatever you see as the way you're going to the afterlife.
"Think about the good times and never look back" sort of explains itself.

Now that I think about it it could be a combination of the Religion thing and death. Just felt like throwing that idea out there, either way, the song's brilliant.

Serj Tankian – Money Lyrics 16 years ago
Definetly not bad, but it's definetly not system.

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